Super Study God

Chapter 1050: Fear is coming!

"Then..." Hao Tian puzzled.

Su Hangdao, "It is nothing more than wanting to take advantage of the special space here, avoid Liu Ruxu's eyes and ears, and just talk to me!"

At the beginning, Su Hang also wanted to catch Xing Tian, ​​but think about it, he is not a fool, his strength is not high, and he dares to be so grand, he must want to take the opportunity to give himself some information.

The other party came with good intentions, but he treated him maliciously, can it be considered the right way?

Su Hang let him go, and it might be useful in the future.

"Still respected!" Hao Tian shot Su Hang again.

"Do you have a grudge against Xing Tian?" Su Hang turned to look at Hao Tian.

Hao Tiangan laughed, "At that time, when Tian Ting was newly established, he had competed with me for the **** position, but his strength was not as good as me. I was decapitated, and my spirit was exterminated. The demon girl did that on that day!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, this Haotian, first of the pig emperor, is now the punishment of the sky, many offended people, can be seen, the character seems really different, in his words, I am afraid there are some untrue!

"However, this person's ability is still very unusual, especially the anger of that body. Don't look at his appearance. It looks gentle and gentle. When he fights, he is a deadly lord..." Hao Tian said beside him .

Su Hang shook his head. He didn't care about it. He only needed to know the current situation of Liu Ruxu's woman.

"He said, this is the coffin of the undead, how do you feel?" Su Hang stepped forward and touched his hand on the amber stone.

"This one……"

Several people scratch their heads, how do we answer? The key is to look at you. After all, you are the one who knows Xue Qi the most.

Su Hang was lying on the amber stone, and then took a closer look. The face sealed inside, the face and mouth, was clearly Xue Qi.

It's just that after Hang Tian was so tumultuous, Su Hang seemed to feel a little bit different, but the specific difference was that Su Hang couldn't say it, maybe it was just an illusion.

"I feel it, something is wrong!"

At this time, I didn't caress my beard, "It's easy to prove who the man in the stone is. Let's go back to the Dixian Continent and go to the Yuxu Palace to see if we can find Xiaoqi... "

Others also agreed, and for the moment, let's first clarify the identity of Shi Zhongren.

"Although this man in stone is similar to Xiaoqi, if he can find Xiaoqi, then this man in stone is definitely not him!" Tang Ao said next to him, looking back at the piece of amber, "and like that Xing Tian said that he might be the ancestor of my undead, undead?"

"This is not necessary!"

At this time, Miankuo said, "Don't forget, Mita and the little toad!"

Meaning something!

Everyone thought about it for a while and looked at Su Hang, obviously they thought of something.

Su Hang shook his head, "Let's go back to Earth Fairyland, I want to see, what the **** is this!"

Tang Ao had already thought about leaving, and now he couldn't wait.

Su Hang stepped forward and tried to remove the amber, but found that it was impossible. At the moment, the group could only withdraw helplessly.


Back to the ancient ocean, Xiao Kun screamed, and Su Hang and others felt the wind and waves around him, and the yellow sand was tumbling.

I saw that the giant sea clam shell was spinning wildly in the sand and became smaller.

Between Xu Xu, a white light escaped from the dust and flew towards Su Hang.

Su Hang reached out and grabbed the white light in his hand. At first glance, it turned out to be the sea clam, but it was not the size of a slap at this time.

"It's a baby!" Su Hang praised Xiao Kun and put away the clam shell.

Liu Ruxu's idea that the woman is also fighting this thing, it is better to let her by her side, so as not to be taken away by her, and bad things.

Leaving this space, Su Hang temporarily put Xiao Kun into the sea mussel space, so as not to be too flamboyant.

This entry and exit has spent more than half a day. The work on the poor mountain has already been suspended. After all, the mountain gods have been dug out, and the national teacher has been captured. Who dares to continue to move this poor mountain.

The mountain was astonishingly quiet. Then the strong man who dug the mountain went back to their temporary camp to stand by. Although everyone wanted to leave, there was no word on it. Who would dare to leave?

For a time, under the cloud and fog, the entire poor mountain was devastated, and it was like a ruin, with renovated mud and rocks everywhere, which seemed extremely ruined.

The national teacher who didn't know the name, but he breathed a long breath, some inexplicable little touch in his heart, finally escaped into life, it is really good to live!

"Su Hang..."

Just about to leave, the voice of Mrs. Qingxia came from behind Su Hang.

Su Hang looked back, and Mrs. Qingxia was looking at a place, her face pale.

Looking through the sound, on a hill not far away, the white mist was blown away by the wind for a while, and you can see that there is a woman in white standing on the top of the mountain!

Su Hang looked at her eyebrows and couldn't help losing her color. The woman covered her face with white silk and couldn't see clearly. But at her feet, she stepped on a person and looked closely. It wasn't who the criminal day they had just stepped away from?

It is even more horrifying to wait for others. Although the woman on the top of the mountain covered her face, the figure made them quite familiar.

Although it was just standing there, and there was no slight momentum, but everyone still felt shocked at first glance.

"Who? Sign up for the name!" Hao Tian stood out and yelled at the man.

Next to him, the waiters were already frightened, and their foreheads were cold and sweaty, looking at Haotian like a ghost.

The woman turned her head slowly, and looked at Haotian from afar.

With eyes in sight, Haotian suddenly felt like a cold winter moon was poured from the head to the bottom of the feet by a pot of cold Haotian swallowed subconsciously, and his face changed slightly, and he lifted his chest again, "Where Sacred, the deity is face to face, don't you come down and see?"

If you are not empty, you can't help but stay away from Haotian. This is death in strength!

"The little girl is dealing with house thieves, please ask God to wait for a while, God will take care of the rudeness!"

At this time, the woman's voice drifted far, softly, and the voice sounded very crisp!

After that, she exerted a little force on her feet. When she was severely injured, she spurted a spit of blood, and her face was flushed with red, but she had no ability to resist.

"Where did he offend you, why do you bother him?" At this time, Su Hang stepped forward and said aloud.

"One crime is unfavorable, and the second crime eats away!" The woman looked down at Xing Tian, ​​her eyes were completely indifferent, and she looked up to Suhang. "If God Respect encounters such a rebellion, I don't know what to do?" "(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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