Super Study God

Chapter 1137: Avenue incarnate!

The woman in white was sullen. She knew the identity of the man. Although it was only a law, she still dared not take it lightly!

"It seems that you are really afraid!" The woman in white smiled on her face. "In your capacity, if you are not afraid, how can you say these things to me by your temperament?"

After that, the woman in white raised her hand again, and the jade-colored light on her hand rose again. "I was also ordered to act. Your presence threatens everyone, including me, of course, and everyone will not have fun to play, so, Juniors can only say sorry!"

In the middle of speaking, the woman in white has to start again!

However, the man in the golden light smiled faintly, "Are you sure you want to do this? Are you willing to be a slave to your life for all your life? Let yourself be driven? Do you really want to do things that bully the teachers and destroy the ancestors?"

Hearing this, the woman in white paused for a moment, a little hesitation and doubt appeared on her face.

Who can be willing to be slaves? It’s almost unnecessary to ask this point. However, the second half of the man’s sentence just puzzled the woman in white. “How do you say that?”

The man smiled, "Your skills are all out of your door. Isn't it what you do today to deceive the ancestors and destroy the ancestors? It's a pity that you are only halfway through cultivation. Deeper……"

All the words and sentences that the man said were poked at the tip of the woman in white. The woman in white was stunned for a moment and then smiled. "Oh, talk to me about bullying the master and destroying the ancestor. What, I will not be fooled by you!"

"Don't you want to know the other half of the exercises?" Seeing that the woman in white had to start again, the man's words left her right hand in the air.

The woman looked up and quietly looked at the man in the golden light, as if she wanted to say something, but she was also shy!

The man is still indifferent, "You and I still have a relationship with masters and disciples. I can not only give you exercises, but also help you practice and get rid of the shackles as soon as possible!"

The woman frowned, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

The man smiled, "That person is not in this world right now, you and I can talk to each other, don't be taboo!"

The woman is silent!

The man looked at her in this way, as if he felt that the conditions he had offered were that the woman could not refuse!

"It sounds tempting, but I heard you are unreliable?"

Just when the woman in white was hesitant in silence, another good voice came, accompanied by a figure of a woman in red flashing out of thin air in the courtyard!

It was this red lady who spoke!

The woman in white turned her face and frowned, "Why are you here?"

The woman in red smiled, "I heard that you might be bad, and the old man asked me to take a look. I didn't expect it, as expected..."

"Humph!" The woman in white snorted coldly.

The woman in red ignored her and turned to look at the man in the golden light.

"Huh?" Seeing the man's face, a strange look suddenly appeared on the woman's face in red!

Faced with the sudden appearance of the woman, the man was quite indifferent. "Little girl, don't you want to know who you are?"

In one sentence, the woman in red was stunned!

"You know who I am?" The woman in red looked at the man in Jin Guang with a straight face.

"Hahaha..." The man laughed suddenly, "This world, I'm afraid no one knows you better than me."

"What do you mean?"

The woman in red looked strangely at the man in front of him. This man gave her a very strange feeling.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" While the woman in red was stunned, the woman in white spoke next to her. "The terrible words and words of this person almost confuse you and me. He cultivates a ruthless way, a desperate desire, How could there be any relatives?"

After hearing this, the woman in red turned to the man. "It's almost your way, hateful!"

The man sighed and looked at the woman in white. "Don't you want another half of the exercise? Don't want freedom?"

The woman in white listened with a sneer, "Freedom is sincere and precious, but your existence is really terrible. I would rather follow a weak master, and it is impossible for me to entrust freedom to you. Ruthlessly, you should understand that you are not trustworthy. If you are let go today, I can imagine my future ending!"

"So what nonsense, what should I do!" The woman in red said next to her, without a word, knowing that the **** red light appeared in her hand, she pressed it directly on the baby's head.

At the same time, the jade-colored seal on the hand of the woman in white also touched the top of the baby's head.

Under the combined force of the two, the man in the golden light did not resist, nor seemed to have the ability to resist at all. The golden light quickly converged, and the man's dharma was getting smaller and smaller.


The man laughed, "You really think that you can trap me like this? It's naive. I will come back one day..."

The voice slowly fell and disappeared, the golden light completely converged, and the man's figure quickly fell into the baby's eyebrows, one blood and one jade and two forces glued together to form a double seal, forming a half blood and jade in the baby's eyebrows Colored Tai Chi Yin Yang fish's seal!

"Wow wow wow..."

After Jin Guang retreated, the baby was left in the courtyard, still crying wildly there.

The cry was really heart-wrenching.

Two women, one red and one white, just looked at this ordinary baby on the ground.

"Is this what you said about the incarnation of the avenue? It's so weak, but I don't think so, but it scared the old man like that." The woman in red smiled, with a little joking between words.

Beside The woman in white is thinking deeply, not knowing what she is thinking.

"Why, do you still remember your exercises?" The woman in red asked her.

The woman in white looked up and looked at the woman in red. "I always feel that things may not be so simple? Can we seal him with this seal?"

The woman in red took a deep breath. "After all, it is the reincarnation. You and I work together. It shouldn't be difficult to seal him. Send him to Zixiao Palace and give it to the old man for disposal. The rest is nothing to us. ."

After that, with a light stroke in the right hand, the baby flew into her arms, turned into a red baby swaddle, and wrapped the baby in.

"How to deal with this child?"

Holding the child, the woman in red looked back and looked at the rotten plaque at the door of the house, where a child was standing, with tears on his face, all eyes were full of fear.

"You can do whatever you want, let it die." The woman in white said directly, the mortal in her eyes was no different from the cat or the dog. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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