Super Study God

Chapter 1129: Horrible!

I still want to kill all the monsters to avenge my parents, but now I can't even revenge my own revenge. The future is in a state of confusion.

Seeing Yurong's lowering, Su Hang patted his shoulder, took out the bottle Erguotou, and handed it over, "Drink two warmths and warm yourself up, and Brother Su will accompany you back to find a place."

"Find a place?"

Yurong looked at Su Hang, what does it mean to find a place?

"There are complaints and revenge. If this happens to me, I will definitely fight back." Su Hangdao.

Complain, complain, revenge?

Yu Rong chewed on Su Hang's sentence, and found it very reasonable. When he opened the Erguotou bottle cap, his head was a big sip.


As soon as the wine entered, it spewed out directly, "It's so hot and spicy, Brother Su, what is this?"

Yurong questioned Suhang while sticking his tongue out. At first, he thought that Suhang had handed over a bottle of water. He was thirsty and almost dried up. The water was in his mouth. It fainted.

Although he vomited most of it, there were still some that he swallowed subconsciously.

"Waste." Su Hang took the wine bottle. "Some people say that it is the most beautiful thing in the world. In fact, people in this life are just like this wine. At the beginning, you will feel uncomfortable and painful, but taste After bitterness and bitterness, slowly, it will finally taste its sweetness."

Yu Rong paused, staring at Su Hang with a blank stare, "Brother Su, I think every sentence you say makes sense."




The early morning sun shone on the people, and it was warm. Although the sky was full of demons, it was still so comfortable.

Yu Rong took Su Hang away from Heifengling, and went to their tribal station. On the way, Yu Rong did not speak, and he did not know what he was thinking.

I didn't expect that I would come back alive. I want to see. What kind of expression will you see when you see me again? This time, this master brother helped me, my lovely people, and I will return all the humiliations I suffered to you.

Thinking like this in his heart, Yurong even imagined the scene of the clan people asking for their apology for mercy. Sneak a glance at Su Hang, if one day, he can become a strong man like Su Hang, how great it should be.

"Brother Su Hang, you can see our Taiyu Yunyan tribe after the hill in front." Yu Rong pointed to the hill in front, facing the Suhang Road.

The voice was a little agitated, I came back, I came back alive, Yu Rong at this time, just want to shout loudly.

"Wang, Wang..."

At this time, the mentally retarded chicken walking in front of the hill ahead suddenly stopped, not knowing what was barking loudly at something.

Su Hang stepped out in one step, and in the next second, he had appeared beside the mentally retarded chicken 100 meters away.

If he was really a strong man, Yu Rong froze for a moment, and quickly caught up.

He had already cast his soul, and ate so much snake meat last night. The body was the first time to be tempered. His body was relaxed, and he was a thief when he ran away. He rushed to the top of the mountain in a short time. One scene made him unforgettable all his life.

At the foot of the mountain, the stone giant wood was built into a high wall, enclosing a small city. If you want to come, it is the tribal settlement where Yurong is located.

But at this moment, the walls of the small town have been violently destroyed, houses in the city collapsed, smoke was everywhere, and fire was shining.

In the sky, countless huge black figures hovered, swooping down from time to time, like an eagle catching a worm, quickly picked up a person from the ruins, swallowed it with his neck raised.

That scene is simply the end of the world.


Su Hang recognized at a glance that the huge figures hovering in the air were a kind of dinosaurs called pterosaurs in later generations.

Obviously, the Yunyan tribe was attacked by the pterosaurs, and they seemed to be late, the pterosaurs hovering in the sky were gradually dispersing, and few of them dived down, that is, in this small city I am afraid that all of them have been eaten up.

"Do not……"

Yurong couldn't believe this at all. Although he hated this place, it was the place where he grew up and carried too many memories. Whether it was sad or joyful, they were all memories.

Suddenly saw such a scene, how could he bear it, after screaming, he had to rush down the mountain, but was pulled by Su Hang.

It’s all over, what can I do? With his little arms and legs, he was just giving an extra dish to others.


At this time, a pterosaur heard the sound and seemed to find Yu Rong and Su Hang. It immediately spread its 20-meter-wide wings and flew towards the mountain.


Yu Rong suddenly awakened, his face flushed instantly, knowing how stupid he had just been.


An air sword shot out of Su Hang's fingertips, broke through the air, and instantly passed through the head of the pterosaur. The pterosaur was suddenly out of breath, with a bang, and fell heavily not far from the two.

"Wang, Wang..."

At this time, the mentally retarded chicken was the most excited, and immediately twisted his **** to the place where the pterosaur fell, and the posture was clearly ready to eat another big meal.

However, before approaching, the mentally retarded chicken turned around again and ran to Suhang as if to escape.

It turned out that the pterosaurs circling in the air were alarmed by the huge movements here, and dozens of pterosaurs gathered directly towards this side. That posture, as long as individuals were afraid.

At each end, there is basically the existence of Yaodan Realm. Such a group gathers together, and they are all air forces. They have the advantage. I am afraid that even if the monks in Yuanying Realm meet, they will have to avoid the edge.

It is a pity that this group of guys who do not know life or death meet Su Get out! "

Su Hang slowly raised his head and spit out a word in his mouth.

The sound was thunderous, resounding through the clouds, and the earth seemed to tremble. Almost all pterosaurs were stuck in the air at that moment. The next second fell like a pie in the sky. The scene was quite spectacular.

There are dozens of pterosaurs in the distance, and under the mighty strength of Suhang, they dispersed for a while.

In an instant, the sky, because of the word Su Hang, was cleaned up and seemed to be free of half impurities.

Yurong was also stunned. He knew that Su Hang was very strong, but he didn't expect Su Hang to be so strong.

Such a strong monster, even though it is not a united enemy, didn't see Su Hang's shot, and it was almost destroyed.


However, Yu Rong at this time was too late to be shocked and ran down the mountain frantically.

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