Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2983: Can't shake


Louis tried to relax and see if his hands were not moving, and then he could be overwhelmed with one effort.

Thinking of this, Louise's arm relaxed, and even left Zhang Feng's wrist, but Zhang Feng's arm still did not move.

Louis didn't care about that much, he pressed hard, but his arm seemed to touch a concrete wall and couldn't shake it.

what happened?

Is he really that strong? How can such a strong person exist? He was playing with his mobile phone there, which was a huge humiliation to Louis, but Louis could not do anything about it.

The time has lasted for five minutes. In these five minutes, Louise has been like a year. He regretted it and regretted breaking his wrist.

Billion euros?

Did you just lose to him a billion euros? His father will shoot him. The Louis family is very powerful, but the billion euros are gone, and things will be serious.

If you don't give it, it will be more serious. The news will be posted online, and the family company's stock will fall, and then it will not be as little as one billion.

At this time, Louis was already riding a tiger.

No, you won't necessarily lose. Just now he said that even if you lose, there can be ten people to continue the game, and he has to challenge eleven people.

Yes, there is still a chance, albeit disgraceful.

But he doesn't come over, how can Louis lose this game?

At this time, Louis was crying anxiously. Zhang Feng had already blocked his way. If he wanted to win, he couldn't win, if he couldn't lose, he couldn't lose.

Do you want him to admit defeat personally? Do not……

Louis shouted in his heart.

"Sir, why don't you use your strength?" Louis asked.

Zhang Feng said while playing with his mobile phone: "Have you tried hard, if you overwhelm me, you will win, you see I have been trying hard..."

Speaking of Zhang Feng, he pressed Louis's hand over there, but he didn't touch the table. Should he let Louis touch the table himself?

Louis is going crazy!

"Louis, work hard, you see, you are going to lose." Zhang Feng said.

At this time, Louis is struggling, he has not given up, but he can't move.

The people around had already discovered the situation. It was this Oriental who was too strong, strong enough to crush Louis.

It's incredible, how could a short Eastern man have such a powerful force.

In the eyes of these people, Orientals are skinny, sick men with no strength at all.

But Zhang Feng is actually not short, and even many of the men present are taller, but their eyes are on the top of their heads and they dare not admit the facts. The cognition was still a hundred years ago.

"Why do you do this?"

After ten minutes, Louis finally asked.

"Just let you surrender yourself!" Zhang Feng said: "It doesn't matter, aren't there two more rounds? You still have a chance, why would you refuse to concede? We Huaxia people are all about giving up if you are willing, and if you are willing, this It is the wisdom of life!"


Zhang Feng defeated him step by step and destroyed his will, which was more serious than serious injury to a person.

"Louis, give up, it's useless, don't struggle!" Zhang Feng looked up at him.


Louis shouted loudly and he stood up. The referee wanted to stop but Zhang Feng shook his head at him, meaning that he would do whatever he wanted with Louis.

The referee had already seen Zhang Feng's strength and admired this man, so the referee ignored him. Louis had already fouled and he didn't dare to care about it.

At this time, Louis's body was completely pressed on Zhang Feng's wrist, and it was still useless, even the other hand was used.

"Forget it, I'll win you a round!" Zhang Feng said and relaxed.

When Zhang Feng relaxed in this way, Louis collapsed on the table and slammed his head against the table. His whole body almost fell to the ground. He grabbed the table and stood still.

"Pause!" the referee said: "Mr. Louis won."

Zhang Feng said: "Congratulations to Mr. Louis for winning a round!"

"You..." Louis gasped and glared at Zhang Feng.

Louis didn't say much, he won if he won. Doesn't he still say this sentence? That's not more embarrassing.

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Louis, would you like to take a break and come to the second game?"

"No, start now!" Louis said.

You need to rest, don’t your opponents need to rest? If you don't rest, then your opponent can't rest. It's time to fight for willpower.

And Louis believes that the opponent's calmness just now must have been pretended, he can't have such a powerful force, this time he must be defeated.

Zhang Feng said: "Haha, well, Louis, as long as you win this round, then I will lose, I will give you one billion euros, or my life is yours!"

Louis thought that he was right. As long as he won this round, he would have won the real match. There was no need to play the third round. Now his hand hurts, but he can support it.

"Come!" Louis said firmly.

Zhang Feng placed his hand on the table easily and opened his palm and said, "Oh, do I need to change my hand?"

"Change!" Louis said.

Zhang Feng smiled and changed his hand, put the phone here, and continued playing.

"You can start!" Zhang Feng said.

The referee said: "Mr. Louis!"

"let's start!"

Louis held Zhang Feng's palm.

"Start!" the referee shouted loudly. Louis first tried to get rid of Zhang Feng at once, and remained motionless as before.

Zhang Feng looked up at Louis and said, "Louis, I want to win this round. Are you ready?"

"Huh, come on!"

Zhang Feng tried hard, and then pressed over. Zhang Feng gave Louis a chance, but he did not win all at once. When Louis was about to be unable to support it, he had already given up, but at this moment Zhang Feng grabbed his hand and came back, back to the beginning.

Louis looked at Zhang Feng in surprise, and didn't understand what Zhang Feng meant. He couldn't support it just now.

"Louis, I didn't expect you to be so strong, huh, I underestimated you!" Zhang Feng smiled: "This time I will continue to work hard."

Speaking of Zhang Feng, Louis hurriedly tried hard, but it was still useless, even if his hands were sore, it was useless.

"Louis, do you want us to do it again?" Zhang Feng asked.

"What's coming?"

"This second round is not over so fast!" Zhang Feng said.


At this time, Louis knew that Zhang Feng was playing tricks on him, and was very angry, but there was no way.

"Louis, are you ready?" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Looking for death!" Louis shouted loudly, "Ah...ah..."

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