Super Study God

Chapter 1150: I want to call Fuyao!

Seeing Yu Rong's spirited look, Su Hang froze for a moment, "What did you decide?"

"I have decided, what Jiu Rong Zi is not good at all. From now on, Fu Yao Zi is my nickname. I am the chaffinch, and there will be a day when Fu Yao Jiu Xiao is disturbed by wind and thunder."

Yu Rong said the fervor, the voice fell, and there seemed to be thunder and thunder in the sky, in response to the oath he left behind.

"Uh, Brother Su, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Rong had been stunned for a long time, but he didn't see the reaction of Su Hang behind him. Looking back, he saw Su Hang looking at him with a blank face.

At this moment, Su Hang was really killed by thunder. "You said, what's your name?"

"Fuyaozi, what's wrong?" Yu Rong was a little stunned. Could it be that the wind was too loud to be heard by Su Hang?

Ouch mine.

Su Hang reached out and patted his head. "No, you can't call Fuyao. How can you call Fuyao? I think Jiu Rongzi is better."

"Why? I think it's pretty good?" Yu Rong was stunned, even more stunned than Su Hang. The feeling was like playing a game and registering, and finally a flamboyant, chic and elegant name , But was told that the name cannot be used the same.

Good name, why can't it be played? Yurong felt baffled.

"Anyway, you just can't call this name. You can call it whatever you like. The name Fuyao really doesn't suit you." Su Hang waved his hand.

"Why?" Yu Rong was even more dumbfounded, and was about to break the casserole and asked.

Su Hang was helpless and pondered for a while, said, "I will tell you a story, after many years, there will be a shocking genius in the Yu clan..."

Su Hang told Yu Rong slowly the story of Fu Yaozi, but his heart was smiling bitterly. The legendary Fu Yao Zi, what a genius character, the super power of Heavenly Dao Realm, can't be because of his own antagonism The existence of the bug grabbed the name and trademark of the other person. This little butterfly fluttered its wings, so don't tamper with the history.

After listening to the Su Hang story, Yu Rong opened his mouth wide, and said after a while, "Brother Su, how do you know what happened many years later?"

"Of course I know." Su Hang ang his chin. "In the past, present, and future, there is nothing I don't know."

In this regard, Zhen Nima's pretend to be a big comparison, and she has nothing to say.

After listening, Yurong smashed his mouth, "Since this is the case, then, I will call this name even more. I decided not to change it."

After that, Yurong grinned at Su Hang.

Su Hang's forehead was covered with black lines, and he was about to say something, but he heard Yurong say, "Brother Su didn't say that too? Fu Yaozi was so shocked that he turned a sparrow's life and soul into a Nine Heavens God Peng It’s just that my life soul is also a bird, maybe, I’m the Fuyao in Brother Su’s mouth?"


Su Hang looked at Yurong in amazement.

Yurong hesitated, "Yeah, he is the Fuyao, I am also the Fuyao, his life soul is a sparrow, and my life soul is also a sparrow. Is there such a coincidence in the world? And, the rise of the Fuyao? It is a matter of many years later, how can Brother Su ensure that I am not him? So, I decided, I called Fuyao Zi, not to change it."

Special code!

Su Hang sweated, his eyes fell on Yu Rong's body, watching the kid's ambitious look, his eyes gradually became a little different.


Sparrow life soul?



Wouldn't this little guy really be the Fuyao in the future? The special code won't really make you hit the Universiade, and once you encounter the ancestor of the Yu clan?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there is really such a possibility. Su Hang instantly felt that his head was cut by thunder. What's so special, isn't it fun?

"Brother Su, what do you think?" Yu Rong looked at Su Hang with hope. He was absolutely convinced of Su Hang. If Su Hang insists on not letting him call this name, he will definitely choose to give up.

"Yes, the name is yours. Just call it whatever you want."

Su Hang waved his hands helplessly, bluntly, the name is just a codename, your name is this name, but not necessarily this person, there are many people with the same name and surname in the world, there are so many people called Ma Yun, but that makes countless men hate There is only one Ma Yun.

Yurong Yixi immediately said excitedly, "Brother Su, you said, I can really cultivate my **** life soul into the Nine Heavens God Peng, flying into the sky?"

You know, Jiutian Shenpeng is the most powerful bird on the sky demon list. Sparrows in front of Shenpeng can't even count the feathers. Moreover, this kind of cross-species evolution has no precedent. How is it possible? ?

Despite the great admiration for Su Hang, Yurong couldn't help but wonder.

"Hehe." Su Hang only gave him a sigh, the deep meaning expressed in it was very obvious.

This little guy will also play a little clever. When Su Hang said that there will be a Tiandaojing master named Fuyaozi in the future, he will soon be renamed Fuyaozi. It is just a name. Could it be a robbery?

"Brother Su, what are you huh?" Yu Rong was very curious, and had to get around Su Hang to make it clear.

Su Hang smiled helplessly, "Rong, do you think that if you call Fuyao Zi, can you become Fuyao Zi? That's the master of Heavenly Realm!"

"What is the realm of heaven, I don't know." Yurong shook his head. "However, I can endure hardships, and I'm not afraid of any difficulties. Brother Su, you tell me, how can I become the fugitive of the peerless strongman you said? ?"

After that, Yurong knelt down directly to Su Hang.

Seeing this, Su Hang hesitated for a long time, and at once ten million thoughts flashed in his mind.

"Okay." After a long time, Su Hangchang sighed. "Since you have this heart, then Brother Su will pave the way for you. I hope that as you said, one day, you can really become the fugitive. "

"Thank you Brother Su."

Yurong was overjoyed, and hurled a few loud noises at Suhang.

Fuyao? I hope I have read the wrong person.

Unexpectedly, I can't think of it. This round's outfit ratio was grabbed by Yurong.

"Get up, the boy has gold under his knees." Su Hang said indifferently.

When Yu Yu melted, Su Hang's big sleeves swelled and pointed out with a straight hand, just in the middle of Yu Rong's brow.

Yu Rong was fixed in an instant, and his eyes were straight ahead. If anyone is here, he would definitely be surprised to see that above Yu Rong's eyes, the pictures flashed quickly, all of which were exquisite cultivation. The tricks are dazzling. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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