Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2017: The person introduced is her, can't afford it

Because these two people, Tang Zhongjing can't provoke anyone.

\"What's going on?\" Tang Zhongjing asked.

Zhang Feng said: \"It's such a simple thing~~~\"

After speaking briefly, Tang Zhongjing sighed helplessly and said: "Hey, I can't care about your young people!!"

\"Uncle Tang, do you want to introduce someone to me!?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Tang Zhongjing said helplessly: "It's her!"

\"No way?\"

Zhang Feng was surprised.

Tang Zhongjing smiled helplessly: "Let's eat, I'll go to cook!"

Zhang Feng also stood up and went to eat. They were not eating at the training base today, but in the dining hall.

After the two had finished their meal, they sat down and talked while eating.

\"Uncle Tang, what did you introduce her to me?\" Zhang Feng asked:\"Or she needs help?\"

\"Let you know each other!\" Tang Zhongjing said:\"She is a good girl!\"

Now Zhang Feng understood, and looked at Tang Zhongjing unexpectedly: \"Uncle Tang, I am a person with family affairs!\"

However, Zhang Feng did not expect that Tang Zhongjing’s next words would make Zhang Feng unable to answer, so he said: "Are you still one more?"

Zhang Feng couldn't answer. Tang Zhongjing knew about Zhang Feng's troubles. Zhang Feng and Yun Qian didn't formally register their marriage or even the wedding because there are too many women.

In Tang Zhongjing's view, Zhang Feng and Yun Qian wouldn't register, otherwise what about his women?

It is still impossible to say that all immigration is possible.

It is best to maintain this state. Tang Zhongjing saw in Zhang Feng's body that he was extraordinary and no longer in the world.

People with that great ability do not mean that they can get more, but that they are different. They will do something different if they are different from the worldly people.

In fact, Tang Zhongjing still didn't know Zhang Feng's strength very well. For example, he didn't even know Mike, a hidden genius, about his strength abroad.

In Tang Zhongjing's opinion, there are not many Zhang Fengs. Chang Xiaoran, this girl is indeed suitable for Zhang Feng, and only Zhang Feng can hold it down.

\"What? You don't like her?\" Tang Zhongjing asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Uncle Tang, I don't know her, so I have seen her twice, and I only knew her name just before. Ask me if I like her, how can I say it!"

\"Also!\" Tang Zhongjing said embarrassedly:\"This is why I want to introduce it!\"

\"Uncle Tang, I don't think so, I can't afford it!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"It's okay, don't force it!\" Tang Zhongjing said: \"Today they trained better than yesterday, and their condition is much better than yesterday!\"

Tang Zhongjing shifted the topic to business.

\"They are used to it, and they will get better tomorrow. In a sense, they are resting like this!\" Zhang Feng said.

Tang Zhongjing nodded.

The next day, Zhang Feng still came here for dinner. He wandered around in the army and arrived at the meal. He didn't think so much before he went in for dinner.

Zhang Feng had just finished his meal, and before he had a bite, he saw Chang Xiaoran coming over with two female soldiers.

At a glance, she saw Zhang Feng in the corner where no one was going to sit. Zhang Feng saw her approaching angrily and hurried away with a meal.

But soon she was blocked by her, standing in front of Zhang Feng and said angrily: "Zhang Feng, are you still a man? Hide when you see me, what to hide?"

\"This~~~ Comrade Colonel, are you looking for something to do with me?\" Zhang Feng smiled, his posture is much lower than yesterday.

Chang Xiaoran said: "You come out with me!"

This tone has eased a lot.

\"Yes!\" Zhang Feng responded.

With what Tang Zhongjing said yesterday, to introduce her to herself, she is also an acquaintance anyway. Yesterday’s misunderstanding is not a big problem. They are all adults.

She knew her name, and she must have known her identity, Tang Zhongjing had told her.

When they arrived outside in a corner with no one, the two faced each other, and Chang Xiaoran said to Zhang Feng: \"Zhang Feng, I am so unwelcome to you?\"

\"No!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Then what are you hiding?\"

\"Afraid to provoke you!\"

\"You know you provoke me, huh!\"

Chang Xiaoran looked very angry, but he seemed to have lost his anger, as if he was acting like a baby.

"Then what, comrade colonel, what else is going on? If it's okay, I will go to dinner first, and there will be training later!" Zhang Feng said.

This girl is pretty, with a natural righteousness between her eyebrows, she should have been born in the red house.

Zhang Feng can't provoke it anymore, he really can't, because Zhang Feng's situation does not allow it, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

\"Something's going on!\" Chang Xiaoran has put down her figure, she can't float in front of absolute strength, especially after knowing that Zhang Feng is the instructor of the special operations team, she is in awe.

\"Comrade Colonel, please say!\"

\"You taught me fighting and Sanda, just like yesterday!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

"Comrade Colonel, I’m a three-legged cat kung fu, I can play, but I can’t get on the table. There are many fighting and Sanda masters in the army, you can learn from them!"

\"Do you teach?\"

A bit arrogant, it is probably in her bones.

\"I really can't!\" Zhang Feng said: \"I'm going to eat first, Comrade Colonel!\"

Saying that Zhang Feng is about to leave.

\"Zhang Feng, how can I teach me? Do you want me to worship you as a teacher?\"

When Chang Xiaoran caught up, she really didn't believe it, and based on her own conditions and background, she couldn't let Zhang Feng yield.

And she fell in love with Zhang Feng, who was better than him in this army, plus yesterday's encounter with Chang Xiaoran, she decided that it was arranged by heaven, and that's how a beautiful relationship came about.

Zhang Feng left without looking back. The children who grew up in this kind of family had toughness and willpower that were different from those of ordinary people. They were motivated and not afraid of hardships.

Encountering such a girl, Zhang Feng is not blessed.

\"Hmph, I really don't believe it!\"

Chang Xiaoran clenched his fists.


The phone rang, and Chang Xiaoran took it out to see that it was his mother's call.

As soon as I answered the answer, I heard my mother say: "Xiao Ran, you can't be late at night!"

\"Mom, I said I don’t need to introduce to me, can’t I just get married?\"Chang Xiaoran said badly:\"Just thinking about driving me out!\"

\"Mom thinks about you too!\"

\"Mom, I know, I won't go anyway, and I found it, I found it myself!\" Zhang Feng appeared in Chang Xiaoran's mind.

\"Really? Who is he? How is he? Who are his parents? In which unit?\"

\"Mom, you are here again, I won't tell you anymore!\"

Chang Xiaoran hung up the phone, and she decided to find Zhang Feng.

A girl like her would do it right away when she thought of it, so she went to the cafeteria to have a meal and sat in front of Zhang Feng. The two of them just sat without talking.

This surprised many people. Wasn't it tense yesterday?

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