Super Study God

Chapter 1046: 1 amber!

"Where did you hear Undead?" Tang Ao asked him.

The master of the country was only promised, "The undead is the founding **** of our unsuccessful clan. We have legends of the undead in the past dynasties. I have also consulted a large number of books before I learned some information that is only a few words. The legendary does not Grim Reaper, sleep under the poor mountain, there is the grave of the undead under the poor mountain!"


Su Hang was listening next to it. It seems that the word that has been heard the most in the past few days has no succession. Is it true that there is the so-called undead god?

Tang Ao has a serious expression and was born as the undead king. Of course, he also knows the undead, and he knows more than this master.

When he was in power, there were no unsuccessful clan, let alone no unsuccessful country. The undead **** in the mouth of this country's master was the ancestor **** they had always worshipped. In that year, he launched a lot of national power to find the undead god. The place of my long sleep, but it has never been harvested.

If this unsuccessful tribe is a descendant of the undead nation, Tang Ao thought, it should be that after the undead nation has been destroyed, the survivors of the undead nation have found here and found the country there, leaving the unsuccessful nation!

Of course, this is Tang Ao's conjecture, yes or no, no one will be clear, after all, so long.

"Let everyone look around, and if they find something, let each other know!" Su Hang said to everyone at this time.

Everyone nodded and dispersed, ready to explore a bit. This ancient ruin might not be good.

In such a big place, it's much easier for everyone to separate.

The ruins of Taikoo are tens of millions of years away. I am afraid that this place has no place of ownership.


As soon as the crowd dispersed, Xiao Kun screamed, approached Su Hang with a big head, and directly picked Su Hang up and flew to its back. With its tail swinging, it swam towards the palace.

Everyone else's eyes light up.

There is a play!

The Kun Beast led them to this place, and they must have a very good understanding of it. Now they lead Su Hang to the deep palace. There must be something good.

Not ready to probe separately, several people chased after Suhang.


In front of a huge crystal palace dotted with colorful corals, Xiao Kun lowered his head and put Su Hang down, and then pushed it back behind Su Hang's ass.

"You let me in?"

Su Hang looked at the closed palace door in front of him and turned back to Xiao Kun and asked.

"Tweet, tweet!"

Xiao Kun nodded non-stop.

Su Hang was puzzled and did not know what was waiting for him in this palace. There was a little bit of uncomfortable anxiety in his heart, but he still took steps to lean towards the gate of the palace.

"Tweet, tweet..."

Without taking two steps, Su Hang heard Xiao Kun's voice coming from behind, and looking back, it was Xiao Kun who was standing in front of the inferior and others, preventing them from approaching.

It's true that they are a little bit coerced and want to come over, but the Kunming beast, who has always been known for being docile, is actually a little crazy, and will not let them approach.

"What kind of trouble is this?" The sleepman is ready to start.

Su Hang hurriedly stopped, "You guys are waiting outside now, I'll take a look first."

A few people listened, and they were all a little bit angry, but still calmed down temporarily. Among the people, Su Hang still had a certain degree of prestige.

Xiao Kun also calmed down a little, but did not give way, and still stuck in front of the people who were not guilty.

"Go, go in!" Tang Ao urged Suhang to say.

"Don't swallow any good things alone!" Ye Xu also said a few words next to him, but he was squinted by 9 people from Qingxiafu.

Su Hang was too lazy to take care of them, turned and pushed open the door of the crystal palace.

The gate is very heavy, but apart from the heavy, there is not much other resistance, and it was pushed open as soon as it was forced.

It was bright inside, and Su Hang pushed the door open a gap and walked sideways.

In the palace, Su Hang carefully looked around, carefully guarding, God knows what will be waiting for him inside?

The surroundings are empty, the ground and walls are made of crystal and white jade, and there are several huge crystal pillars in the middle.

In the middle of the stone pillar, there is a high platform surrounded by a circle of white jade stone fence.

Above the platform, there seems to be something shining bright red light!

Su Hang looked around. It was empty everywhere, and there was nothing unexpected.

Xiao Kun should not let himself come in for no reason.

Su Hang climbed up the platform, turned over the stone fence, and looked around at the red light.

A tall red transparent crystal!


This is a piece of amber!

Su Hang can recognize it, it must be a piece of amber.

Such a big piece of amber is very rare!

There seems to be something in it!

Su Hang looked curiously in the middle of the amber, and his perspective ability could not penetrate. He could only use his eyesight to dimly. It was indeed like what was sealed inside, and the outline looked like a person.

"Can it be immortal?"

A thought flashed in Su Hang's mind, and he rushed forward, trying to get closer and trying to see the figure inside clearly.


Suddenly, Su Hang seemed to see something terrible, exclaimed, and backed away a few steps, almost fell to the ground without a butt.

"This, this, this..."

"How can this be?"

Su Hang's face was so surprised that he couldn't even believe his eyes.

Suddenly for a long time, Su Hang couldn't believe it and stepped forward. He found a relatively light-transmissive area on the amber and looked inside.

When the face in Amber slowly appeared in front of Su Hang, Su Hang could no longer calm down.

Take out a sword directly, and without hesitation chopped on that fast amber.


Sparks were splattering, the sword in his hand was directly broken, and the amber surface was not damaged at all.

Su Hang seemed to be mad, and took out the Seven Star Sword, and chopped it off.


The sword was swayed directly, and Su Hang's arm was numb and trembling.

"Hao Tian, ​​come with the sword of heaven!"

Su Hang yelled The sound rolled and came out of the door.


The people waiting outside were all startled, listening to Su Hang's voice, with a lot of anger, something must have happened!

Everyone did not know what happened in the temple, but something must have happened.

In anxiety, everyone could not care about the others, and they escaped the blockade of Xiao Kun and ran to the palace.

Xiao Kun tweeted, rushing left and right to stop, but the last one didn't stop, but instead he was confused.

"Uh, huh..."

In the end, only the national teacher remained on the spot.

Xiao Kun glared at him as if he wanted to vent all his anger on him. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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