Super Study God

Chapter 1120: audacious in the extreme!

What stolen egg, dinosaur egg, otherwise how could that dinosaur chase him!

It's really bold enough, such an ordinary person, even tyrannosaurus dare to provoke, if today, if you encounter Su Hang, I am afraid that the tyrannosaurus will be swallowed directly!

"Come on, it's not safe here!"

After confirming that the dinosaur egg was all right, Yu Rong quickly wrapped it up again, hugging it cautiously in his arms, with a frightened look, called Suhang to leave quickly.

Just now the big guy didn't know what was going crazy, and suddenly turned around and ran away, Yurong was really afraid that the big guy would go and come back!

"Your injury is okay?" Su Hang asked, looking at this sloppy body, it was really pitiful, just fell so hard, it must be very painful.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go, let's go!" Yu Rong called on Su Hang and hurried away.

Su Hang was helpless. This was the first person he met after coming here. He had many questions to ask, so he kept up!

This young man seemed to tirelessly ran all the way in the forest, and Su Hang followed him behind in a walk, but never stepped down!

It was dawn at dawn, and the east rolled up the whites of the fish belly. The two finally walked out of the forest and came to a cliff. Su Hang looked at it, and a pair of wild paintings printed his eyes.

Under the cliff, in addition to the woods, it was still woods. The clouds covered the mist in the distance. I don’t know where it ended. Sometimes strange birds swept the sky, and unknown beast roars came from far away. A ray of sunlight scattered into the mountains and fell asleep The earth awakens.

Take a deep breath, and the air is fresh. Although there are devilish air everywhere, you can't feel the slightest danger. All you can feel is peace!

Yu Rong sat on the ground, apparently tired, and gasped for a while, then ran to the side.

It turned out that there was a small stream not far from the side. The stream flowed from the depths of the forest. The stream was quiet and clear, and the gurgling sound of water and stones stirred like a beautiful movement that awakened the alarm in the forest.

Yurong came to the edge of the creek, and with his dirty hands, he picked up the creek and drank it to quench his thirst, then washed his face again.

"Hey, this water is very sweet!" Looking back, Yu Rong shouted to Su Hang, apparently wanting to greet Su Hang to drink water.

Su Hang walked over, squatted down, drank his mouth, and it was really sweet. He turned to look at Yurong.

After the face was cleaned, it was a face with a kind of tenderness.

It seems that I am at most twelve or thirteen years old, and I have no hair on my mouth. This is to surprise Su Hang.

"How clean it is, what is it on your body, why is it so smelly?" Su Hang asked after a short accident.

Upon hearing this, Yurong shrank his neck, revealing a mysterious smile, "Look at what you wear so glamorously, you have never walked in the mountain forest at first glance, this is a baby, thank you for meeting me today , Otherwise, it must be over!"

Su Hang listened, and could not help feeling a bit chilly in his heart. As he said, it seemed that Su Hang was spared because of him. He didn't realize that Su Hang saved him!

Su Hang didn't pierce it. He looked at you quietly and pretended, as long as you are happy.

At this time, Yu Rong uncovered a piece of black mud that exuded from his body. "I'm afraid you haven't seen this thing before. I spent more than twenty decibels before I bought it from an expedition. of!"

"Oh? Such a stinky thing can still be a baby. What is this thing?" Su Hang asked in surprise.

Although he didn't know what the twenty-dobbs in Yurong's mouth was, he wanted it to be a currency, and looking at the expression of this little guy, it should be a large number.

"Poop of King Pterosaur!"

In Yurong's mouth, a few words popped out proudly!


When Su Hang heard this, he originally contained half a spit in his mouth and sprayed it out directly.


Su Hang looked at Yu Rong directly, a look you really sure.

"It's the **** of King Pterosaur!" Yurong smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, more proud, and seemed to think that Su Hang was surprised by his words!

It was said that he was surprised, but he was so surprised that he wanted to vomit. This kid just washed his face in this stream, and then he drank water. Although he drank upstream, he was close. The stuff is feces, who can't feel sick?

Looking at Yu Rong's immature and harmless smiley face, Su Hang's only idea now is to put this kid's head into the water and shampoo his hair!

"I said, what are you doing to wipe feces? Isn't it dirty or disgusting?" No wonder it's so stinky, I dare to feel that this kid is Xiang, it's so disgusting, this kid is neurotic, wipe Xiang on your body !

"Oh, you haven't seen it at a glance!" Yu Rong subconsciously despised Su Hang, "This is not ordinary dung, but the **** of the pterosaur king. The monster is most sensitive to the breath, and I apply it to my body. , Ordinary monsters smelled the breath of the pterosaur king, and had been hiding far away. Last night, the big-headed dragon smelled the breath of the pterosaur king, and then escaped. Fortunately, you met me, otherwise Don’t even know the dead!"

Su Hang is sweating, can I tell you, have you bought fakes in 80%? Returning the **** of Pterosaur King, who gave you such confidence?

Of course, Su Hang was not interested in debunking him. He listened to this little guy blowing in a spit, and learned about the process of things!

After listening to this little guy blowing, Su Hang really admired him. This little guy is only fourteen years old this But the courage is really not small, with a little flying on his body, he dares to be alone. Run into the pterosaur king's den.

He couldn’t help but just stolen, and also stolen the egg of King Pterosaur. This made Su Hang’s previous idea a bit misunderstood. He thought Yurong had stolen the egg of the tyrannosaurus last night, so he was chased by tyrannosaurus kill.

But this is not the case. The tyrannosaurus was killed halfway after he managed to escape, and the purpose seemed to be for the egg he stolen.

Yu Rong called the tyrannosaurus a big-headed dragon, not to mention, it's really a bit of a figure, and the pterosaur king in his mouth is the overlord of this vast forest of dragons, a dinosaur that can fly in the sky!

Listening to Yurong's spitting talk about his adventures, and how he stole the dragon eggs in his hand, Su Hang was really a little admired. Although bragging is indispensable, an ordinary child can have this courage. , Can already be regarded as valuable!

"You have nothing to risk stealing its eggs?" Su Hang asked.

Upon hearing the culture of Su Hang, the expression on Yu Rong's face became a little dignified. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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