Super Study God

Chapter 1029: No successor!

"Isn't it a zombie?" Haotian heard it, and felt even more weird. "You're not a zombie, how did you get out of the grave?"

When the man heard the words, he was even more embarrassed, as if looking at Haotian in disbelief, "Big King Mingjian, the little has just been reincarnated, and it's normal to come out of the grave."

The expression seemed as if Haotian was asking others why they should eat. It seemed that Haotian asked a very low-level commonsense question.

"Turn around? Which door turned around? Are you teasing me?" Hao Tian glared.

"Don't dare, dare, little dare." The man quickly shook his head, "small said reincarnation, not turned."

Try to make yourself bite clearly. After all, the universe is so big, and there are countless civilizations. Even if you use the same general text, there are still great differences in accent.

"Rebirth?" Haotian could only understand this, and the doubts on his face were even worse.

The word reincarnation is widely spread in the monastic world. The so-called reincarnation in the monastic world is the reincarnation of souls of some seniors after the exhaustion of Shou Yuan.

This kind of reincarnation basically belongs to the strong, and the one in front of him, who looks like this, will be the strong reincarnate?

Haotian huh.

"This man is weird, I don't know what kind of ghost, it is unavoidable, God Venerable, I think it should be dealt with?" Hao Tian pointed to Su Hangdao.

I'd rather kill the wrong thing and never let it go. But there is a town near this place. In case this servant is let go, it is inevitable to leave trouble.

Su Hang did not answer, as if he had thought of something, Haotian asked, he only waved his hand, his eyes fell on the man, "What is this place?"

Hao Tian stood beside, did not know what Su Hang wanted to do, and actually talked to this monster who had climbed out of the grave.

"Where?" The man scratched his head and looked around. "This is Lutouling, and Lutou Town is in front."

Su Hang listened, and a trace of sweat came out of his forehead. We did not ask about this small place, but this big place.

"But there is no successor here?" Su Hang asked directly.

"Wuji Country?" The man hadn't answered yet. Instead, Hao Tian expressed doubts. "Shen Zun is afraid that it is wrong. This is not the Wuji Country. The Wuji Country is right in the Western Starland."

Elsewhere, Haotian may not know, but he still knows the Wuji Kingdom. At that time, the Buddhist scriptures traveled east, and Bajie and their disciples went to the West Heaven for prayer. The Wuji Kingdom is one of the stops.

"Can you not interrupt?" Su Hang turned around and handed him a white eye. I really didn't know what to say about him. He had bad ears and loved to interject.

Hao Tian spoke up and dared not talk more.

Su Hang turned to look at the man and motioned him to speak.

The man listened and nodded again and again, "The king is right, this is the no successor here."


"Then you have no followers?" Su Hang asked again.

The man nodded again and again, "The small one is indeed a stepless person."

At this moment, Su Hang knew what he was doing, and then he arched his hand to the man. "It turns out that there is no successor. I'm sorry. He is so impatient and scares you."

Hao Tian listened next to him, with a look of insolence, and Su Hang's attitude changed as soon as he heard what no successor, and also, he seemed to have been forced to take a pot.

The man was also stunned for a moment, then hurriedly got up and returned the salute, "It's okay, it's okay."


Seeing that Su Hang was courteous, the fear on the man's face also resolved a lot. He patted the dirt on his body and looked up and down at Su Hang. "Isn't these two people who have no succession?"

Su Hang shook his head. "Finally, I and I travelled all the way. We came here by accident and didn't know the local customs and customs. Only then did we offend."

"No wonder." The man suddenly said, "The little one's name is Dupont, and I don't know what they call them?"


Su Hang shook his face, and he was no longer able to comment on the name.

"My name is Su Hang, this is my companion Hao Tian." Su Hangdao.

The man secretly remembered it and said, "It's getting late, so why don't you go with me? I used to live in Lutou Town, I think my family is still there."

"Then disturb."

Su Hang was so desperate that he promised, and then took Haotian with ignorance, and followed the man to the mountain town.


"Shen Zun, what kind of clan is there?" Walking along, Haotian wondered, and finally asked quietly.

"Does it have no successor?" Su Hang smiled.

There is no successor race, a very magical race. At the Fairy Academy, there was a guy named Qiu Manshan from Alex's gang who came from this race.

The mystery of this race, except for themselves, I am afraid that not many people in the entire universe know their situation.

It is said that there are no descendants of the unsuccessful tribes, and their tribes did not proliferate. Once someone dies, no matter how ugly the dead phase is, as long as there are still corpses, buried in the soil for a hundred years, they can be reborn and rejuvenated.

As for why Dupont did not rehabilitate after reincarnation, but a young man, he heard that he was thinking about the farm work at home, so he didn't wait for a hundred years before he hurried to live and got a strong body.

In this regard, Suhang is even more speechless, born and sick, no one can escape, it can be said that everyone is afraid of death, but the non-successful people only regard death as a long sleep.


About Su Ji, this was also learned by Su Hang when he was at the Fairy Academy. It is only today that he saw the real thing. There is really such a magical race in the world.

Legend has it that this race is a descendant of undead nationals, and Tang Ao was the undead sovereign.

After an interval of 100,000 years, the undead country is no longer there. Tang Ao was still depressed for a long time. If he was to let him know that the undead nationals had descendants, I would be very happy.


"It's really a world of thousands, and there is nothing Haotian listened to Su Hang's story, and it's also amazing. Under this world, there are actually such amazing races.

Su Hang smiled, I have seen it no matter how miraculous it is, so I don’t have to be so surprised now?

As Du Pont entered the town, there were many people in this town. Under the night, it was already brightly lit.

People who have no succession have no ability to reproduce offspring, but there are still many men and women who are married, but this Dupont is just a lonely man.

The entire Lutou Town is a clan. There are no lineage people in the form of lineage. Although there is not much blood relationship between them, they are strictly related to each other, but they are bloodlines of the lineageless people.

The first thing that Du Pont returned to was not to go home, but also went to the ancestral hall in the town. Several elders of the ancestral hall presided over the return ceremony of Du Pont and planned to hold a celebration after a month.

This is the same as ordinary newborn babies holding full moon wine. This peculiar custom is of great interest to Su Hang and Haotian. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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