Super Study God

Chapter 1008: God is here!

"His Majesty!"

When they saw that the Yutian Temple was destroyed, the two were frightened, and immediately ran towards the ruins. Not long after, the Suzaku, who was coughing up blood, came out.

"It's too much to bully!" Lu Yi scolded angrily.

"Humph!" Elder Shenmu snorted coldly, and looked at Lu Yisu with extreme contempt. "What are you, there is no room for you to speak here."

"You..." Lu Yisu was furious, facing such a group of unreasonable people, he really couldn't say anything, but only scolded, "You thieves!"

At this time, Qingyangzi spoke, and she was completely ignored by Lu Yiju's scolding. "I'm sorry for the nephew's daughter. The ant accidentally hurt you. I will punish him!"


Suzaku looked at Qingyangzi coldly, with a pale face and blood on the corner of his mouth, apparently suffering from a serious injury.

Qingyangzi didn’t seem to hear it, and he persuaded him to say, “The niece, the mantis arm is in the car, there is no benefit, and I don’t want much. As long as you open the Wanquelin, the feathers can be well protected, even if you are not for yourself Think about it, should you think about hundreds of thousands of feathers in this ancient city?"

What these words say is that the intention is to punish the poison. This is the life threat of the city residents in the ancient city of Ether!

How could Suzaku not hear it, but her eyes showed perseverance that she must not allow these people to enter Wanquelin, and the loss of Wanquelin's things is small, destroying her father's practice.

"May you die!" Suzaku gritted her teeth, and didn't want the elders of Tiansu 2 to support him, and stood up again, staring fiercely at the group of people in front of her.


Elder Shenmu snorted coldly, "Cangwu, don't keep your hands, just as she wishes!"


Cangwu responded, turned to Suzaku, and next to the real ant, he also rushed towards the three Suzakus.

Dead fight, the last dead fight!

The hearts of Suzaku and Elder Tenju are full of unwillingness. If the Emperor is here, do these people dare to be so arrogant? If the Emperor Tai breaks through the realm of heaven and earth, the people in front of him must be wiped out.

The three of them clenched their fists tightly and filled their chests with anger, and they were ready for the final battle.


At this moment, a thunderous thunder suddenly came from the horizon.

Everyone seemed to sense something and looked back at the place where the sound came.

I saw outside the Taikoo City, in the direction of the Qifeng Mountain where the Ancestral Temple is located, there was a rotating black vortex in the air, and a gateway appeared slowly in the vortex.


Everyone was shocked.

"Wanquelin is on!"

I don’t know who shouted, everyone was boiling, especially the two groups of insects, like the blood of chickens. After a short period of stunned gods, they immediately scrambled to go to the gate. .

There is no doubt that those younger generations they sent to Wanquelin completed the assigned tasks and successfully opened the entrance to Wanquelin.

Originally, they didn't have much hope. They didn't expect it to be completed. They really are a group of capable young people. This saves them a lot of things.

However, just as everyone tried to fly to the stone gate, the stone gate opened and a group of people came out of it.

The headed person stopped everyone.

It's Yu Zun Zhu Yu!

The person headed by it was Yu Zun Zhu Yu! The Chongmu two families found that the younger generations they sent were obediently following Zhu Yu at the moment.

Things are weird, and for a while, everyone dared not act lightly.

The three Suzaku saw Zhu Yu coming from afar, almost crying, and finally waited for this moment, presumably he has broken through the realm of Heaven and Dao?

The Chongmu II and the scale beast II are all a bit different at the moment. Zhu Yu appears at this time. Is it true that he has broken through the realm of heaven and earth?

However, when Zhu Yu was approaching, several people were relieved. Although Zhu Yu was highly skilled, there were still a few people at the same level as him, at least the elder Shenmu of the Mu clan, the Qingyangzi of the Zerg, and the Scale. Xiao Jingxuan, Li Tianlin of Orcs, these four people can see Zhu Yu's realm clearly.

Tianzunjing nine products have not yet broken through the heavenly realm!

Everyone was obviously relieved, as long as they did not break through the heaven and earth, everything was easy to say.

"Father Emperor!"

Suzaku hurriedly greeted her, and nobody beside Zhu Yu patted Suzaku's shoulder. "My son is suffering."

In this sentence, Suzaku said almost weeping.

"Relax, everything is fine!"

Zhu Yu comforted her, and Suzaku nodded, seeing Su Hang and Hao Tian standing behind Zhu Yu, obviously a little surprised.

"Yu Zun, you are such a big shelf. I waited for the four races to wait again for a long time, and now I come out. I am so neglectful to wait, and there is no one in sight."

One opening is to hold a gun with a stick, and it seems that I would not let go of any excuse to find Zhu Yu's trouble.

Zhu Yu turned to look at Elder Shenmu, with an uncontrollable anger in his chest, "Er and other Insects of Chongmu, bully me too much!"

"How do you say this?" Qingyangzi said, "I'm here today, I just want to borrow Wanquelin, but my nephew's nephew doesn't understand the etiquette. Don’t think too much, brother!"

"Well, what do you say so much nonsense!" Qingyangzi was hypocritical there, but the elder Shenmu couldn't help but interrupted Qingyangzi's words directly, "Zhu Yu, you and I belong to the same five races. No one wants to see the situation, but Wanquelin has been occupied by your feathers for so many years, but your feathers have nothing to do. It is time to change the owner. If you take the initiative to hand over Wanquelin, everything is easy to say!"

"I'm going to say no?" Zhu Yu pushed back directly, it's about dignity, how could he promise Then we can only see the real chapter under our hands! "Elder Shenmu's face was cold, and he clenched his fists tightly. "You have to think about the sentient beings of the feather family. Is it important for the forest, or is it important for you to inherit the feather family?" "

In a word, full of threats, as if to do Zhu Yu with him soon.

"Bold, God is here, who dares to make this time?"

Su Hang was watching a movie, and Haotian heard a deep drink in his ear. He almost didn't sit down on the ground with a surprise to Su Hang.

Come on, Haotian, this guy has to force it!

Everyone was stunned, and they all looked at Haotian one after another. This thing is silly, don't look at any occasions, and dare to come out to shout!

However, when the elders of the Mu tribe Shenmu were about to attack, a more stunned scene happened.

I saw that I was just filled with indignation, like Zhu Yu, who wanted to fight with the Second Chongmu family, suddenly turned around and knelt down in front of the young man behind him. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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