Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2039: Tears in the cemetery

The two drove out without any entourage.

The surgeon who treated Zhang Feng was the top doctor in China, and the equipment was also the best in the world. If they couldn't, it would be difficult to find a doctor with higher art in the world.

Seventy or eighty kilometers away is a small cemetery. Zhang Dashan bought some incense at the entrance of the cemetery and went in.

In the most remote part of the cemetery, there is the most inconspicuous tombstone, which is overgrown with weeds.

Zhang Dashan did not intend to remove these weeds, spread a piece of cloth on the ground, put some sacrifices, and lighted incense.

He gently pushed aside the grass blocking the front of the tombstone, revealing the epitaph above.

There is no concealment on it, there is a word: the tomb of beloved wife Murong Qingyun.

Zhang Dashan knelt down, gently stroking the words on the tombstone with his hand, closing his eyes, remembering something in his mind, wearing sunglasses, I can’t see what his eyes look like, but I can imagine what it is like .

Those years, those things, those people~~~

An indomitable man's infinite yearning for his dead wife.

The old beggar stood beside him without making a sound.

Only the two of them knew about this place, and the people away from the cemetery almost forgot this small cemetery that had no family to take care of.

Five minutes later, Zhang Dashan packed up everything, wrapped it in a cloth, and took it away. He didn't say a word here, left nothing, or even a trace.

As for the grass, it can't move!

When he arrived in the car, the old beggar whispered: "Dashan, in fact, we can let Qingyun live better now, or let Zhang Feng know! It's time!"

\"No, Gusu, not yet time!\" Zhang Dashan said in a deep voice.

\"The matter is not over. The person is probably dead and will not be found!\" said the old beggar.

Zhang Dashan said: \"Estimate? No, Gusu, there has been no news about him in these years, he must be waiting!\"

The old beggar stopped talking, because he was not sure about this.

There is nothing bad about this, he Zhang Dashan can bear it, that is his wife.

It is clearly written on the tombstone, because no one will pay attention to this place, even if it is paid attention to by someone who is interested, because no one except them knows that his wife Zhang Dashan's real name is Murong Qingyun.

Not even Zhang Feng knew.

It is so sad and tragic, extraordinary people generally have extraordinary life experiences, Zhang Feng is like this.

Military hospital!

Zhang Feng has been transferred here, and the relative treatment is better.

A lot of people came from outside the ward, all who could come, crowded the entire corridor, and the Huangquan team, who was resting at home and reading, came.

Several women were sitting there holding hands, tears on their faces.

Zhuo Chaoyun, who has a relatively weak psychological endurance, is even more so. She is still asking Yun Qian: "Yun Qian, how about Zhang Feng?"

\"He will be fine!\" Yun Qian comforted her like this, and also comforted herself.

This time is Zhang Feng's worst injury. It has been a long time since he was still in the operating room. What happened? Yun Qian didn't know either.

As a doctor, she didn't know. The nurse just took a few pieces of paper to sign for them, saying that Zhang Feng's situation is not optimistic.


In this case, Zhuo Chaoyun has asked several times.

\"Yes, he's able to turn danger to a breeze every time, can't he?\"

Yun Qian was comforting.

Yun Qian held Haohao in her arms, but Haohao didn't cry.

He said just now, said Dad said that men can only bleed but not tears, tears are an expression of incompetence, be brave!

But now Haohao asked: "Mom, what happened to Dad?"

He still couldn't help asking, no tears!

\"He is hurt!\" Yun Qian said.

Hao Hao said: \"Did the bad guy beat him? I'm going to beat the bad guy!\"

\"No, Haohao, your father was injured on a very important mission!\"

\"What task is that?\"

\"Mission for our country!\"

Hao Hao nodded. Although he didn't understand, he could feel that what Dad was doing seemed terrific.

\"Oh! \" Haohao responded:\" Then I will do it in the future!\"

Yun Qian didn't know how to answer. As a mother's instinct, she didn't want her son to do it, but could it be avoided?

Will my son live like ordinary people in the future?

Yun Qian didn't know.

Facing Zhang Feng's injury this time, Yun Qian pretended to be calm, Chen Wanru was still calm, and Sharapova was also in tears.

This woman who is stronger than a man still shed tears.

So many people stood in the corridor without saying a word.

At this moment, the old beggar and Zhang Dashan came back, and Zhang Dashan said: "You all go back, let Yun Qian be here, and one of you will be on shift again at night, not for so many people!"


Everyone responded and withdrew in turn. At this time Zhang Dashan had the most say.

After they all went out, Zhang Dashan said to Yun Qian: "Yun Qian, you take your children back, I will guard the first class!"

\"Uncle, I'll be fine! \" Yun Qian said.

\"Go!\" Zhang Dashan insisted.

\"Yes!\" Yun Qian had no choice but to respond.

When they arrived outside, everyone did not leave. The old beggar said: "Everyone, go back, Zhang Fengming is fine!"

\"Master, I know I can't ask, but everyone is really worried, you know!\" Yun Qian still asked.

\"You guys are mentally prepared!\"

The old beggar said and left.

Yun Qian's heart sank.

What kind of psychological preparation do you need? Is it to welcome Zhang Feng's death?

Yun Qian couldn't accept this fact. No, Zhang Feng wouldn't do anything else. This time he would surely be able to take the risk.

\"Let’s pray for Zhang Feng!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

Yun lightly nodded.

\"Go to church to pray?\" Sharapova asked.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "No, I went to the temple!"

\"Will it work?\" Sharapova was suspicious, and didn't go to church?

Zhuo Chaoyun said: \"Sincere is spirit!\"


A few women went together, but it was a beautiful scenery.

Hades and the others are gone too. It’s no use staying here. They have seen so many deaths and are already bearish on death, but they care about Zhang Feng very much. Zhang Feng went to the "Dragon Warrior" base and was injured. Now, they can't go there, Zhang Feng can be injured, and they are even worse.

\"Brothers, what do you want to do?\" Hades asked.

The student said: "If Fengzi fails, let's go!"

Everyone nodded.

Li Jian drove to the Huangquan team training base.

After they left, there was a woman sitting in a car not far away. She was Xing Qingqing. She had already burst into tears!

The item is top secret, and she can't say anything or show up.

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