Super Study God

Chapter 1145: Where do I come from?

"Don't cling." Su Hang sighed. "She is indeed a mortal girl, it can't be your mother. As for your origin, I know a bit."


The Great Ape King listened, but was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Su Hang, "Senior, you, do you know my origin?"

Listening to the words of the Great Ape King, Su Hang is like hearing the question from Hongyun that day. Su Hang sighed in his heart. For a person, how important is his life experience?

In fact, how can it not matter? Everyone must have had such doubts in their hearts. Before there was no one in this world, and before oneself was born in this world, what was oneself?

Where do I come from? This is indeed a problem that disturbs people's minds, but the King of the Apes has to be more persistent on this issue. After all, time is born, many parents are born, even if there is something special, there is no father, but there is a mother, absolutely It won’t be born out of nowhere, the big ape king was born without seeing his parents, and it’s understandable that he wants to understand his life.

At this moment, suddenly listen to Su Hang until his origin, can the King of the Apes be stunned? In the eyes of the great ape king, Su Hang’s power is terrible, far above him, and he can arbitrarily grasp his life and death. It must be an ancient existence far older than him. It is also possible for Su Hang to know his life experience. .

Moreover, he didn't believe that Su Hang would lie to him. After all, it didn't make any sense. Have you ever seen a person go and talk so much nonsense with an ant?

At this time, Su Hang wanted to kill him only in a single thought. How could he waste time discussing his life experience with him?

"I can tell you, but you have to promise me, letting go of the hatred with Wanquezong for a while. There is some connection between you and me. I will judge you for your hatred." Su Hangdao.

Big Ape King heard it and said nothing to Su Hang. He knocked Su Hang directly, "The juniors have nothing to say, it is all up to the seniors."

Su Hang nodded slightly, shook her body, and her huge figure suddenly became smaller. The next second, she appeared on the square in front of the Wanquezong Mountain Gate, and the little monkey, King of the Apes, knelt in front of him now.

Everyone saw this scene in Wanquezong, where could there be no fear, no matter whether there was an injury, a serious injury or a minor injury, they quickly spread a circle, far away from the two, even the little girl, also the woman Under the refuge, hurried away.

This is the Great Ape King. The fierce face of the Great Ape King when he smashed the mountain with a big stick is still vivid. Can everyone be afraid?

Despite being out of bondage, the Great Ape King still dared not get up. The other two demon kings, the Tauren Demon King and the Banshee King, also floated up, hurrying to the left and right, kneeling on the little monkey. Wang's side.

The one in front of him is definitely a peerless powerhouse. I can’t show it well, I’m afraid I can’t keep my life down, even if I am kneeling like a big ape king, can they still stand?

"Wait, drive the monsters down the mountain first, let them come and go back, don't disturb the nearby souls, and then come to Ziyang Mountain to listen to their orders." Su Hang said lightly, which inadvertently revealed, All of them have the momentum of the superiors, which makes people unable to bear the thought of half resistance.


After listening to it, the Bull-head Demon King and the Banshee King quickly got up and went down the mountain, shouting at the large and small demon crowds under the mountain, orderly and quickly receding like the tide.


Watching those monsters under the mountain retreat, everyone at Ziyang Mountain finally took a long sigh of relief and looked at Su Hang's eyes, which was a little more awesome. This senior looks so young in appearance, so powerful Horror, the three demon kings were easily settled in this way. I'm afraid I don't know where the old gods come from.

In any case, Ziyang Mountain's predicament was temporarily retreated, and the inheritance was temporarily retained.

"Su, Brother Su."

Just as Jiuyang and others were about to come forward to see him, an excited voice came and looked at it, only to see a young man with a tiger head and a brain, riding a big red rooster, running very quickly into the sky.

The coming person is Yu Rong. This little guy was just scared. Although he only looked at it from afar, the scene of just that time was still deeply engraved into his heart.

Especially when Su Hang became a giant giant, the scene where the strength crushed the Great Ape King, my God, can it still be considered a human being? The foot stepped on, I am afraid that even the strongest beast must also be crushed into a crush.

Yu Rong knew that Su Hang was very strong, but before that, he just imagined in his heart, how strong he is, he couldn't measure it at all. Until this moment, it was truly intuitive to experience.

In the past, he thought that, like the elders in their tribe, they could reach the realm of melting souls and pill, they could already be regarded as masters, but the experience these days told him, what melting souls and pill is nothing but scum. In front of me, I'm afraid not even scum.

After the war, he was stunned for a long time. At this time, he had a mentally handicapped chicken and ran over to look at Suhang's eyes. The infinite worship, just like the little fan saw the idol in his heart, so excited that he couldn't hold it.

This big brother whom I met unexpectedly is the real big man.

Su Hang waved his hand, beckoning him to stand aside, but there was still something to be dealt with here.

Yurong hurriedly stood aside, and the mentally retarded chicken was also interesting.

"Jiuyang, the junior, meet the senior."

At this time, Jiuyang came to Su Hang, kneeled down on one knee, and performed a junior salute to Su Hang respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, the group of old men dragged their injured bodies and came over, kneeling in front of Su Hang.

"Junior See senior, thank you for your help!"

"Nine nights of juniors, knock on seniors!"

"Junior Nine..."


The elders bowed down one after another, and the remaining surviving disciples knelt over as long as they were still able to move. One by one, they were really excited. The worship of the strong men at such a close distance was the greatest glory in life.

Watching these tall people kneel together, Yurong feels that the whole person has sublimated. These are the gods and men of Wanquezong. When can they become such strong men like Brother Su? ?

Yurong's infinite reverie is that if one day he can become a strong man like Brother Su, no, I only need one-tenth, one-hundredth, I'm afraid I can live this life in vain.

Unfortunately, my soul!

When I was thinking about it, Yu Rong thought of his weak life soul as if it had been splashed with cold water, and he couldn't help laughing. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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