Super Study God

Chapter 1131: Pterosaur King!

After that, there were many pterosaurs of different sizes, some of them fell into the city, scattered around, surrounding them, and some circled in the air, covering the sky and the sun, and terrifying.

"Wing? King Pterosaur?"

Looking at the huge pterosaur in front of him, Yu Rong was trembling. This is the pterosaur king. On that day, he stole the egg of the pterosaur king!

Huge head, huge pointed mouth, strong claws, red armor-like skin, huge boundless wings, majestic mountain-like body, everything is so scary.

That Yuxian stepped on it under his feet, obviously can't live, now it must be a piece of meat patty.


Opening his mouth wide, Pterosaur King roared loudly, like infinite anger in catharsis!

The air flow from the mouth is like a gust of wind blowing Shi Feisha away!

Pterosaur King?

Su Hang looked at the beast very calmly, thinking that this should be the Fengshen pterosaur that he had learned in the textbooks!

I can grow so big, I am afraid that future textbooks will have to be rewritten!

This pterosaur is stronger than the black snake that I saw yesterday, and has the strength to return to the virtual realm.

I really don't know how this little guy Yurong stolen the egg from under the eyelids like this.

"Sin barrier, did you steal the king's baby?"

The king of pterosaurs spoke out, and the voice was very domineering, and Yurong was terrified.

Just when he thought that the Pterosaur King was asking him, he saw that the Pterosaur King raised a paw, holding something in his paw. The thing struggled and cried, but it turned out to be Yuxian.

Dare to love the Pterosaur King did not shoot it with a paw, but grabbed him, apparently felt the breath of Yuxian.

Yuxian's struggle was completely useless, and was lifted to the front by the Pterosaur King. The horrible head almost scared Yuxian's feces into urine!

"No, it's not me..." Yuxian shouted in a huff, as if he was a minute late, and would be swallowed by the beast, "The king, it's him, it's the boy Yurong, he stole of!"

Very happy, Yurong gave it out, just thinking about being alive!

Pterosaur King looked at Yurong sideways, and then his eyes fell back to Yuxian.

"King Rao Ming, blame for the indebtedness and debts, I really did not do it..." Yu Xian cried!

Pterosaur King sneered, "Although that is said, but you have my child's breath on you, you have made it the soul, how can I spare you?"

Yuxian listened, his soul was not attached, and said quickly, "The king does not know, my grandfather is the elder Xiaobaiwei of the Ziyang Mountain. If you let go of the small one, the small one will definitely thank you!"

"Oh?" King Pterosaur heard this, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Since this is the case, this King will not be able to spare you, go to die!"

The voice fell, and the strong paws of Pterosaur King grasped!


Yu Xian didn't have time to shout, but it was squeezed and burst into a handful of blood rain, and fell to the ground!

Bloody, brutal, horrible!

This scene is enough to make anyone who sees it shudder.

Su Hang only watched with cold eyes, just did not want to save that Yuxian, such a person, death is not a pity.

King Pterosaur licked the blood on his paw, looked up, and looked at Yurong, "Little fellow, how do you want to die?"

Yurong swallowed hard. Obviously, he was very nervous, and at the same time, he was also very angry. "It’s all my fault. It’s not their business. If you want to take revenge, it’s why you want me. Kill them?"

"Small human, you are so brave!" Pterosaur King snorted coldly, his wings fluttered gently, a huge rock in the ruins took off, and flew towards Yurong, "I will let you go with yours Clan companions!"

Boulders flew, like Mount Tai, Yurong had a feeling of being irresistible at this time, where do you still know what to fear, simply closed your eyes, and die if you die, anyway, it is meaningless to live!

Moreover, even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't hide. There were all the pterosaur kings around, and he couldn't escape if there were another hundred.

However, after waiting for a long time, I did not feel the stone hitting myself!

Is it too fast, I don't feel pain, I am already dead?

Yu Rong opened his eyes and saw that the boulder stopped in front of him only half a meter in the air, as if it was dragged by a pair of invisible big hands.

What a weird look!

"Brother Su Hang!"

Turning his head to look at Su Hang, Yu Rong knew that Su Hang must have shot!

Su Hang walked out and reached out and lightly tapped the stone in the air. With a bang, the stone shattered.

Turning his face, he looked at the Pterosaur King, "It's enough to stop it!"

After talking, the body's momentum was slightly revealed, and a glance looked at the Pterosaur King.

Facing the eyes of Su Hang, the Pterosaur King suddenly felt horrified, as if standing opposite was not a person, but a super mountain, just a trace of momentum, which made it inexplicably frightened.

Subconsciously, the Pterosaur King actually took two steps back, and there was an urge to escape!


The pterosaur king lowered his proud head. In the world of monsters, the concept of strength and weakness is very strong, "I have no intention of offending!"

Su Hang did not speak, just looked at it, and did not know what it meant.

Under the huge psychological pressure, the king of pterosaurs was terrified, "Respected strong man, our pterosaur family lives in the mountains and rarely embarrasses human beings. Today, if these human beings deceive people too much, take my children and cruel soul training How can I be reconciled if this hatred is not reported?"

In a word, he was righteous and sincere.

The Pterosaur King could feel that with this momentum alone, the strength of this person in front of him was definitely far above him.

Those injured men presumably was injured in this man's hand, how could there be such a strong expert in this place?

Of course, this problem is no longer considered by the Pterosaur King, and the anger of the strong is not something it can bear.

Su Hang stared at it stunnedly, "If you didn't take a few points first, do you think you can still live to this day?"

The tone is very plain, but it reveals a very domineering, as if I want to kill you, only between the backhands.

King Pterosaur heard this, but he did not dare to show his displeasure. "The strong man, they are the first to kill my children. Poor me, I didn't have time to open my eyes and look at this world..."

Khan, a huge monster, actually played sensation in front of Su Hang.

Just an egg, as for this?

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