Super Study God

Chapter 1134: Ziyang changed!

Doesn’t it mean that the archaic world is full of dangers, masters are like clouds, and heavenly realm is like a lot of hair? Why haven't I even encountered a decent one after so long?

Is it possible that this is the beginning of Archaic, why hasn't it developed yet?

Su Hang was a little puzzled.

On this day, the two men and one chicken came to an unnamed river, and the river of Baihuahua blocked the way!

I was about to cross the river, but I saw a lot of people on the opposite bank, coming here on a bamboo raft.

"Brother Su, what's the matter?" Looking at those people, one by one with animal skins and big bags, this one hurried on the shore, like a bunch of refugees who fled, Yurong couldn't help but wonder.

"You ask me, and who do I ask?" Su Hang gave him a blank look and turned to stop an old man passing by.

"Old man, where are you going?" Su Hang asked.

The old man was on the way and was stopped by someone. His heart was unavoidable, but when Su Hang was bright, he knew that he was the one who could not afford it, and he sighed, "Go west, an old bone, where is it? This little brother, looking at your stance, do you want to go east?"

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Take my younger brother to go to Ziyang Mountain to study art, dare to ask my husband, after crossing this river, can Ziyang Mountain be far behind?"

"Ziyang Mountain?" Upon hearing this, Lao Zhang's face immediately changed. "Oh, I said the two younger brothers, don't go forward!"

Lao Zhang seemed very anxious and a little scared.

"Why? What happened?" Su Hang looked at the old man in surprise.

Lao Zhang sighed and pointed to everyone around him, "We all came down from Ziyang Mountain, but something happened to Ziyang Mountain."

Su Hang heard this and looked at Yu Rong. They all felt a little bad!

"Ziyang Mountain didn't know that the demon **** had caused that way. In the past two days, he was besieged by several demon kings. Even the mountain of Ziyang Mountain has been cut off by the stick of the great ape king!" Lao Zhang said His heart was palpitated, and his face was full of panic.


Su Hang frowned lightly. What kind of airplane is he doing? Your luck won't be so good, if you don't fight early or late, just hit this time!

"We finally escaped. Don't go any further. I'm afraid there are still fighting. What kind of teacher do you still worship? Now I don't know how to die in the past. Hurry and escape!"

They gave the Su Hang two advices all the way, that the old man saw that everyone had gone away, and his legs were chased wildly, fearing that he would run slowly and fall behind. When his life is threatened, there is still a little bit of the old and weak!

"Brother Su, what should I do?" Looking at the group of people walking away, Yu Rong came together in front of Su Hang.

The news just now was undoubtedly a bad news for him. Originally thinking about being able to visit Ziyang Mountain and mixing up a good way out, I didn't expect Ziyang to be besieged at this stall. It seemed quite serious.

At this moment, Yu Rong really wanted to scream in the sky. What a **** is going to die me!

"What else can I do?" Su Hang shrugged. "It's a pity not to look here. Besides, I haven't worked hard for a few days. I don't know what kind of siege of Ziyang Mountain this time. I can see what I know!"

Yu Rong listened, and it was really sweating. This big brother Su was really a maverick. When others saw the danger, they could not hide from hiding. He would be good, and Baba posted it up!

The two crossed the river with one chicken, and went forward. Yurong felt a little uneasy. "Brother Su, do you say that I am an unfortunate person? Is it a broom star?"

Su Hang turned his head and looked at him, "Why do you say that?"

Yu Rong smiled bitterly, "From childhood to big, he could not do anything, and even the tribes died tragically. Now he wants to go to Ziyang Mountain for a teacher, but Ziyang Mountain is under siege at this time. I was cursed by God!"

Su Hang heard it and smiled, "You are too overestimating yourself!"

"Well?" Yu Rong looked at Su Hang with surprise.

Su Hangdao, "Everyone is dead, even if you are still alive, and you say you are unfortunate, where do you let those dead people go for reason? Ziyang Mountain is suffering now, and it is a blessing for you, if you wait for you Entering the Wanquezong and suffering this again, it is your greatest misfortune!"

"Is that really the case?" Yu Rong looked at Su Hang. He is now absolutely convinced of Su Hang. He thinks every sentence that Su Hang said is right.

"Can I still lie to you? It's your greatest luck to meet me!" Su Hang smiled, not blushing. "Small characters like you, God can't count on you Yes, if you want God to calculate, let’s practice hard, and wait until you have my skills, and it’s not too late to say this!"

"Brother Su, have you been counted by God?" Yu Rong looked at Su Hang unexpectedly.

Su Hang heard this, it can only be huh, has it been calculated? I'm being pitted all the time, yeah?



After countless years.

Earth, Suxi Village!

However, that day, Liu Ruxu and Hong Jun made a deal with Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace. After that, they did not go to Su Hang for the time being and came to earth.

I lived in Suxi for a few days in a row, I don't know what it means!

Xue Jingtian waited for the vote, and offered her delicious and delicious food. They did not dare to offend a little because they knew that this girl was not easy.

Liu Ruxu was also very happy. During the two days, he helped Su Hang do a lot of things he wanted to do. For example, he took Su Hang's family on the road of cultivation. How many have gained some favors, such as Xue Jingtian these old men, the realm is rising in rubbing!

It is for this reason that Xue Jingtian and others saw her power and respected her even more!

In fact, For the masters of Heaven Dao Realm, to give these ordinary folks more skill, it is hardly even the effort of raising hands.

Perhaps, she wanted to take this matter and gain a good impression in front of Su Hang!

But this woman suddenly came to Suxi again, and lived for just a few days, which really made Suxi everyone puzzled.

Some people even doubt whether this is the kind of emotional debt that Su Hang has caused outside, but they think it is impossible. After all, the horror of this woman's strength is simply unfathomable. How can Su Hang soak up such a existence?

There is also a possibility that it is related to Longze. After all, this woman came to Suxi last time and came here for Longze. Maybe it’s Longze’s friendship?

After all, the fellow Long Ze is also very strong!

"Miss Lola, you have been standing here for days, are you waiting for someone?"

In the courtyard of the villa, Liu Ruxu stood in the courtyard and looked far into the sky. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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