Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2066: Additional funds, killer again?

\"I will call now!\"

When a guy said he took out his cell phone and was about to make a call, another reminded: "It's Mr. Zhu, remember not to call it wrong!"

\"I know!\" The man started calling.

"Mr. Zhu, yes, it's me, Sharo, we are being watched by them, and I dare not go out now! Okay, I know, I will do it right away!" The man named Sharo said.

After hanging up the phone, Sharo conveyed the boss's meaning to the people below.

\"We are looking for an agent, we don't need to come forward!\" Sha Luo said: \ "Mr. said, as long as Zhang Feng is not at home, we will grab his family and take the people away after they are caught!\"


Several subordinates responded softly.

\"I'll see Boss Wang in a while!\" Sharo said.



A small country on the other side of the earth has a large company. In the boss's office, a middle-aged man is making a video call with people in another place.

\"Mr. Wolfe, the things you asked me to have now come to mind. Zhang Feng’s family is in that compound. My people have been staring at him for a long time and haven’t found Zhang Feng. Maybe he will perform the task. Up!\"

\"Very well, Mr. Zhu, your people are doing a good job. He is our common enemy. We are afraid to make money with him. We must kill him so that we can make big money together and lead the era. This world is ours!\"

\"Mr. Wolf is right!\"

\"Mr. Zhu, how is our progress now? I really care about it!\"

\"At present, our nutrition base has been completed, we are just short of training people with SS-level physical talents!\"

\"Very good, faster than I expected, but I think it's not enough. The speed in Area 52 is very fast, we have to finish it before them!\"

\"This is easy to handle, we are short of money, we can do anything if we have money!\"

\"Mr. Zhu, I have invested 100 billion yuan. How much is it?\" Wolfe is obviously a little unhappy, because it involves money, who can be happy?

\"Mr. Wolf, you know that as much investment as there is, there will be as much return as I have invested in it. Now I can only eat bread and cheap fish in the sea every day!\"

Zhu Shanmao began to cry poor again.

They open this kind of thing as a gold burning cave, and they don't have enough money to invest.

\"Then I want 20% more shares! \" Wolf said: \"I will add 100 billion!\"

Zhu Shanmao said: "Mr. Wolf, 1.5!"

There was silence for a while and then said: "Good!"

\"That's great, with your hundreds of billions, we can support one year!\"

\"Mr. Zhu, next year I will see the results and see super fighters coming out!\" said Wolff.

\"no problem!\"


\"Mr. Wolf, your health is not very good, I have good news, I think you will like it very much!\"

\"Dear Mr. Zhu, just say anything!\"

Zhu Shanmao said: "There is a Kunlun Pharmaceutical Company in Kyoto, China. They have developed a drug that can reactivate human cells and improve organ function. According to intelligence, they have already had clinical trials and they have succeeded. A secret, only a few people in the world know!\"

\"Are you sure?\" Wolfe couldn't overwhelm his excitement.

He has been looking for such drugs, because he is old, the doctor said that he lived in a few years, but he was unwilling to die like this, he still has a lot of things to do.

\"If you don’t believe me, you can send someone to investigate!\" Zhu Shanmao thought for a while and said: \"Our old friend Zhang Feng’s grandmother-in-law has become younger after using this drug, but she is younger than you How old is it!\"

\"Thank you very much, my friend, I think our cooperation will be very pleasant, I decided to add another 10 billion! \" Wolf is very happy.

\"That's great!\" Zhu Shanmao is also very happy, rich.

Zhu Shanmao is also curious how much money this old man has? Squeeze him dry.

\"That's it, Mr. Zhu, I will trouble you to manage the company and speed up!\" Wolfe said and hung up the phone.

Zhu Shanmao sat in the office and pondered for a long time. In fact, his current situation is not optimistic. He lacks everything, not just money.

It's not that money can do everything as he said just now, there are many things that money can't do, such as scientists. He wants a lot of powerful scientists and a lot of technology!

He has no retreat, and he must achieve something here.

Ling Ling...

The video call rang again. It was from Wolf. Zhu Shanmao wondered, is there something big?

\"Mr. Wolf!\" Zhu Shanmao was a little cautious.

Dealing with people like Wolf is almost the same as looking for a tiger's skin, so Zhu Shanmao is always careful.

\"Mr. Zhu, the thing just said is that Zhang Feng, this person can't stay, he is not dead, I can't sleep well!\" said Wolf.

Zhu Shanmao trembled in his heart, this matter is difficult to handle, because Zhang Feng is a very powerful person, and he is not going abroad now, let alone catch him, it is difficult to hurt him!

\"Mr. Wolf, I have a way!\" Zhu Shanmao said.

\"What way, you say!\" Wolfe said nervously.

Zhu Shanmao said: "You can please killer!"

\"The killer?\" Wolfe thought he had a better way, but he did not expect this: \"What kind of killer can kill Zhang Feng?\"

Zhu Shanmao said: "There are many people in this world who are stronger than Zhang Feng. We only need to give money and enough money to invite people!"

"The point is that I don't know where they are, who they are, whether they have real strength!" said Wolfe.

\"You can go to the dark web to see, as long as you get a price, what kind of killer will take over the task, the important thing is that even the killer doesn't know who the employer is!" Zhu Shanmao said.

Zhu Shanmao has long heard of this organization. It is one of the most mysterious organizations in the world, and it is also a very old organization. It is said that it has a history of thousands of years. It is not known whether it is true or not. Anyway, it is very powerful.

It is estimated that it is really a bit historical, a hundred years ago, they may have done things like killing people and robbers.

\"Go ahead and do this, how much do I need for my money? \" said Wolfe.

There was a picture in Wolf's mind. It said that at his home a few years ago, this person suddenly appeared behind him and said something like that, he is the devil!

We must know that around Wolf's house there are regular 100 bodyguards who guard him 24 hours a day, because he has too many enemies and many people want him to die.

Zhu Shanmao said: \"According to my understanding, he has been on the dark list of the dark web twice before. His worth has reached four million US dollars, and he has failed both times. If we hire a killer, Without six million dollars, no killer organization or individual would dare to take it!\"

\"Six million dollars!\" Wolf took a breath, it was expensive.

Zhu Shanmao said: "Those who dare to accept must be some killer organizations, Mr. Wolf, you think about it!"

\"No need to think about it, in order to remove this hidden danger, it is no problem to spend much money! \" Wolf said viciously: \"Mr. Zhu, can you help me to complete it?\"

\"Of course no problem, I am willing to help!\"

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