Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2268: Nunchaku injury

"No, Brother Knife, I was wrong!" The little brother clutched his hot face, not to mention how painful it was. Brother Knife's hands were so strong, it was not the first time he was beaten.

The knife said: "Remember, if he wants to kill us, it's as simple as pinching an ant. Don't give me a fluke. If you don't want to follow me, just get out of it now. Don't turn my face and deny people when I follow. As long as I have a bite to eat, I won’t make you hungry..."

"Yes, Brother Dao, let's follow you!" The younger brothers looked like they were all devoted.

The knife said: "You have all heard it today. I don't want to say it anymore. Just tell me to be honest. All of your bad deeds before are put away for me and corrected, especially your nunchakus. From today on, don’t get rid of the face. If I find out, chop a finger!"

The nunchakus looked like a monkey, and they were very tall, like a stick. The key is that his name also has a stick character, which everyone calls him.

"Brother Knife, I..." Nunchaku was embarrassed.

How easy is it to quit?

"I know it's difficult. I told you not to touch it at the beginning. You want to try it. If you can't do it, don't follow me. Get out!" said the knife.

The nunchakus are bad all at once: "Brother Daozi, you are my brother, don't care about me, where I go, I quit, I can't quit..."

"Okay, let's close it for three days!" Said the knife: "There is food and drink, and there are games for you to play. I'll talk about it in three days!"

"Brother Knife, can you not do this?"

"No way!"


The knife made people come and replace the windows and doors of the room with iron. There was a bathroom inside, and someone was sent to look outside.

Three days passed quickly. This morning, the knife went in, and the nunchakus shrank in the corner, his eyes were red, and his body was shaking.

He knew it was a crucial moment, he took out something and put it on the table.

When the nunchaku saw the body, the eyes trembled even more, as if they were ghosts, making people scared to watch.

"You have two choices, one is to come over and **** it, and then get cut off, get out; the other is not to suck, or my brother!"

The knife said coldly, and took an axe from behind to nail it on the table.

"Dadao, Brother Dao..." Nunchaku's voice trembled.

Two brothers stood behind the knife, and their role was to hold him down.

Three minutes later, the nunchaku couldn't help it anymore, and his eyes hadn't left the pink powder on the table in these three minutes.

He pounced on his nose and sniffed, closing his eyes with the knife in pain.

"No, this is rice noodles, rice noodles, brother knife, brother knife..." Nunchaku's voice trembled.

The knife said coldly: "Do it, little finger..."

The two younger brothers behind him went up and held down the struggling nunchakus.

"Brother Knife, no, no, let me go, please, Brother Knife, we are brothers, don't cut..." Nunchaku shouted.

The knife said: "It's just because it's a brother that I did this. Still not doing it?"


The nunchaku screamed and passed out. There was blood on the table, and a finger was in a pool of blood.

The two little brothers shook their hands.

"This is also a lesson for you. If you forget this moment, if Brother Feng makes a move, it is more than just a finger!" said the knife.

"Yes, Brother Dao!" the younger brother responded.

"Send him to Old One!"


Lao Yi, a very humble doctor in a small clinic near the outside of the old city, has more people seeking medical treatment at night than during the day.

People on the road who are injured and inconvenient to go to the hospital will go to him. Even if he charges a lot, everyone is willing to pay, and they will not come back to harass him.

This is balance!

It is said that he used to be the attending doctor in a major hospital, and he missed to save a child. His mother was the eldest sister on the road and later married.

"Do you want to connect it?"

In the cramped operating room, the old man was wearing a white coat and standing beside him with a knife.

"You can pick it up, if you can't pick it up, then forget it!" said the knife.

"Fifty thousand plus favors." Old Yi said: "One hundred thousand, it's not a favor!"

"do it!"

Fifty thousand, not much!

In fact, it is very expensive. The knife is more than 50,000 yuan per favor, and the oldest one will count.

The wife of the first year before last needed money for production, and the knife gave a lot of money. The money was quickly repaid, but the favor has not yet been repaid.

The nunchaku woke up when the sky didn't light up the next morning.

"Nunchakus, do you know how much Brother Knife lost for you?" A little brother was accompanying him.


The little brother said it.

After listening to the nunchaku, tears flowed down, crying like a child: "I'm sorry Brother Daozi, it's me... why save me?"

"Because you are his brother!"


Zhang Feng doesn't know what Daozi has done in the past three days. The demolition in the old city has already begun. All the residents have agreed to the demolition, which is very smooth.

In addition to researching transformation and repair, the current thing is to build the company.

For the construction company, Zhang Feng said to Secretary Jiang in this way: "We do not have any outsourcing, we must guarantee direct property, and this can also guarantee quality from top to bottom. These days we need a construction company, you go and set up One or one acquisition will be completed in half a month!"


Zhang Feng said before this. Secretary Jiang is ready. She said: "I think it is more cost-effective to buy a company, because most of them are ready-made. This is the situation of several companies. take a look."

Secretary Jiang showed Zhang Feng a lot of documents, dozens of pages.

"You are sure to do it, then go directly to negotiate and win at the least cost!" Zhang Feng didn't even look at it.


Secretary Jiang knew that President Zhang didn't say much about urination like this.

She said: "This Chengtai construction is more in line with our standards. Take a look, and then sign and we will take down this company!"

Zhang Feng directly signed the last page, which is an investment of tens of millions!

"Okay, let's do it!" Zhang Feng said.


Zhang Feng said: "Oh, right, you can leave these things to the people below to take care of them, you don't have to do everything personally!"

"I know!" Secretary Jiang said, "What else do you want?"

Recently, she doesn't call Zhang Feng very much. Does she always call her name directly in the company? Before, he refused to call President Zhang...

"Yes, you can let the Legal Department come here!" Zhang Feng said.


After a while, the Minister of Legal Affairs came. She was a woman, a very refined woman in her thirties.

"President Zhang, are you looking for me?" Director Su Xincheng said respectfully.

At this moment Secretary Jiang is about to go out, and Zhang Feng said, "Qingyan, there is a case. You and Minister Su will follow it. It won't take too much time!"


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