Super Study God

Chapter 1076: It's incredible!

"Fuck!" Su Hang slapped Xiao Jiu with a slap.

Xiaojiu stood unsteady and fell to the ground with his face, "Ouch, Nima has an egg!"

With a sad heart and tears, at this time, only Erhu came to the last section of Erquan Yingyue to express Xiaojiu's inner world.

Alas, who made you hate so much? Su Hang gave Xiao Jiu an apologetic look.

"She, why would you let you out?" Ji Yun accidentally had a trace of suspicion. He now has five senses and six knowledges, just like ordinary people, he can't distinguish the various aspects, and he is easily covered by his eyes. It seems that he is afraid of the people in front of him. Liu Ruxu changes.

"Thank you!" Su Hang walked over. "At her strong request, I forced her to be a slave. You don't need to be afraid in the future!"

Take her into slavery?

When Ji Yun and Jiang Li heard it, they both had their eyes widened. They both knew that the woman in Su Hang's mouth must be the woman!

Is it possible to take that woman as a slave? That is the Supreme Power of Heavenly Realm.

The Heavenly Dao Realm is beyond the rules, and even Heavenly Dao can't restrain her? How could it be enslaved?

Su Hang ignored the two's surprise and reached out and dialed twice on Ji Yun's chest chain. He turned back to Jiang Li and said, "Go to the dungeon and call the woman over."

"Ah? Divine Venerable!" Jiang Li froze for a moment and asked her to call the woman?

In the bottom of my heart, Jiang Li thought of the woman, she was dazed.

The Black Emperor, the Li nationality that was first created by the people, was turned into a Demon Race by the world, which made the Devil's Black Emperor afraid of this. There is only one person in the world.

"You said it was me, she didn't dare to treat you!" Su Hang only said so.

That tone, as others heard it, was simply Toad yawning, a big tone.

Jiang Li paused and took his life away!

Su Hang looked at Jiang Li's back and met with him a few times before. How excited he was. This time bye, this man is too old.

"I heard that Jiang Chiyou, Jiang Li's son, is back. Have you seen it?" Su Hang turned back and asked to Ji Yun.

Ji Yun listened and said, "I have seen it, but it was only tens of thousands of years ago. He was killed by me in the past, but I heard that it was reincarnation, I am not sure, and I have never seen it again!"

It can be seen that Ji Yun is still skeptical of Su Hang in front of him, and he is not allowed to trick the woman in what he is doing!

"How is it written?" Su Hang did not doubt him, walked over and looked at the book case.

At first glance, there was a blank sheet of paper, but a lot of paper **** were thrown on the ground next to it. It can be seen that Ji Yun just now was very entangled.

"Too full, thinking a little confused, can't write anything!" Ji Yun smiled lightly.

"Oh?" Su Hang also smiled, "If the woman hears you, I'm afraid I'm going to get angry!"


At this time, Jiang Li came back, followed by a woman, it was Liu Ruxu.

Liu Ruxu stepped forward and knelt when he saw Su Hang. "What do you call the master to call the slave?"

In this scene, Ji Yun almost didn't let Ji Yun sit down on the ground. Is this the goddess? If you look closely, it seems to be true!

Beside, Jiang Li was even more confused. What method did Su Hang use to actually conquer this woman and still be so obedient?

Just when Su Hang asked him to pass Liu Rusu, his heart was very disturbed, but what he did not expect was that he only talked about Su Hang's call, and Liu Rusu immediately followed him, everything else. Didn't say a word.

In this matter, it is very strange!

Su Hang looked at Liu Ruxu coldly, "Come here and take the shackles from His Majesty Huang Di!"


As soon as Liu Ruxu responded, he got up and stretched out his hand. The shackles on Ji Yun's body shook, and the two thick and thick iron chains were quickly extracted from Ji Yun's body.

Ji Yun gritted his teeth, his skin twitched, but he didn't say anything.

Su Hang has a toothache. This patience is better than his own. Su Hang can't help but admire him.

Ji Yun's face was pale, but obviously, after the iron chain was pulled away, the strength slowly recovered to his body, and the blood color slowly returned, and the two blood holes on the chest were also quickly repaired.

After all, he is a master of Tianzunjing Sipin, and he still has some self-healing ability.


After adjusting the rate for a while, Ji Yuncai exhaled for a long time, and his physical injuries recovered.

In fact, this is nothing, but Liu Ruxu sealed their abilities with a special method, which is the most painful.

"Master, well!" Liu Ruxu put away the iron chain and looked at Su Hang.

"Who made you get up?" Su Hang stared.

"Yes!" Liu Ruxu's face panicked, and quickly knelt down again.

Jiang Li and two of them swallowed hard. This scene shocked them again, and at the same time, they were shocked.

"Divine Venerable, this?" Ji Yun looked at Su Hang. Rao was so knowledgeable that he was also threatened at the moment.

Such a fierce god, actually so obedient to Su Hang, haven't they all shouted and killed before?

After his skill was restored, he was able to confirm the identity of Su Hang, but this made him feel strange.

Su Hang sat down at the table. "Don't remember I asked you for her birthday? She is now my slave. I want her to be born. If she wants to die, she will die!"


Both Ji Yun and Jiang Li were shocked and couldn’t believe their ears. Su Hang really enslaved this woman?

When Su Hang said this, he didn't mean to avoid Liu Ruxu, and Liu Ruxu just knelt on the ground after hearing it, and he didn't have any unpleasant reactions at The temper of a woman, if I heard such words in the past, I am afraid that it would not be enough to give Su Hang 10,000 ways of death. However, now there is no slight discomfort. Then, there is only one answer. This woman may be really like Su Hang said. In that way, he was enslaved.

It is possible that the strong man of Heavenly Dao Realm, the Heavenly Demon Maiden, was actually enslaved.

Both Ji Yun and the two are strong, knowing the gap between Liu Ruxu and them, and wanting to enslave him, I am afraid that even Daozu cannot do it. How did Su Hang do it?

This is incredible!

Ji Yun remembered that Su Hang asked him for Liu Ruxu's birthday, but he only thought that Su Hang wanted to use a spell, but Liu Ruxu jumped out of the rules, then what spell could spell her?

I never imagined that Su Hang had enslaved the devil. If he still had pain in his chest, he thought it was a dream.

"Look at your pride, can you do it without Jiuye me? Be careful and forget yourself!" Xiao Jiu said sourly beside him. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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