Super Study God

Chapter 1033: 1Look at boys to like them!

Su Hang pretended to be like a little quail and nodded and said yes.

The soldier was proud of Yaowu for a while, and then turned around again. It turned out that the county magistrate was calling.

"Sir, what's the matter?" The man leaned close to the carriage.

The side door lifted, and the county magistrate leaned forward. "Zhangtou, you take two people, send them to Cangzhou Mansion, and give them to Liu Manzun. The county will return to the county government first!"

"Yes, Master, go!" The soldier nodded and bowed for a while.

Two soldiers were ordered to stay, and several other soldiers escorted the county carriage away.

Haotian walked a few steps forward and watched the carriage leave, "This man, the respected man, is chubby and chubby, and at first glance it will please boys!"

Su Hang listened to the words beside him, and he couldn't help but feel cold. This guy's mouth was too vicious.

Sounds like praise! But is this a shit? If calculated, Suhang does not know what will happen.

The carriage turned around the hill, and there seemed to be some screams, which reminded Su Hang of the grasshopper that was almost turned on that day, and the back door could not help chilling!

Hao Tian, ​​this guy has a strong heart for revenge, even an ordinary person will not let go.

Maybe one day you should give yourself this, but you have to guard against him.

There was a headwind over there, and the voice could not be heard. The soldier named Zhangtou had not so good ears. When he saw the carriage walking away, he turned around and greeted him, and took the crowd to another path.


In the evening, I had no idea how far away I was. The Zhuangdings all complained and settled down in a broken temple beside the road.

It was dark outside, surrounded by the sounds of night owls, and the environment was horrible and gloomy.

Everyone lit a bonfire to dispel darkness and cold!

The temple was very dilapidated. Everyone was sitting by the fire, silent, no one was talking, the atmosphere was very depressed, and the strong men were full of fear and anxiety about the unknown fate of the future.

There was only the crackling of firewood in the fire.

The Zhangtou and the two soldiers were sitting at the door, eating the dry food they brought, as if they were afraid that the strong men would run away.


Su Hang coughed a little, this atmosphere is really a bit depressed.

He got up and looked around. His eyes fell on the dilapidated god.

"What is this offering?" Su Hang broke the silence.

The idol has lost half of its face and is so ruined that it doesn't even look like it.

"It's undead!"

At this time, DuPont said.

Su Hang looked back at DuPont, "What is the **** of immortality?"

"The undead **** is a distant god, a **** who will never die. Legend has it that he created our unsuccessful kingdom!" Du Pont said.


Su Hang froze for a moment, and did not care too much. Presumably it was the same as the worship of Pangu Nuwa by the human race. This is also the ancestor worship of the unfamiliar!

At this time, the strong men all stood up, walked in front of the idol, knelt down in a prayer of prayer, and muttered in their mouths, it was nothing more than a prayer for peace.

"Oh, are you annoying?" The open head was quarrelled by this group of people, and yelled out loudly, "Shut up for me, don't be quarrelsome."

Everyone lost their voice, but they all gritted their teeth in their hearts.

"Hey, boy, I have to tell you the truth!" Hao Tian leaned over.

"What kid? Who is your kid? Bold!" The head shouted, almost spitting out the saliva.

Hao Tian's brow furrowed. I'm so tens of thousands of years old anyway. I can't call you a kid anymore?

"In other words, the two of you are from a foreign country, that country came from?" Before the Haotian had figured out whether it should go viral, the man asked again.

"We are not foreign!" Hao Tian suppressed his anger and said.

"It's not a foreign country, are you still a failure of your own country?" The head glared, how fierce it was.

"We are, alien!" Hao Tiandao said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.


"Shente what alien!" The head scolded. The leftover pancake was thrown on the ground and stood up. The nose almost came to Haotian's nose and his eyes were glaring. It's like eating humans. .


Haotian only took one action and breathed a sigh of relief.


The man seemed to be blown away by the typhoon. He flew out and fell out of the temple door with a bang, and all kinds of things fell outside the temple door.


Rolling around, wailing and wailing.

Everyone was coerced by this scene and had no idea what happened.

What's wrong with this? Including the remaining two soldiers, they looked at this scene in surprise.

Su Hang looked at it, without giving a thumbs-up to the man. It was really awe-inspiring. He dared to kick his nose in front of the powerful Tianzun Realm.

The two soldiers froze for a moment, and immediately pulled out the knife, making a gesture towards Haotian from afar. Although they didn't know what happened, they must have something to do with this person.

"Bold, do you dare to attack the government office?" one of them shouted.

Hao Tian gave them a white glance, and he didn't see any movement. The knife held by the two men softened like two cooked noodles.


The two were almost scared to pee, and they helped with their hands. When they lifted their hands, they loosened and immediately softened again.

"Yaoren, you, what kind of magic do you use!" one person shouted inwardly, his face full of fear, and the soft knife in his hand threw it beside him.

Haotian didn't speak, but only took a step forward. The two of them also simply fell to their knees with a puff.

"King, Rao Ming, King, Rao Ming."

The two kept heading towards begging Haotian for forgiveness, but they turned out to be just two soft bones that were bullying and hard.

DuPont and several other strong men saw this scene and were shocked. They didn't recover from what happened just now.

Su Hang looked at it and didn't know what to say. He was going to follow these people all the way to see what this Wu Jiguo used to catch so many heroes. Too.

Su Hang walked over and looked at the two people who knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Ask you, answer me, if there is any falsehood, cut your tongue."

The two looked up at Su Hang, almost frightened, and quickly shook their heads, "Dare not dare to deceive the king. The king asked if he had something to say. I was also ordered to act and couldn't help myself..."

"I didn't ask you so much." Listening to the guilty man, Su Hang interrupted him and said to the duo, "What are you doing to catch these strong men?"

The two looked around, looked up at Su Hang, and quickly shook their heads, "I don't know Wow!" (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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