Super Study God

Chapter 1031: Catch up!

For a while, the old avatar finally came up in one breath, looked up and said, "Last night, the county government came again!"

"What? Are you coming again?"

As soon as the old man's words came out, there was an uproar immediately, and a woman stood up. "Elder Gong, the county government is coming, won't you ask us for someone else?"


The old man pestered the ground with a crutch, and the scene of nearly a thousand people was immediately h1d live!

It can be seen that the prestige of the elders is still very high in this town. ?

At this time, a few people came out of the ancestral hall. The elders of the three races surrounded a slightly fat middle-aged man, followed by a few soldiers dressed up.

The middle-aged man was well-dressed. At first glance, he had some power and status. When he saw this man, the villagers were even more afraid to speak, and the atmosphere seemed very tense.

The elder of the palace just now, when he saw this man coming out, he quickly opened his side.

"You folks!"

The middle-aged man stood at the top, stood upright, and opened his mouth. "It must have been annoying everyone to see the county, but because of the order, the county had to come."

Upon hearing this, everyone knew that there would be no good.

"The sovereign has orders to recruit young strong men. There are nearly 100,000 people in our county. According to the regulations, one out of one hundred people will get one thousand people. The county has been busy with these five thousand strong men these days, but it is busy. It's so hard!"

The voice of the man fell, and everyone's face was unsightly. Listening to this tone, you know that this is a person.

There was a bold old lady who said, "Master Xianzun, haven't you been here a few days ago? Take away so many people!"

The middle-aged man became somber after hearing this.

"Xian Zun is strange, the woman does not understand the etiquette!" The elder looked at the middle-aged man in a hurry.

The middle-aged man's face was slightly lighter, and he said, "As of today, my Nandao County is still one hundred and thirty-three, and it has been given to nine villages and three towns. Ten people!"

"What? Ten people?" Everyone yelled.

"Quiet!" Elder Gong shouted.

But this time, everyone seemed to be quiet, and the old woman shouted just now, "Master Zhanzun, can you tell us what we need so many strong men to do?"

"Yeah, there aren't many people in our town. One is less than one!"

"What the **** are you doing?"


Everyone complained.

Elder Gong shouted silence again, and then slowly controlled the scene again.

Immediately, where did the middle-aged man look at the past, and seemed to want the middle-aged man to give a statement.

"Wait boldly, dare to inquire about the above things?" The middle-aged man immediately yelled, and the official authority was not small.

The people below have nothing to say. Although they are not afraid of death, they are afraid of those weird penalties.

At this time, the elder Gong said, "It's not easy for us, the county, we have fewer and fewer people. Everyone is anxious. Seeing that spring cultivation is coming, and the town has insufficient labor, we have awakened some people who have been sleeping for a long time. Yes……"

The middle-aged man looked at Elder Gong very uncomfortably and turned to everyone, "You don't have to panic. This time, the transferred heroes will return in a few days..."

"Sir Zunzun, you said this last time, but it's been so long, and no one has come back. Don't scorn us again!"

There was a voice from the crowd, who didn't know who said it.


The voice of the middle-aged person has increased by several decibels, and he looked around. "This county is also involuntarily. I hope you all understand each other. If you want someone, the county will have to bring out people. It’s convenient for me and everyone. Convenient, just ten people, not too much for your town!"

Everyone has anger in their hearts, but they are officials, so they don’t dare to fight against them because of their courage.

"All men over fifteen years old, stand up. If there are ten people in this county, they will leave. They promise that they won't come again!" The middle-aged man patted his chest and promised. People.

Everyone rolled their eyes, as if the county magistrate was farting.

But the officials were coercive, and no one dared to do anything. After the elder of the palace acquiesced, all the men went out slowly.

There are a total of three or four hundred people, except for some old people, there are only a hundred people left, and then some thin, sick, and disabled people are left out. After careful selection, there are still twenty people left.

Dupont was among them. Like everyone else, he was so hard-hearted. He even felt sad and reminded him that he ended his sleep last night and crawled out of the tomb. Today, he was arrested by a strong man. This is really bad luck.

God, I hope you won't pick me!

Everyone seems to be praying in this way, including DuPont.

"you you you……"

Sometimes, fear of what comes, and soon, ten people were singled out by the middle-aged man.

The sadly reminded Du Pont was indeed selected and stood out from hundreds of people. He became one of the top ten players in Lutou Town.

"Okay, just ten of you, go with this county in a moment!" The middle-aged man shouted, and he could see that he was in a good mood.

Everyone can only admit their fate, but dare not say more.

"Sir Zunzun, there are two more here!" At this time, a soldier yelled suddenly.

Wow la la, the crowd looked for it, and they were sitting on the big stone at the entrance of the ancestral hall.

DuPont took a look, oh, it's amazing, isn't this Su Hang and Hao Tian?

Let them sleep at home, but they must follow, this is good, something is wrong!

At this moment, Su Hang and Hao Tian, ​​looking at the soldier pointing at them in front of them, are a little unhappy, we just came to see the excitement, but did not commit anything county Zun froze for a moment, and slowly walked over, looked up and down at Su Hang and said, "Why don't you two go out?"

The tone was a bit sullen. When he picked the strong men just now, the two were not among them.

As soon as Hao Tian heard it, his eyes were glared, and the emperor Tang was even blamed by such a mortal. Is there any other way?

Seeing that Haotian was about to run away, Su Hang stopped him with his eyes, and now he was depressed.

There was a little laugh on the face of Su Hang's face, "Government is not strange, my ears are not easy to use, they are too far apart, and I haven't heard clearly what you are saying!"

God's ears are not so good!

The county respected Su Hang's words, and there was already a bit of anger on his face, and he could see that Su Hang was fooling him.

"How about you? You don't know how to use your ears, right?" The county magistrate looked at Haotian, with a bit of anger and irony in his words. (To be continued.) 8 To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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