Super Study God

Chapter 1105: What is this place?

Slowly twisting his neck, when he saw the thing behind, Su Hang was a little envious of the haha ​​lying on the ground, sleeping, knowing nothing, it was so happy!

"So Suhang? I said, I will come back to find you again!"

A red cloud slowly floated in front of Su Hang, slowly approaching Su Hang's face.

God, you said you would come to see me, but you came without turning around!

At the moment, Su Hang was crying and tearless, feeling that she was being set up. This red cloud monster must have deliberately led Liu Ruxu to leave. After Liu Ruxu left, she took the opportunity to return. This intention is obvious. Too.

Even if Liu Ruxu was next to him, Su Hang was bottomless. Now that he lacks such a man, he is a bit hesitant. Isn't he a mere mermaid?

Subconsciously, Su Hang wanted to shout loudly that Liu Ruxu and her were masters and servants. If they could sense his danger, they would definitely come at the first time. At Liu Ruxu's speed, it would be almost blinking. If Suhangba looked at Liu Ruxu to be back in time, maybe...

However, the idea of ​​Su Hang had just risen, and the red cloud had shrouded him instantly. Su Hang only felt a flash of red light in front of him, and immediately lost consciousness, and knew nothing!

"Dare you dare!"

There was a deep drink from the horizon, and within less than a second, Liu Ruxu's figure flashed out of thin air above the city head.

Liu Ruxu was furious, thinking that he was a wise man. He was actually given the routine by such a red cloud monster, and actually gave her a tune away from the mountain.

Just such a clumsy trick could actually make her fooled, it just doesn't make sense!

The angry Liu Ruxu reached out and tried to stop the red cloud, but his shot was still a bit slower, but he only caught a ray of cloud light!

The red cloud didn't stay, and didn't mean to conflict with Liu Ruxu. Her purpose seemed to just want to take Su Hang away, slipping through the smoke, only passing an afterglow on Liu Ruxu's eyes, and disappeared instantly. not see.


This ability to escape is really first-rate. Liu Ruxu gritted his teeth, and hasn’t been so angry for a long time. A pair of fists squeezed the space and crackled and cracked into slag. The sound waves rolled out. Remember that the yellow sand in the desert crashed back and forth. In a burst of explosion, the entire Hukou Pass collapsed in an instant, ruined into a ruin, and horrified sand and dust covered the sky.


It's so cold!


I don't know how long it took, Su Hang felt his head dizzy, and his eyelids seemed to hang a heavy scale, and exhausted all his strength, and then managed to open a slit!

"What is this place?"

Finally waking up, Su Hang rubbed his temple hard, as if he had just sobered up after a hangover, and had a terrible headache.

After breathing for a while, I first looked at the surrounding environment. It was like a cave. The area was not large. It was 30 to 40 square meters. It was surrounded by irregular cool stone walls. Below was a water hole, and he was lying on the water. In the middle of the water was a large mossy blue stone, with a few stalactites hanging above his head, and the water was ticking down.

No wonder it feels so cold!

Why am I in this place?

Su Hang felt that his mind was a little unresponsive, and after thinking for a while, he remembered that he was caught by the red cloud, and then he lost consciousness!

Looking around, there was no one in the cave, and I didn’t know if Liu Ruxu arrived in time. Did this save me, or did I say that I was taken into captivity by the red cloud monster?

There was a glimmer of light in front of it, which should be the entrance of the cave. Su Hang adjusted his breath a bit, and his performance was not hindered. His heart was set at three points.

After a week of exercise, Qi and blood flowed smoothly, and the headaches faded. Su Hang spit out a turbid breath, got up, jumped over the waterhole, and walked to the entrance of the cave.

"Shangxian, are you awake?"

He hadn't walked out of the hole, and a person came in. Su Hang looked at it, but it was haha.

Haha, holding a bundle of dry firewood in his hand, seemed to enter the hole to make a fire, and when he saw Su Hang, there was a bit of joy on his face.

"What is this place?" Su Hang didn't say much, and directly asked the key question. The feeling of breaking like a drunk made him very uncomfortable.

Haha put the firewood beside him, scratching his shiny hair, "Shangxian forgive sins, the younger don't know where this is, he was here when he woke up, it was the red cloud that brought us here of!"

"Red cloud?"

Su Hang heard his words, and suddenly his heart sank. It seemed that Liu Ruxu still failed to save himself.

It was a mistake. It was actually said by the red cloud monster, and the red cloud monster was too deep. She didn’t play cards according to the routine. Who could think she would come back after she left?

"How about Xiao Kun?" Su Hang patted his head and suddenly thought of Xiao Kun.

When he was comatose, Xiao Kun was also with himself. Then, wouldn't the woman treat Xiao Kun?

"Is Shangxian referring to that fairy beast? It should be outside right now!" Haha replied.

Immediately, Suhang did not ask much, and went directly to the hole.


Out of the hole, suddenly bright, a vast and magnificent scene appeared in front of him.

Appearing in front of the Su Hang, is a vast forest, a lush green, boundless, tens of hundreds of meters of towering trees everywhere, a variety of, endless.

There is a towering cliff on the edge of the forest, which rises into the sky. I don't know how wide or how high, just like the wall of the botanical garden, which encloses this vast forest.

The place where Su Hang is located is a cave above this cliff. If you take one more step, you will fall into the cliff. Below is the abyss. I don’t know how an ordinary person from Haha picked up from under the cliff. Firewood came up.

Faint clouds are lingering at the entrance of the cave. Through the clouds, the sky is high, and you can feel the magnificence of the scenery before you. A thing that doesn't know whether it is a mountain or a tree, it goes straight into the cloud, like a towering pillar, extremely towering.

"Wan Qinlin?"

"Not like!"

Su Hang frowned, he could feel the enchanting power of this world.

This is Taiko demon power, and he only felt it when he was in the bird clan Wanquelin.

Subconsciously, Su Hang thought it was Wanquelin. However, after careful observation, it felt otherwise, Wanquelin in the feather race did not have such a scene.

However, in addition to Wanquelin, in today's world, where else can have such a rich and pure Taiko demon power?


At this time, a familiar voice came from a distant place, bringing Su Hang back to reality. (To be continued.)

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