Super Study God

Chapter 1115: You merits!

"Hehe." At this time, Liu Ruxu sneered next to him, "Daozu's words, it's too much to coax the children. The so-called heaven is fixed, but it is used to restrain those mortals. I have already jumped out of heaven. , The fate is dominated by oneself, how can there be a fixed number."

At this moment, Liu Ruxu looked like Hong Yun, perhaps as a woman, and actually felt that she was somewhat miserable.

Hongyun listened, raised his head, and looked at Hongjun again.

But the black line is heavy on Hongjun's forehead. Isn't it a bad thing, this little demon? Just coaxed her a little bit, and you jumped out to make trouble again.

"Hehe." Hongjun smiled and said, "The girl is surprised, there is a avenue above Heavenly Dao. Do you jump out of Heavenly Dao, can you jump out of the Avenue? Your so-called destiny is by yourself, but then, just jump out of Heavenly Dao. The shackled you are now slaves to slaves. Do you think your destiny is really dominated by yourself?"

If Su Hang is here, if he hears Hong Jun's remarks, he may have to turn his face directly, and say these words in front of Liu Ruxu, don't you mean to rebel?

However, Hong Jun does not seem to have that meaning, but just wants to elaborate his so-called views.

Liu Ruxu heard this, and she, who was always good at words, also stopped speaking, and was speechless by Hongjun's words.

Yeah, what about you jumping out of the heavenly bondage? What about Heavenly Realm, has it not been enslaved?

In the eyes of others, the Heavenly Dao Realm is high above the earth, and it is an absolute supreme existence. You can ignore the Heavenly Dao, and no rules can restrain them, but only when you really reach that realm, you will know the depth of the water.

It is said that the authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear. Some things, but the authorities, can really see it.

"Mo said it's you, there are some things, the poor way is also powerless." Hong Jun sighed, his eyes fell on Hongyun's body, "I should have said that, there is a sentence in the world, there is a destiny to meet thousands of miles There is no chance to meet each other, girls, go with the fate, come with the fate, the cause and effect of the entanglement for several lifetimes will one day come to an end, wait for it, the one who comes should always come."

Hongyun didn't know if he was fooled by Hong Jun, his emotions stabilized, and he didn't say much, but just stared at himself in the bronze mirror.

After a brief silence, Liu Ruxu stood still, "Dao Zu, my master..."

Hong Jun waved his hand, "He also has his destiny to complete, and you don't have to worry about him. When he appears, it will naturally appear."

Speaking of which, Hong Jun paused.

Liu Ruxu's brow furrowed lightly. Apparently Hong Jun's answer was too perfunctory for her, and she was very dissatisfied.

At this time, Hong Jun said, "Miss Liu, there is one thing in poverty. I want to ask for your help. I wonder if Miss Liu is willing?"


Liu Ruxu heard this and was quite surprised. "Dao Zu also asks for help? The little girl is very curious. What happened in Dao Zu's mouth?"

Your old man is Hongjun, the old **** of Taikoo, even in the world of Taikoo that is strong like a cloud, is still under one person and above ten thousand people, and there are times when he asks for help.

"He is coming back!"

Facing Liu Ruxu's doubts, Hong Jun said something inexplicable.

"He? Who?"

Liu Ruxu froze for a moment, looking at Hong Jun in surprise.


For a long time, Hong Jun sighed and looked up at Liu Ruxu, not knowing if she was sending her voice.

Anyway, in a moment, Liu Ruxu's face was a little pale, obviously what he would notice from Hongjun's body.

"Fate comes and goes, after all, he still can't hide in the past. Recently, he got this message with poorly deducing the future. He finally came back, but he didn't know how it will end this time." The expression on Hongjun's face Very serious. He said a lot, but didn't know what to say.

Hongyun didn't even know what kind of dumb mystery the two were playing. She didn't care at all. She cares about herself, or herself in the mirror.

Liu Rusu said, "What do you want me to do?"

Hongjun said, "There is a small planet named Earth in the Eastern Star Zone. I figured out where he will be born. Poor Dao thought..."

"Earth? My hometown's hometown?" Liu Ruxu surprised.

Hongjun nodded slightly, "That's right, there."

"Do you want me to help you find him and kill him?" Liu Ruxu frowned lightly.

Hong Jun was silent for a while, "With his ability, he chose to fall into samsara, it must have been perfect. Kill him? How easy is it? I can seal him as long as you find him."

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Liu Rusu said.

Hongjun shook his head, "I can't do it."

"Can't do it?" Liu Ruxu was a little surprised, but Hong Jun was relieved after a voice transmission ~ ~ Liu Ruxu.

"You know, I am afraid that there is no chaos in the world. Do you think it's ridiculous to leave this to me?" Liu Ruxu sneered.

However, Hong Jun's expression was dull, and he only looked up at Liu Ruxu, "You are no longer the demon girl that year, I believe I will not look at the wrong person."

"Oh, you believe in me, I don't believe in myself." Liu Ruxu laughed for a while, "Nonsense, I won't play with you anymore, I have to find my host."

After finishing talking, Liu Ruxu suddenly smiled, his big sleeves flicked, and he tried to catch Hongyun and go away.

"If this can be done, the poor way can allow you some merit, not far away from you." Liu Ruxu hadn't had time to start, Hong Jun spoke again, and his voice suddenly increased by one decibel.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Ruxu stopped and turned to look at Hongjun.

"The bad karma in your body is so high, the promise that Suhang gave you, if you want to achieve it, I'm afraid you don't know what year and month you have gone. There are poor ways to make you merit, you should be able to know the benefits." Hong Jun said.

Liu Ruxu stood for a moment, seeming to be thinking, "Time, place."

As soon as this remark came out, it was clearly accepted.

Hong Jun said, "You should know his ability, the poor way can only calculate an approximate position, the time will not exceed the last two years, it is possible at any time, maybe only in the next second, but once he is born, there will be differences. Elephant, you are not bound by rules, it is not difficult to find him."

Liu Ruxu opened his mouth to speak.

Hongjun said, "You can rest assured, Suhang, I will explain for you."

Liu Ruxu was lost in contemplation and seemed to weigh the pros and cons.

"This is a must for you. You can imagine how miserable this world will be if he returns? You have done enough sin, and it is time to do merit."

Hongjun is meaningful.


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