Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2032: Fight with me? He still ran away!

A dozen soldiers were puzzled, but they executed it and quickly changed their clothes.

Chang Xiaoran didn't move, standing there watching.

When the soldiers only had one piece left, Zhang Feng said coldly: \"Change this too!\"

The soldiers hesitated, because there is still a woman here.

\"Execute!\" Zhang Feng said again.

\"Zhang Feng, you~~~\" Chang Xiaoran was very angry, she knew it was Zhang Feng deliberately.

At this time, the soldiers moved very fast, and Chang Xiaoran couldn't stop it. Seeing that it was about to happen, Chang Xiaoran quickly turned around and dared not look.

Zhang Feng ignored them.

\"Haha!\" Zhang Feng sneered.

Fight with me?

Chang Xiaoran heard his laughter and was so angry! But she still didn't dare to look back.

Really dare not. With so many men, her girly heart can't bear it, no matter how strong she is, whether the captain is a colonel or whatever, first of all she is a girl who has never been out of the cabinet and has never talked with her boyfriend, let alone What kind of excessive physical contact has been with a man, so how dare she look at it.

Now she can only be angry.

Soon the soldiers were dressed, standing firmly in front of Zhang Feng, waiting for Zhang Feng's order. Although they didn't know Zhang Feng's rank, they were all willing to listen to Zhang Feng.

\"Go to the playground and run for ten kilometers, you can't stop, take out all your strength and speed every step of the run, go!\" Zhang Feng said.


A dozen soldiers went out with a neat pace.

After they went out, Chang Xiaoran rushed in front of Zhang Feng and said angrily: "Zhang Feng, do you have any other tricks, but Chang Xiaoran will follow it! Anyway, I have a one-week holiday, so you go to the toilet. Follow, see if you teach me!\"

\"This kind of weather is too hot, I'll take a shower first! \" Zhang Feng ignored her words and subtly changed the subject.

Then Zhang Feng went into the bathroom. Chang Xiaoran struggled here. Would you like to go in?

Just guarding the door, he can't run.

Yes, that's it.

Sprinkle~~~ The sound of water soon came from the shower, the sound of running water.

Chang Xiaoran waited. After waiting for a long time, Zhang Feng didn't come out. Instead, he waited for the boss of the dormitory soldier, a platoon leader.

Seeing Chang Xiaoran wearing a military uniform in his soldier's dormitory, although the platoon leader was mentally prepared, he was still frightened and immediately saluted.

\"It's okay, I'll take a look here, go ahead!\" Chang Xiaoran said awkwardly.

\"Yes!\" The platoon leader left in confusion.

Didn’t you say that the instructor of the special team is here? Why is it missing?

Chang Xiaoran waited for another half an hour, and there was still the sound of water inside. She knew it was Zhang Feng deliberately. She took a bath inside to see who has survived, Chang Xiaoran thought in her heart.

So she sat down and waited.

After waiting for more than half an hour, she found something was wrong, the sound of the water inside remained unchanged, it seemed that it was just the sound of water and no one took a bath.

She hurried over to look, and said loudly: "Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng, I have to go in if you don't come out again!"

There is no voice of Zhang Feng inside.

\"I'll say it again, Zhang Feng, I will go in if you don't come out!\"

There was still only the sound of water flowing. Chang Xiaoran didn't care about that much. He went up to open the door. The door was already locked. Chang Xiaoran raised his foot and lifted it. The door was kicked open, and there was a shadow of Zhang Feng inside.

\"Zhang Feng~~~\"

Chang Xiaoran screamed loudly.

How did he escape? There is only one window in the bathroom, and there is a stainless steel pipe blocking the window, and there is no damage to the steel pipe.

He has always been guarding the door, where did he run away?

Chang Xiaoran doubts life, is he not human? Where did you wear it out?

There is nothing else to hide in the bathroom.

No, something must have gone wrong. Could it be that he went out with those soldiers just now? Impossible, he didn't enter the bathroom until the soldiers went out.

Being able to run away under her nose, Chang Xiaoran was so angry that she was also suspicious of her own strength.

Is it so unbearable? Being so raging by Zhang Feng.

When she walked out of the dormitory, she left money to report the damage to the bathroom door of the dormitory, and then she went out to find Zhang Feng.

But she couldn't find Zhang Feng no matter how she looked, and she was so angry that she almost scratched her face.

By this time Zhang Feng was already drinking tea in Tang Zhongjing's office.

How did he come out? Is there a window in the bathroom? With his strength, the stainless steel tube could be broken off with one hand, and then installed, so that Chang Xiaoran could not see any traces.

\"She must be very angry, she waited for nearly three hours, I said Zhang Feng, do you have the heart? There are many people who pursue her, not three hundred, there are three hundred and one!" Tang Zhongjing gave Zhang Feng down Had tea.

Zhang Feng said: \"What does it have to do with me, always follow me and don't teach her a lesson!\"

\"Hey, you don't know her, the more so, the more exciting she is!\"

Tang Zhongjing sighed.

\"I don't care what she is doing, this is still unreasonable!\" Zhang Feng felt resentful.

Ha ha!

Tang Zhong smiled and said nothing.

Heavenly reason?

Regardless of whether a man or a woman pursues their own happiness, what kind of reason can there be?

What did Zhang Feng say to heaven?

\"Uncle Tang, what are you laughing at?\"

Tang Zhongjing said: "You guys, they are still very similar, maybe we can come together!"

\"Uncle Tang, you don't know me, even if I like her, her family can agree to it? Don't be kidding! \" Zhang Feng said: \ "If you talk about her stalking behavior, I am disgusted!\ "

\"I can't take care of your young people's affairs, come and have tea, I think she will find here in a while!\"

Tang Zhongjing smiled.

\"Come on!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"If it doesn't work, I think you can teach her and send her away, otherwise I will be messed up in this barracks! I can't afford to bother you two!\"

Tang Zhongjing grimaced.

\"I don't have anything to teach her! \" Zhang Feng didn't enter Tang Zhongjing's trap. It was not because of him.

Zhang Feng is not talking about this now.

\"No way, if you don't have anything to teach her, then there is nothing she can learn in the whole army!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Zhang Feng said: \"Do you want me to teach her how to kill?\"

Tang Zhongjing paused. The method of killing was right, and Zhang Summit's method was all killing.

As far as Tang Zhongjing guessed, Zhang Feng's hands were covered with blood donations. Although Tang Zhongjing believed that blood donations were badass, they were also living people.

If it were Tang Zhongjing, he couldn't accept it, and his ability to withstand it would not be that strong.

Zhang Feng is still fine.

\"I'm leaving, there is nothing wrong with you! \" Zhang Feng said and left.

As soon as I left the office door, Chang Xiaoran was greeted outside.

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