Super Study God

Chapter 1110: 1 practice!

First of all, you can be sure that these words are not left by yourself. After all, your own handwriting is the most clear.

Could it be that there is no death?

A thought flashed through Su Hang’s mind. Liu Rusu said that the Undead and the Taikoo Tomb are inextricably linked, and this space, let’s call it Cangwu, is probably the secret of the guardianship of the Taikoo Tomb. The space, a place that even Liu Rusu could not find.

The two are linked, maybe his guess is really possible.

"Little wonder?"

The thought of Undead, Su Hang had to think of Xue Qi, after all, the two looks so similar.

I don't know if it was the preemptive reason. Su Hang felt that the handwriting on this wooden sign seemed to be somewhat similar to Xue Qi.

However, Su Hang felt weird again. Xue Qi's words, which he had seen before, could only be described by a dog planer. But the words on this wooden sign were Canglong and full of energy. How could he feel like Xue Qi's words?

It's ridiculous too!

Su Hang quickly put aside this nonsense idea. Xue Qi, the boy, couldn't help the wall with mud, how could he become a famous immortal?

Alas, it's getting chaotic!

Su Hang felt like he was stuffed into a ball of wool in his head. No matter what he did, he could not understand a thread. Instead of ignoring a thread, he became more and more chaotic.

"Perhaps it's time to go to Taikoo!"

Su Hang thought for a while, and suddenly such a thought came to his mind.

Because the things in front of 100,000 made his life a mess, so Su Hang once made up his mind that he must not go to Taikoo, and he would never go to death.

But now, he found that he had to go, because there were too many questions entangled in his heart, one by one, as if they were all related to Taikoo, he had to find out.

The black card of Swire's admission ticket appeared in his hand. Su Hang's look was complicated. After hesitating for a long time, he finally put it away.

This thing is a pit. Once you step in, you can't get out. Everything can only follow the routine of the system.

Moreover, the card stated that the Venerable Realm can only go. Although he already has the Venerable Realm, he is only the first to enter the Venerable Realm. He is the only one who is very dangerous to enter this copy.

You know, that is the age of Taikoo, the road is demon!

The reason why I dared to go to the ancient times last time was because he was followed by a few of them, so he dared to be unscrupulous. Rao is so, the trip to the ancient times is also thrilling, not to mention the more distant ancient.

If Liu Ruxu followed, he said, as for now, Su Hang feels that there is no need to take the risk for the time being.

Wait a minute, wait for the woman to come back, look at the situation and say again, if she really refuses to let herself go, say again!


Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Su Hang adjusted his breath. Recently, there have been too many things on the booth. He hasn't practiced for a long time!

The way to practice lies in perseverance, perseverance, just like sailing against the current, and retreat if you are not!

Although Su Hang’s practice is special, he cannot rely on systematic help and lose his cultivation heart.

After adjusting the interest rate for several weeks, the time has passed. I don’t know how long it has passed. Suhang feels that his skills should be improved.

However, this time, the Soviet Union did not dare to rush forward too much.

After all, he is now in the venerable realm, only a few months after the breakthrough, there is not much time to practice, and the realm is not really stable until now.

In addition, the Venerable Realm is no lower than in the past, he can poke directly from one grade to nine grades.

But now it is different. There is a big difference between the ninth grade and the first grade of the Venerable Realm. If it is as usual in the past, it is undoubtedly promoting seedlings, and this seedling is quite ruthless.

For practitioners, the unstable state is difficult to achieve. Although your foundation is laid firmly, if the next layer of water is repaired, the next layer may be nothing, but you have to go up ten layers of repair Hundreds of floors, build a skyscraper, I am afraid that the skyscraper will have collapsed before you wait.

Therefore, in the matter of spiritual practice, Su Hang is still very cautious, and it is possible to improve it in an appropriate amount, but it should not exceed the degree he can control.

Moreover, the training speed of Su Hang may feel slower for himself, but for other practitioners, it is already very fast.

After all, in two years' time, from an ordinary person to a strong man in the esteemed realm, who can do it all the time?

I have never heard of it!

However, Su Hang did it. Of course, it all relied on the merits of the Xueshen system, and it seems that it has nothing to do with Su Hang.

Everything that has happened over the past two years seems to be a dream, but for Su Hang, if this is a dream, he would rather have this dream last longer.


At this moment, a rare place for repairing, without the hustle and bustle, Su Hang could feel the soul returning to the body and feel a bit of tranquility.

Pulling out the atheistic system, Su Hang began to select the objects to be learned.

There are a lot of information about the characters scanned and collected by him in the system, all of them are below.

Of course, below the Venerable Realm, Suhang is now disregarding it, let the system filter it out in minutes, and then filter out the information of the strongman above the Fifth Venerable Realm, and the rest are only handful.

The system also contains information about them, but once they are at the pinnacle of the Venerable Realm, secondly, the housekeeping skills of the few of them, Su Hang has already learned seven, seven or eight, so the second Round selection will be eliminated!

Rao is so, there is still a lot of information left in the system's information column. After all, there are too many Venerable Masters in his, just in the Dragon Palace A large film, as well as the Immortal Academy, Zhou Mingzhiliu are also among them.

The selection of Su Hang one by one, still focused on the Taigu monks of the Five Clan, excluding the monks outside the five clan.

This time, the rest is less!

Swire monks of the five races. He has seen some in the Taikoo City of the Yu nationality.

Su Hang chose the five Taikoo tribes. One thing is that their exercises do have merits. Secondly, after all, he has now changed his original intention and is going to find time to go to Taikoo. The language and writing must definitely pass.

If anyone in this world can study the ancient writings profoundly, it must be the five ancient tribes, and the existence of these venerable realms are all old monsters, and they must be proficient in this regard.

This is an important reason. Just like that, the words on the wooden sign are completely unknown, and the whole is like an illiteracy. It is really embarrassing!

No matter how you say it, you can be considered a cultural person. You don’t even know the characters.

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