Super Study God

Chapter 1086: The fruit requested!

One hundred thousand years ago in ancient times, Su Hang's life was already messy enough. He didn't want to make his life more chaotic.


"Master, look."

Liu Ruxu saw that Su Hang ignored her, and did not know where a person was thinking. There was a cry, as if there was something to be shown to Su Hang.

Su Hang woke up and looked back at Liu Ruxu. Liu Ruxu held his right hand, his palm clenched into a fist, like holding something.

Seeing Su Hang, Liu Ruxu's eyebrows showed a smile, and his right hand was gently spread out. What appeared in front of Su Hang was a small white fruit.

"What?" Su Hang was a little puzzled. When did this woman learn to be naughty like a little girl?

I didn't know where to pick a fruit to tease him, he thought it was something good.

Liu Rusu said, "Seeing that the host wanted the fruit of the king apricot that day, the slave-servant asked for it like the old apricot tree last night, but I didn't think that the old apricot tree actually gave the slave-servant one."


Su Hang was surprised, and his eyes fell on the small fruit in Liu Ruxu's palm. "Is this the fruit of King Ginkgo?"

With that, Su Hang stretched out two fingers, picked up the little fruit, and placed it in front of his eyes. The smell was not very beautiful, and it was indeed ginkgo fruit.

Liu Ruxu nodded, "Exactly."

"You asked for it?"

Su Hang looked up and looked at Liu Ruxu. Some of them couldn't believe it. He said it casually that day. He didn't expect the woman to be really in love, so he helped him in a blink of an eye.

Liu Ruxu nodded again and smiled, "It doesn't seem to be so difficult to obtain the king ginkgo fruit. Can the owner be satisfied?"

What this said means a little bit of invitation.

Su Hang smiled, "Not bad, I didn't raise you in vain."

A slave-servant who can take care of every sentence the master has said and find ways to meet the master's needs is a qualified slave-servant.

"This Yang Jian is not honest, and he said that what has passed the flowering period, the old apricot tree can't bear fruit, it turned out to be fooling me." Su Hang said, it was a bit unhappy Yang Jian, if Liu Ruxu asked for fruit He really had to be fooled by him.

Liu Ruxu was also laughing. Hearing Su Hang’s words, he said, “In fact, this fruit is not born of a tree of faith. It is nothing more than containing a lot of energy. In addition to improving a little skill, it only builds the foundation for low-level disciples. Effective, master, what is your use for it?"

"I'll know it later." Su Hang laughed, and took an empty bottle filled with Elixir from the storage ring, and put the apricot into it.

After all, it is the descendants of the belief in the **** tree. The **** tree on the demon list can be kept as a collection.

"the host!"

At this time, Liu Ruxu took a step forward and his voice was a little low.

Su Hang saw that she seemed to have something to say, and her face became serious. "But it doesn't matter."

Liu Ruxu said, "As far as the slave-servants know, under this great light, there was an underground palace, which was built by the Yuqing Taoists at that time. There are countless treasures in it. These two days, the slave-servants looked at the mind, and the underground palace was still there. The contents are still..."

Su Hang heard this, and her face slowly darkened. Before she finished speaking, she interrupted her. "Did you forget the warning I gave you?"


Liu Ruxu froze for a moment, stopped the conversation, and dared not speak further.

Su Hang frowned and said, "We are here to be guests, not to be robbers. Those of you who think carefully, it is best to converge me. What kind of underground palace, what treasures, even if they are more precious, it is also jade. ..."

This woman's brain is really, in a vulgar way, that is, the dog can't change the feces. She said this, she just wanted to arouse Su Hang's mind and go to the underground palace to collect treasure.

If he wants to do this, what is the difference with Qiaohuozhuo? If it is passed out, does this emperor have a face?

Killing people for treasure, perhaps for Liu Ruxu, it is commonplace, as common as eating and drinking water, because there may be no law or rules in her mind.

What I like is my own. If you want to take it, take it if you want. If you don’t accept it, just come and compare your wrist with me.

This may be the belief of Liu Rusu!

If you want to transform this woman, it seems that the road is still long.

The Yuxu Underground Palace may really exist, but for Su Hang, it is a thing with a master, and even if there are any terrifying treasures in it, he cannot be coveted by it.


"The master has learned that the slave-maid knows." Liu Ruxu responded.

Su Hang can feel that this woman is trying to please herself, but the two believe in different concepts. Many times, her favor will make Su Hang feel disgusted.

"The following is not an example."

Su Hang said solemnly, just because this woman asked him for a king ginkgo, Su Hang did not pursue him too much.


"Oh, my god, this, this..."

"Who did it, who did it? You told me, who did it?"

Back at Yuxu Palace, far away, Su Hang heard a burst of crying and heard the sound, very familiar.

Yang Jian?

Su Hang hurriedly followed the voice and came to the courtyard. In the courtyard in front of the Yuqing Hall, he kneeled a large circle of disciples. Su Hang walked over and looked, his face suddenly darkened.

The king apricot in the middle of the courtyard was okay yesterday, but now the branches and leaves have fallen to the ground. I don’t know. I thought it was artificially pruned, but the pruning technique is not very good. It was like being bitten by a dog.

Yang Jian was sitting under the tree, holding a large branch of Ginkgo, where the pain was, the crying was abnormally sad, and the tears were crying.

The disciples next to him also knelt on the ground ~ ~ with their heads buried one by one, daring not to say a word, for fear of being Yang Su as a suspect.

Obviously, this plant is destroyed by man-made.

"Senior Yang." Su Hang walked over.

Yang Jian raised his head, saw Su Hang coming, stood up, and tried to calm down his mood.

"What's going on?" Su Hang looked over to the king of the tree.

When Yang Jian heard it, he immediately gritted his teeth, "I don't know who killed the thousand knives, but actually destroyed the old apricot tree like this, I, I..."

Yang Jianyue said more and more angrily, and put his suspicion on the disciples who were kneeling on the ground. Obviously, he believed that some of these disciples must have done it.

This is really bold, although the tree looks insignificant, but it has been handed down from the ancients. For Yang Jian, this is not only inherited, but also pinned his emotions.

A good tree was destroyed like this, can he not be distressed, can he not be angry? (To be continued.)

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