Super Study God

Chapter 1092: Prince's grave?

"What are you saying?" Su Hang was very displeased. The woman's values ​​were really a serious deviation. What he said made him very uncomfortable. "Take out the mirror, check it a few times, and give me slow playback. I’d like to see what dare to blame here!"

"Uh, yes..."

Liu Ruxu responded, although unwilling, Suhang had orders and she could not resist, so she had to follow suit.


However, the result was disappointing. After a few inquiries, I still found nothing. I only knew that it was a red cloud, or a red glow of light, because they didn’t even see the cloud. .

"Previously, when the sun went down, what kind of red glow did we see, could it be?" Su Hang thought of something!

Liu Ruxu nodded, "It should be the same thing!"

Su Hang's eyebrows were clenched, and an unknown shadow lingered in his heart, making him always feel heavy.

As if a haze lingered in my mind.

At this time, Liu Ruxu said, "Master, this slave-servant seems to have a little impression, but I can't remember it for a moment. Perhaps, you can go back to Tiandu Mountain to see. There are many precious books in the palace. I hope that the slave-servant has seen it somewhere."

"Is it?"

Su Hang thought about it and nodded, "Go back to Tiandu Mountain!"

Without saying a word, he turned his head and left. There was nothing here. There was only an empty city. There was nothing to be found. Su Hang was worried about Su Jin.

In this town of Xiangyun, it is not far from gathering Tiandu Mountain. In case that red cloud goes to the Dragon Palace, if there is really something in the red cloud, it will be in trouble!

Su Hang was really afraid that after returning to Tiandu Peak, what would be waiting for him would be an empty dragon palace.

Xiangyun Town gathered not far from the Dragon Palace, almost a few breathing time, came to the top of Tiandu Mountain.

When the consciousness swept away, there was someone in the palace, and Su Hang was relieved for a long time.

It's okay.

Su Jin saw that Su Hang was in full swing, and quickly came out to meet. Su Hang didn't say anything and asked what happened at dusk!

It was really good for them to gather together. After listening to Su Hang’s question, they also said that they saw the red light, and all of them were surprised.

However, if you ask any more, everyone does not know. It only knows that the red light comes fast and goes fast. It appears between Xu Shi and disappears. It is a wonder, and there is no Pay too much attention.

Knowing that Su Hang had talked about what happened in Xiangyun Township, everyone turned his face.

That town of Xiangyun is not far from the Tiandu Mountain. For them, it can be said that it is a short walk away. Some people dare to **** people under the eyes of the Dragon Palace, and so many people are taken away at once, which can be said to be blatant, this Courage is really not small.

Not only is he courageous, this skill is also absolutely not weak, and if they were not accidentally discovered by the two of them, they would not be aware.

"Master, slave-servant goes to the library!"

Liu Ruxu said to Su Hangdao, and left. She said that she seemed to have seen the record of the red cloud somewhere. There are many books in the library, but some of them rummaged!

"Isn't it such an exaggeration, would it be a kind of devilish confusion?" Liu Ruxu walked away with a lot of confidence, and said a few words beside him.

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't know, but it should be something extraordinary!"

With that said, Su Hang turned to Su Jindao, "In these days, strengthen your vigilance. If the red light appears again, let everyone hide away!"

"Yes, Jin'er understand!" Su Jin leads his life. This matter is of great importance. It must not be sloppy. It must be carefully investigated.

"This hugely provocative person is bound to make a lot of noise. You should pay attention to see if there is any news from other places!" Su Hang asked again.

"Children save!" Su Jin said, followed Su Hang into the inner hall, but the other people were distracted!

Entering the inner hall, Su Hang said, "The situation today is becoming more and more incomprehensible, and some strange things have emerged. You must be careful when you are the Lord of the Dragon Palace. beware!"

Su Jin nodded again and again, "Father is often out, so be more careful!"

Su Hang reassured, "I, this person, have a bad life. It doesn't matter anymore. Besides, there is Liu Ruxu following, and Hongjun promised to protect me. I can't die!"

Su Jin said, "Liu Ruxu is a man with a bad name. His father must be more cautious about her!"

Although I don't know how Su Hang enslaved Liu Ruxu, Su Jin couldn't help but be shocked whenever he saw the woman.

Su Hang nodded slightly, undecided, and digressed, "How did you check the matter that I asked you to check before I left?"

With that said, Su Hang found a chair and sat down.

Su Jin walked in front of Su Hang and said, "There is a result."

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Su Hang was a little surprised. Before going to Yuxu, he assigned Su Jin a little task. Originally, he thought it would be difficult. Unexpectedly, Su Jin said that he had a result in these days. This efficiency is not generally fast.

Su Jindao said, "In fact, it was not difficult to find out. It was a record. However, after so many years, the place was already a vicissitudes of land. It is now called Prince's Tomb and is located in the northern boundary of Changzhou. The child has been ordered to explore, but specific The location is unknown."

"Changzhou, Prince's Grave?" Su Hang murmured.

Su Jin nodded, "It's just that my father suddenly wanted to find that place. After so many years, there shouldn't be any good things left in that place!"

Su Hang shook his head gently, "I don't want to find any baby, I just want to prove something."

"What did your father want to prove?" Su Jin asked curiously.

Su Hang rubbed his head and didn’t want to explain too much. “I’ll talk about it later. I’m still confused myself. It’s not too early. You should take a break early.”

After talking about Suhang got up and left.



For the next few days, Su Hang stayed at the Dragon Palace and did not go anywhere. I felt a little wrong in my heart. I was afraid that something would happen to the Dragon Palace as soon as I left.

That night, Liu Rusu found Su Hang, "Master, the slave-servant found something in the library..."

In Liu Ruxu's hands, he held a quaint yellowish hand book.

Su Hang was soaking his feet and heard his words ticked his fingers and asked Liu Rusu to hand over the handbook.

Su Hang flipped over it, too many words, too messy, lost his mood to look at, and left it aside, "Speak, what did you find!"

So many words, let him read, do not know when to see.

Liu Ruxu nodded slightly, "I wonder if the master has heard about the life of slave-servants?" (To be continued.)

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