Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2324: Breaking orders tonight!

Manager He is not worried that they will not give money, because so many people, where can they go, besides, Han Shao said that all of them are invited by him.

Don't worry at all.

Breaking orders tonight!

The commission is definitely not low. Everyone can have a commission, and their enthusiasm will be even higher. After today’s wave of guests go back, their business will get better and better tomorrow. We must take advantage of this popularity and make a good search. .

Manager He was busy, thinking in his head.

Now Han Shaohua is eating very slowly. He is waiting, waiting for the beauty over there to leave, then he will follow out, and after going out, find a chance to get rid of the waste, or give him a sum of money.

If it doesn't work, just use some means.

Han Shaohua had played with this kind of thing years ago.

"Shao Han, why don't you eat it!" Li Mengqin was curious, seeing him a bit careless.

"Eat, eat slowly, you have to eat slowly, and we will eat something else later, there are so many delicious things here!" Han Shaohua said.

"Yes!" Li Mengqin smiled.

It would also be nice to be able to spend more time with Han Shao.

"Do you really like to listen to Ayou's "A Life Without Love"? It seems that you have been listening to it all the time, and you can also put it in the car!" Li Mengqin was about to speak on time.

The Korean family also has an entertainment company, but it is relatively small, but it is also an entertainment company, with many stars, producing many serial movies and so on.

She wanted to enter the company through Han Shaohua, and slowly got up inside.

When the time comes to be famous, naturally there is no need to go to Yunfeng Entertainment in a low voice.

It also has nothing to do with Zhang Feng. Maybe Yunfeng Entertainment will come to her then, and the initiative will be changed at that time.

"Yeah, I just like this song she sang. I have no love in my life. In fact, everything sung in it is love. I teach people how to love..." Han Shao said.

In fact, every time he came out with a beautiful woman, he would play this song in the car. The song was originally very nice and it was also meant to attract the attention of the beautiful woman.

He tried again and again.

This time is no exception.

"It's true. People who can hear the meaning of the lyrics long for true love. Presumably Shao Han is a person who knows love. It's my honor to know Shao Han like this!"

Li Mengqin raised his glass, Han Shaohua was very happy, and clinked with her.

After the two took a sip, Li Mengqin said, "I'll go!"

"Go!" Han Shaohua was very patient, but he was not patient with Li Mengqin.

Now Li Mengqin is not here anymore. He can look at the beauties over there unscrupulously. This woman is really tasteful as she looks at it.

I don’t know where she works. It’s good to recruit her as a secretary.

At this moment, the music in the restaurant was changed and the sound was increased. The prelude was a melody that Han Shaohua was familiar with. When he looked up, there was a beautiful woman standing on it.

"You said to leave, after midnight that day..."

The poignant voice sounded.

The whole audience was quiet, listening to her singing. Although she didn't have the charm of the original singing, it was already very good. With the beautiful appearance, she could sing again.

Suddenly won the cheers of the men in the audience.

"It's beautiful!" said a guy.

"It's a star!"

"sounds so good!"

"Oh, it's beautiful!"

Many people expressed emotion.

Even Han Shaohua was fascinated by it. It was really enjoyable to be able to hear his favorite songs on the spot, although it was not the original song.

It doesn't matter whether it is the original song or not.

At the end of the song, thunderous applause resounded below.


"One more song, one more song..."

Someone booed.

"Thank you all, then I will sing one more song. Please don't scold me if you don't sing well...a "Riverside Girl", thank you all..."

Someone is already playing dubbing over there.

After singing this song, Li Mengqin picked up the guitar equipped in the restaurant and sat there playing it.

Beautiful and quiet melody.

In Han Shaohua's heart, this woman who is more active and has a clear purpose has gained a lot of points after this scene and has a lot of good feelings.

She is still very talented. Not only is she beautiful, she can also sing, maybe she can dance or something. She can support her and make money.

Ha ha!

Han Shaohua smiled.

"It sounds very nice, you old classmate!"

Said Jiang Qingyan here.

"Indeed, she already knew how to play the guitar when she was in school. Every time she played the guitar under the trees on the campus, she became the most beautiful scenery in the school, attracting countless fans, and the goddess of all boys in the school!" Zhang Feng said.

"Do you also include you?" Jiang Qingyan asked.

"I'm a man too!"

There is no doubt about this.

Zhang Feng recalled the campus life back then. The best time in life was during that time, but all was occupied by studies, even so, it was the best.

People nowadays are no longer the people they used to be.

Zhang Feng is not a nostalgic person, and he will not be influenced by people in the past to make decisions now, so he will not have any thoughts about Li Mengqin.

There are too many singers signed with Yunfeng Entertainment, celebrities and so on. Almost everyone knows how to play the guitar. If you don’t say no, you’re embarrassed to come out and mix, so what kind of artist?

"Will you?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Oh, I won't!" Jiang Qingyan said: "In fact, your voice is very mellow. If you sing bass, it must be very nice, or you should try it!"

"Forget it, the tone is not complete!" Zhang Feng was very low-key.

Besides, all the people here are knives, and they are not qualified to sing to them.

Everyone was eating and listening. Li Mengqin sang five songs on it, and every capital was very nice.

Many people have already taken out their mobile phones to record them, and then post them to their own short videos from the media. This should be popular.

Li Mengqin came down and floated back to his seat to sit down.

"I was ugly, you can't laugh at me!" Li Mengqin said shyly.

Han Shaohua said solemnly: "Do you know what I want to do now?"

"I, I don't know..." Li Mengqin wanted to crooked, thinking he was going to do something bad, so how dare to say it.

Han Shaohua said: "I want your signature now, and send you flowers, oh, that's it... Manager He..."

Manager He came over, "Shao Han, what's your order?"

"Go and buy me flowers, I want to give them to Miss Li Mengqin!"

"Yes..." Manager He went to do it immediately.

You don’t need to buy it, just a phone call. Ask someone to deliver it right away.

In less than ten minutes, the flowers came, a big bunch of flowers, Manager He glanced at the list, more than three thousand, damn, cheating...

Han Shaohua stood up with flowers and sent them to Li Mengqin. Li Mengqin caught them with a smile, holding them in his arms, smiling like a flower.

"Thank you, thank you Shao Han, I like it very much!" Li Mengqin really likes it.

If it is really possible to be with him, it must be very good, but unfortunately it is impossible.

"Hey, as long as you like it, sit down and eat something!" Han Shaohua said very gentlemanly.

Li Mengqin sat down and put the flowers aside.

"I didn't expect you to sing so nicely!" Han Shaohua said.

"Thank you!"

"You never thought about being an entertainer, a singer or something!"

"Thank you, Shao Han, for seeing me. I have this idea. Unfortunately, I don't have a good platform. I just want to write some songs and sing. I don't dare to have too much hope!"

"I'll take you to the recording studio after a while, where there are professional teachers!"


"Of course it is true, but there is one condition!"

Sure enough it is here.

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