Super Study God

Chapter 1027: No wonder!

In the 100,000 years, there are no more Sky Demon Races in the Northern Starland. After that, the Sky Demon Races fell apart under the Soviet Air’s decree, and the smoke disappeared. Only a small branch appeared until 10,000 years ago. In the name of the demon, although some achievements have been made in these years, it is no longer the same.

The universe is vast, the northern stars are equally vast, and civilizations are countless. For example, the orcs in the five families of Taikoo. In addition, there are many classmates from Suhang who come from this northern star.

In addition, there are races such as dog seals and Wu Ji. The northern star field has many strange civilizations, and it is also a star field that has opened the eyes of Su Hang.

Su Hang and Hao Tian stayed in the elven clan for a few days, experienced a lot of customs and customs, and then went to the dog seal.

The civilization of Dog Seal really amazed Su Hang. The architectural style of this place is similar to that of the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It has rich products and the main planet is called Good Food Star.

The people here are all dog-headed, and their temperament is extremely delicious.

When he first arrived here, Hao Tian called them dogmen, and he was also amazed. Later, he learned that this dog seal clan was originally a small branch alienated from the ancient beast clan.

But they no longer belong to the orc, they were expelled from the orc, and there is no inheritance of the orc's ancient skills. The dog seal originated nearly 200,000 years ago. If it counts, it should be a descendant of the orc dog king.

Eating, for the people here, is almost the same as life, and has completely penetrated the bone marrow.

Their gastronomic culture has almost reached its peak. Every place has less, but restaurants and hotels. Every street has the most places to eat.

There is even a plaque hung on the tower of the Imperial City, on which are written the five characters "people take food as the sky".

The two stayed in a large restaurant called Shiweitian in Emperor Infantry, and finally encountered such a place with delicious food. Su Hang naturally wanted to eat him enough.

Because of their peculiar appearance, they are foreigners, and the two Su Hang naturally attracted the attention of the dog feudal clan, and also received the warm courtesy of the dog feudal clan. They also met some friends here. The banquet, the banquet tomorrow, the Westerners, almost did not eat brain full of fat.

Gourmet food, the favorite of Su Hang, but eating too much makes me panic.

It took a long time for the dog to wait, and it was more than a month.

In the end, the two people attracted the attention of the authorities. The host sent people to invite them into the palace to meet the host. The host also set up a banquet to entertain the two foreign monks.

The two were afraid to eat endlessly after entering the palace. As a result, as long as they had totaled, let's go, so they didn't leave a word, and the furious escape from the dog seal came and said goodbye.


It's really funny to think about it. It seems that I have never been as embarrassed as this time, defeated by enthusiasm.

However, this dog Fengguo also made Su Hang's impression changed a lot. When he was in Shenxian Academy, the student from Fengfeng Guo Yuanfeng gave him a bad impression, but now, the dog Fengzuo gives him only the impression Extreme enthusiasm and boredom remained.

This month, if it's an ordinary person, I don't know how much fat to grow.

The two left the dog seal galaxy, and there was still a lot of palpitations in their hearts. I did not know what scale and how to eat the banquet prepared by the dog seal.

However, they couldn't eat it, and they didn't want to eat it. I'm afraid that they would vomit to eat in such an uncontrolled way.


After going around for a few days, the two felt a bit lost.

The vast universe is endless, there is no obvious reference object, it is easy to get lost, the two walked all the way, watched everywhere, some forget it, and no longer know where they are.

"Shen Zun, our time to come out is not too short, otherwise, go back? Go back to the fairyland?"

On this day, the two broke into an unknown star field, and Haotian seemed tired already, so he took some temptations towards Su Hangdao.

Su Hang listened, and felt that it took a long time to come out. The distracted heart has been dissipated, and the things to be done have already been done. So, it will really become a tramp.

"There seems to be human civilization in this star field. Let's stay here for a few more days, and then we will return." Su Hang, who detected human activity on a planet in front of him, said to Hao Tian.

Although they no longer know where they are, it does not mean that they are lost. At least they still know the general direction of the Dixian Continent. It is not difficult to find it back.

Even if it is really lost, Su Hang also has a teleportation array that can be sent directly back to earth.

Haotian listened to Su Hang's words and finally felt a little distracted. Although these days of running around were fairly comfortable and well-informed, he also made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

After thinking about it for a few days, you can go back to the fairyland, Haotian feels physically and mentally happy. These days, he travels with Su Hang everywhere. He doesn’t have much time to study and cultivate his talents. I really want to find a good time to study and study. .


"How come this star field feels a little bit wrong? Lifeless."

Hao Tian said abruptly.

In front, a planet is about the size of the earth, but the entire star field is relatively dim, but the planet is also dim. Xu is the reason why the stars in this star field are far away, and the light is slightly insufficient.

"Why? You're afraid? You are a Tianzun powerful person, are you still afraid?" Su Hang asked quizzically.

Hao Tian sweated, "God Vener laughed, how could the disciples be afraid?"

Indeed, Emperor Tiantang, how could not even dare to explore a small star field?

In fact, Su Hang also feels a little weird. This star field is indeed lack of yang and excess yin. It feels gloomy and slightly uncomfortable.

The daring two of the high artists had no fear at all, and ran directly to the planet with life activities.


barren mountain.

The place where the two landed was a barren slope. The hillside was overgrown with grass, with a few crooked neck trees, and sporadic leaves swayed in the cold mountain wind.

"Yin Qi is too heavy, there will be monsters and ghosts." Hao Tian looked around and said so.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Demons and monsters don't matter, don't be surprised."

There were too many strange people and strange things encountered along the way, and even Haotian, the divine magnificent emperor, had a tendency to develop towards strange flowers. Suhang felt enough.

Hao Tian confessed that he was afraid of encountering strange flowers compared with monsters and ghosts.

Because he heard Su Hang talking on the road, not long ago, the experience of the Niang Cannon World in the heart of the sun, especially the encounter of Mita, felt awful when thinking about it. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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