Super Study God

Chapter 1063: Stop it for me!

"I fight with you!"

A tribe with a common path couldn't help but be angry, shouting, holding a big axe, suddenly violently violently, and slayed towards that Liu Ruxu. Please read the most complete!

Jiang Li didn't have time to stop, the man had rushed to Liu Ruxu.


Liu Ruxu's brow furrowed, and seemed to slowly stretch out a finger, Ling Ling gently clicked.

The space where the man was located was instantly broken, and the person was like a mirror broken, and it instantly shattered into pieces, even a little bloodshot.


This scene shocked everyone. However, after the shock, it ignited everyone's blood.

"Fight, fight with him!"

I don't know who shouted, and undoubtedly lit the fuse, everyone's eyes were red, the group was excited, and they swarmed and rushed towards Liu Ruxu.

"Stop it, give it to me!"

Jiang Li's face changed a lot, and it was full of horror. Everyone's eyes were red, and he couldn't even listen to him.

If you want to stop it, you are unable to return to the sky. You know, the Li people are all a bunch of **** men, with strong customs and natural instincts. If they really fight, they will absolutely lose their lives.

It is better to break the jade than to destroy it. It is better to kill one's life than to steal a life. Although you know that you are dead, you must die deadly!

Once the **** thing explodes, it can hardly be stopped.

"Ant ants, since they want to die, let's die!"

Liu Ruxu looked at this scene indifferently. The space around her seemed to have changed. None of them rushed to her, and she hadn't had time to do anything. Her body suddenly turned into powder.

"Stop it, give it to me!"

Watching the tribes die in vain, Jiang Li burst into tears and quickly ran out of skill, snarling.

However, no one in the field was willing to listen. He and the rain master pulled left and right, and few people could pull back.

"Niangniang! Your mercy!" Under the rogue, Jiang Li could only kneel on the ground again and beg for a bet!

When the egg touches the hammer, the behavior of these Li masters is undoubtedly the earthworm shaking the tree. Since you can't stop it, you can only ask Liu Ruxu for kindness!

Liu Ruxu ignored it, and even more hateful, she might also think that the scene of this group of people generously dying was very interesting, and they all went to sleep, the corner of the mouth under the veil also slightly bent, and then returned Giggled.

What kind of person is this, it is really chilling!

Just when Jiang Li was extremely cold and also got up to die, suddenly, Liu Ruxu was shocked, as if he was split by thunder, his eyes straightened instantly.

With a wave of his right hand, a light curtain appeared in front of him, covering the whole door, and Liu Ruxu closed the door with a loud noise, and disappeared in front of everyone.


The people who have just died one after another are a little bit confused at the moment, what about people?

Didn't you just feel so happy just now? Why did you retreat?

"Wait, let me stop!"

At this time, Jiang Li yelled, bringing the blood-blowing crowd back to reality.

"His Majesty!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Li and calmed down a little.

Jiang Li looked around and burst into tears. Nearly 150 people were just there. More than half of the elite of the entire Li ethnic group gathered here.

Now, at a glance, a hundred people can't reach, just a few moments, it has damaged nearly fifty or sixty people.

His heart is bleeding, why is he wronged for perfection, isn't it just to save the Li people?

After thousands of years of hardship, the fires retained by the Li nationality were rare and few, and they came out of the Wanmo Cave, but there were only tens of thousands of people. Damage, how can Jiang Li not feel pain?

"Wait, wait..." Jiang Li pointed at everyone, shaking unceasingly for a long time, unable to say a word.

After everyone calmed down a bit, a cold wind blew across his forehead, as if he realized at this time that he had made a big mistake under the impulse.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, Feng Bo got rid of Yu Shi's shackles, walked to Jiang Li and knelt down, "Your Majesty, this woman is at this time when she is weak. If we do not take advantage of this time, we will have no chance!"

This uncle Feng is really a master of rhythm. The people who have just calmed down are immediately ignited again.

"Her wait!"

Jiang Li shouted loudly, and he did not know where to get a sword and put it on his neck. "Who dares to go a step further, I will retaliate here!"

"Ah? Your Majesty?"

Everyone was stupid, never thought that Jiang Li's attitude would be so firm, and then kneeled on the ground in panic.

The black emperor they admired was forced to die, what else can they do? Even Feng Bo, at this time can only tears in tears, but helplessly ended.

"Do you know what are you doing? This is leading me to the Li tribe." Jiang Li scolded loudly.

I even wanted to attack Liu Ruxu while she was weak. This is just a fool's dream. You know, after Liu Ruxu was seriously injured by Su Hang, so many masters could not destroy her body. The strong man who hurts the heavenly realm?

Jiang Li can imagine that even if Liu Ruxu is weak now, it is that the thin and dead camels are bigger than the horses. Not to mention these individuals, even if they have a team of Tianzunjing masters, they definitely want to kill.

Fortunately, Jiang Li suffered so many people. Jiang Li was heartbroken and resentful. However, since the ancient law did not blame the public, now he can only hate himself and not care about his subordinates.

"Your Majesty, sir, guilty!" Feng Bo knelt in front of Jiang Li and said these words with great effort. After he finished, his eyes closed, as if he was trying to calm down his mood.

Jiang Li was trembling all over, trying to calm down his For a long time, he gently spit out a sentence, "all, go back!"

"Your Majesty!" everyone cried, looking at Jiang Li with tears in their eyes.

"Give me back!" Jiang Limeng shouted, as if he couldn't suppress his anger.

One by one, they are all stuck here, do you want to die? Later, Liu Ruxu woke up and saw them again, imagining the consequences.

Jiang Li's prestige is still very high. Everyone sees Jiang Li's anger, and he dare not say anything more. Including Feng Bo, men and women quickly get up and prepare to leave.

Originally, the preparation for rebellion was unexpected, but I did not expect that such a tragedy would end. After everyone calmed down, they all wanted to cry without tears.


However, at this moment, a voice that touched the heartbeat came.

Everyone was trembling, Jiang Li was pale. To be continued. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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