Super Study God

Chapter 1002: Yu Zun Zhu Yu!

The golden eagle man was a little surprised and even shocked, but instead of asking too much, he retreated behind the old man.

"Zhu Yu?"

Su Hang pushed Haotian away and took two steps forward, carefully looking at the old man, trying hard to find his memory.

One hundred thousand years ago, Zhu Yu was still a handsome man, but now he has become an old man. If it weren't for the similarities between the eyebrows, Suhang could not admit it.

Some people like to be young, and some people like to be old. In fact, these tall people want to maintain a young appearance, it is very easy, unless Shou Yuan will end.

Zhu Yu doesn't know what the situation is!

"Suzaku the Great, Zhu Yu?" Su Hang couldn't believe it and asked again.

Zhu Yu smiled bitterly, "During a hundred years, the dignity of the gods is still the same, but the minister is already old!"

"How did you become like this?" Su Hang asked, listening to Zhu Yu's tone of speech, really an old man.

"It's natural for people to be old and sick." Zhu Yu shook his head and waved his sleeves. A stone table and stone bench appeared next to the waterfall. "Please sit down, God, please!"

The two of them were seated, and Zhu Yu also sat down across from Su Hang.

"I heard the emperor Yu said that you are practicing in the Wanque Forest. This accident has come so far and you have taken the liberty to think that you will hide from me!" Su Hangdao.

Zhu Yu shook his head, "Dare you dare!"

"It is disturbing you to practice!" Su Hang said apologetically.

"Shen Zun said this, but the minister was about to panic!" Zhu Yu said, "In fact, the minister should have left the customs long ago. When the God Sovereign came to the ancient city, the minister should go out to meet..."

Su Hang interrupted his polite words, "I heard that you are breaking through heaven and earth through closed doors, could it have been successful?"

Su Hang listened to him saying that he should have gone through the customs, thinking that he might have broken through the realm of heaven and earth. There was a big gap between the two, and he could not see Zhu Yu clearly.

Zhu Yu listened, but shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How can it be so easy to achieve Heavenly Realm?"

Can't it be done yet? Su Hang is a bit stunned!

Zhu Yu said, "Before the retreat, the minister was full of confidence, but at that step, the minister knew how difficult it was. Although the minister had already taken a half step, but the second half of the foot, I didn't know when to take it. Out!"

Su Hang didn't say anything for a long time, and it took a while to arrive. "It is said that you have won a treasure and broke through the heaven and earth.

Su Hang's remarks were straightforward to ask, and asked other people's babies to go, but Su Hang didn't mean to turn around. I asked you, just answer if you want, and forget if you don't want to answer.

Zhu Yu didn't seem to evade this problem, and simply said, "There are many strange distortions in the outside world. The servant did get a thing. It's a treasure, but it's only for the feathers."

"Presumably, the deity also knows how I practiced the Yu clan. There is an imperial family in my clan who inherits the gods and skills. This method is passed down from the ancient times, but it is just an incomplete method. To be precise, it is missing. The last chapter of the half!"

"The Yuzu Shenyu tactics, the Nanming Tianpeng tactics from Fuyao, an archaic strongman, is a tremendous masterpiece!" Su Hang said beside him, showing off his knowledge in a timely manner.

As for Haotian, he can only listen to him beside him, he can't get in his mouth at all.

Zhu Yu nodded. Su Hang, as the emperor, knew this, and he was not surprised. "More than four hundred years ago, the prince found a ruin of Fuyaozi in this Wanquelin and found it in the ruins. Nanming Tianpeng's recipes are finally complete, and this magical skill is finally completed!"

Su Hang heard it and was surprised. The Yu clan's inheritance of Shenyu's tactics was incomplete. He knows it, but it has been more than 60 million years, and can it be completed?

Legend has it that the magical skill of the Heavenly Peng Jue south of Fuyao is a magical sparrow, and it has been cultivated into a Nine Heavens God Peng, which has reached the heavenly realm. For the Yu people, this skill is indeed the supreme treasure.

"After the minister completed the exercise, he was also ecstatic, thinking that he would break through the realm of heaven and earth, and it was just around the corner, but I did not expect that this last step was so difficult. Compared with the ancestors, the minister is really..." Zhu Yu was very Helpless.

Su Hangdao, "You're presumably biased. It is said that Fuyao's qualifications are extremely low, but he can create a practice and achieve the realm of Heavenly Dao. You Suzaku family, you will not have bad qualifications! "

Zhu Yutan sighed, "Oh, I thought that God gave the minister a chance to break through to a higher level before Shou Yuan. I didn't expect that it was too much for the minister!"

When Zhu Yu said this, the atmosphere seemed a bit dull, and after a while, Su Hangdao said, "How much more do you still have?"

Zhu Yu paused, "Maybe, there are more than a hundred years!"

Su Hang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, "What are you worried about for such a long time? Xu is unlucky. When the chance arrives, the natural environment will naturally come to fruition!"

Zhu Yu shook his head, "I don't know the deity, he has lived to this day for more than 800,000 years, a hundred years. For practitioners like me, is it long? It's just a flash in the pan!"

Over 800,000 years, you cattle! Su Hang really wanted to say that you have lived for more than 800,000 years. Is it interesting to live again?

For a person who has lived for such a long time, a hundred years is really not long. Like Tai Ao, sometimes interest comes and takes a nap for more than a hundred years.

Zhu Yu and their practitioners have reached this stage in practice, not to mention a hundred years, even if it is a thousand years, there is not necessarily a breakthrough.

What's more, he wanted to break through the heavenly For tens of millions of years, no one has been able to become enlightened. The return of Hongjun 100,000 years ago made it possible to achieve the heavenly realm. At that time, Liu Ruxu took a loophole, picked a bargain, and became the only Tiandao Realm strongman except Hong Jun, out of the control of Tiandao.

Hong Jun does nothing, but it does not mean that he does nothing. At least, after experiencing the lessons of 100,000 years ago, I am afraid that he will not easily let someone else achieve Heavenly Dao Realm, because once Heaven Realm Realm is achieved, he will not suffer anymore. The **** of heaven and earth was replaced by Su Hang. I am afraid I would only like the feeling that everything is under control.

For a while, Zhu Yu said, "Now the Yu tribe is in danger, but the minister has been unable to break through the heavenly realm. Alas, in this battle of the five tribes, the Yu tribe is afraid that a big disaster will come!"

Listening to Zhu Yu's tone, it is clear that he has some understanding of the current status of the Yu nationality.

Su Hangdao, "This matter is not without room for maneuver!"

When Zhu Yu heard it, he quickly waved his hand, "The gods don't know, they all miss the Wanque Forest, and they even want to hinder the way of their cultivation. It is absolutely impossible to hand it over, the Yuzu will vow to defend!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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