Super Study God

Chapter 1094: Hukouguan!

The origin of the red cloud monster was not found one hundred thousand years ago, which does not mean that he can now let it go. In three short days, he committed three crimes and missing tens of thousands of people. Although the land of the fairyland is vast, it can’t bear it. Consumption method.

This matter must be investigated clearly, and as soon as possible, otherwise, it will cause panic within a short time, and then there will be a lot of unrest.


Changzhou, at the border with Ezhou, is located at the northern end of the mainland, and it can be regarded as a land of borders. Suhang had been to Ezhou that year, but had not yet gone to Changzhou.

The territory of this state capital is very large, and it is necessary to top the surrounding two state capitals. There is no other reason. In Changzhou, it is mostly covered by deserts. For many years, there is no water, the weather is hot, and the environment is extremely harsh.

The hot, dry, endless horizon is a vast sea of ​​sand, filled with eyes, only the sky blue, the cloud white, and the sand yellow.

Occasionally a ray of wind blew, making people feel a trace of coolness, but after that ray of coolness, it was accompanied by more intense heat.

Of course, that is for ordinary people, for people like Su Hang who have been inside the sun, this temperature is nothing.

In the eyes of others, the vast desert is terrifying, and in the eyes of monks like Su Hang, it is just a tourist scenery.

The air is almost solidified because of the heat. Every breath, it seems to be able to **** in two or two sands, and you can't see a figure at all. There is only one sand dune that has no end.

Everything is so quiet, I can't see a plant, I can't see a little green, life seems to be extinct here!

Occasionally one or two unknown desert creatures drilled out of the sand and disappeared quickly, leaving only a long trace on the sand.

"Unexpectedly, Dixian Continent also has such a place!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Hangchang sighed.

The desert can be regarded as a wonder. In the eyes of people who know how to appreciate it, it is beautiful, and it does not lose to those famous mountains and rivers!

However, behind the beauty, there is often horror. While showing off its beauty, it will often reveal its daunting claws!

The two walked in the desert for many years. The exact location of the ancient tomb was not known for a long time. Liu Ruxu covered the whole desert with his consciousness and searched back and forth several times. Discover what is too ancient tomb underground.

There are a lot of ancient tombs in the underground of this desert, but obviously, they are not the ancient tombs in the ancient records.

Obviously, either the tomb has been consumed by the years and no longer exists, or it is protected by enchantment and shields the probe.

Both are possible, but no matter which one, they want to find the exact location of that ancient tomb in those days, it must be a bit of trouble.

"Although there are few people in this desert, there are also many tribal ethnic groups. There is a sand city two hundred miles away in front of us. Master, or shall we go over and see?" Liu Ruxu asked Suhang.

Su Hang listened and said, "Jin'er said, that place is now called Prince's Tomb, which is located in Mobe, Changzhou, near a sand city called Hukouguan!"

"Hukou Pass? The slave maid knows!" Liu Ruxu nodded slightly. "Then let's go to Hukou Pass? There is about eight thousand miles away. I will take the master with me and I can reach it!"

Khan, is this showing strength? Feeling slow in my food?

"The desert scenery is very good, let's go slowly!" Su Hang said, calling out Xiao Kun, and climbed up.

Liu Ruxu was speechless, and it was heart-wrenching to meet a good-faced owner.


Along the way, the wind and the sun were so beautiful. Su Hangben also wanted to see the black sandstorm in the desert, but it is a pity that Tiangong is not beautiful, and did not let him see such wonders.

Xiao Kun didn't move very slowly. The distance of more than 8,000 miles was only two or three hours away. This is still Su Hang's deliberately slowing down, so that he can appreciate the scenery in the vast desert.



A sand city is located at the northern end of the desert, in a depressed area. The landform here is special, resembling a large tiger mouth, so it is called Hukouguan.

From a distance, especially from top to bottom, the tiger face is more obvious, as if there is a giant beast hidden in the sand sea, it is like swallowing the sky!

Since the city was built here, it has been an important pass in the northern border of Changzhou Mo. Three kilometers away from Hukou, you can get out of this desert and enter Ezhou territory.

This is also one of the most important supply locations for passers-by walking in the desert. In the large city, there are tens of thousands of people, a large part of them are foot-and-toe merchants from all directions!

There are all kinds of strange and strange faces. The two of Su Hang came from Xiaokun, which must be extremely flamboyant.

Monks, in the eyes of mortals, are always so unattainable. They envy, longing, and hope that they can become monks and live forever. However, they can only know if they truly become monks. The so-called monks are not as good as they think.

As soon as the two entered the city, a strangely dressed, exotic old man came to welcome him.

The old man brought a group of people, claiming to be the city owner of Hukouguan, the name is Haru.

Haru was kowtowing and praying again, and invited the two Su Hang to a camel, as a distinguished guest, he ushered into his mansion.

Camel elephant, a long-mammoth elephant in the desert, with a camel-like hump, huge body, and I don't know what breed it is. Su Hang was the first to see this creature, and it was suspected that it was a big camel. Like a hybrid.

Most of the buildings in the city are sand and stone mixed structures, and there is little wood. The special geographic structure of Hukouguan can make this sand city well avoid most of the wind and sand attacks, even if It is a black sandstorm with an unpleasant color change, and it rarely gets here.

Therefore, this sand city is also uniquely endowed, and it has been inherited for a long time. In the desert, like this, it can stand up and down, and the city that exists for a long time is really rare.

"Two immortals, please!"

Haru cautiously ushered the Su Hang two into the main hall. There is a set of wooden furniture in the hall. Although it is a bit old, in the desert, it may already be a luxury!

One left and one right, the two sat down, and Haru quickly brought people to bring hot milk tea and personally presented them to Su Hang.

The tea bowl had just been brought to his mouth, and before Su Hang could take a sip, he saw Haru trembling and knelt before him.

Su Hang froze for a moment, put down the tea bowl in his hand, and looked at Haru suspiciously, "Master Harold, are you the one playing?"

Su Hang did not know whether Haru was the last name, nor did he know how to call him. (To be continued.)

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