Super Study God

Chapter 1153: Who is this child?


The Banshee King looked up at Su Hang, "The practice is difficult, the mentor is hard to find. I have been practicing for so many years, and now I am ignorant. I ask my seniors to show mercy to me, if I can get in the door, Xiaohubi Serve the master with all your heart. If the senior refuses, Xiaohu would not dare to force him, but ask the senior for permission to let Xiaohu follow the same road eastward."

"Me too, me too." Lao Niu Wang quickly kowtowed.

I am so special, Suhang feels that it seems to meet the best again.

"Senior, you accept us." The succubus Wang's face is full of sorrow and expectation, as if Su Hang refused again, she would cry.

"I said that if you don't accept the apprentices, you will definitely not accept them. You have no fate with me. What should you do?" Su Hang said in a deep voice, his attitude remained firm.

The two knelt on the ground and still dare not move!

Big Ape King looked at it, but there was a little bit of joy in his heart. You two guys, don’t look at who Senior Su is, and want to go to the teacher, do you think you are me?

After Su Hang finished speaking, he didn't say much, let alone ignore the two of them kneeling on the ground. He was mentally handicapped, and he directly avoided the two and went forward!

Both the Banshee King and the Tauren King were kneeling on the spot, neither chasing nor kneeling, nor knowing what to do for a while.

"Senior!" The Great Ape King shouted and hurriedly chased up. He walked and giggled, "If the senior still accepts me, I am much better than the two of them, and I will never insult the senior's style!"

Su Hang gave him a blank look, and he didn't want to ignore him at all. He was originally a descendant. After a month, he would return to the next era. To be honest, he didn't want to have too much cause and effect with the people of this season. Implicated.

Otherwise, if you don’t know what trouble you have to get involved in, then it’s not sure whether he will come here next time!

In the case of apprenticeship and apprenticeship, the fate is about fate. When fate comes, look at you, even if you are a beggar on the street, you will not accept me if you don’t say, but if you don’t have that fate, you can’t force it. I won’t accept you. , Even if you break your knees, I will certainly not accept you.

"Do you want to upset me too?" Su Hang looked at the Great Ape King, a little unhappy in his tone.

Big Ape King listened and smiled awkwardly, "Seniors don't want to accept disciples, I'll call you a godfather, too, godfather, just accept me!"

Godfather? Thanks to the monkey's words, he really doesn't want to be faceless. Su Hang was quite speechless. I really want to slap the goods on the ground.

Su Hang pointed to the Great Ape King, holding back for a long time, only holding out a sentence, "You wicked beast."

After finishing the talk, Su Hang drove away, leaving the big ape king with a sullen face. It took him a while to recover, and he quickly accepted the teacher's heart, so don't let such a master go away.

"Senior, I'm joking with you, my majestic king of the apes, Yuan Xiaotian, how can I just go to the teacher casually?"

"Hey, Senior, do you really not accept them? I think they are sincere."

"Senior, they seem to be catching up. Do you want me to pass him on?"


This monkey is really broken mouth, talking non-stop, I heard Su Hang called a headache.

"Follow and follow, this road is not our repair, you still can't make people go." Su Hang said, the two of them sneaking behind, how could he not know.



Future generations.

In the village of Suxi Village.


Liu Ruxu returned after a while, and Xue Jingtian's old chess game had just opened. He was talking about the mysterious female master. Liu Ruxu came back, and several old men didn't play anymore. They all got up and greeted them.

Liu Ruxu nodded slightly, and in the face of these old men, no expression changed on his face.

Originally she was going to leave directly, but after thinking about it, she had to come to Suxi to say goodbye!

"This girl is?" Before waiting for Liu Ruxu to say more, the eyes of Xue Jingtian and others had fallen on the woman next to Liu Ruxu.

The woman in a red dress was very eye-catching, holding a sleeping baby in her arms, followed by a half-sized child, who was full of fear on her face, as if she was afraid of strangers.


At that moment, the child seemed to find something, and the fear in his eyes suddenly subsided, and it was replaced by infinite surprises.

"Eh? Isn't that the one?"

It was Su Xi who was talking, and the sister named by the child was also her, because just across from the child, there were a few old men with mustaches longer than their hair. Only Su Xi was the only girl.

The school's final exam was over, and the winter vacation was early. Su Xi has been back from the county for several days. This little girl has a personality and is very playful. There are not many children of the same age in the village, and she is not ordinary now. People, you can't play all the way. When you are bored, you can only go east and west.

She is planning to find Liu Ruxu today. This big sister is really a great character. After a few days of hard work, she has brought their family to the path of cultivation. Of course, she has also benefited a lot. Jin Dan Realm is already here. On the earth, it is really a top master.

However, she did not find Liu Ruxu today, but she did not come to learn her skills, but was asked by the three daughters Su Rong, Xue Xuan, and Qin Shiyu. At the order of her mother, she asked about Liu Ruxu. Does it really have anything to do with Su Hang?

It's a bit of a shock to say, Su Rong and they are second to none, but this woman named Laura looks so beautiful and her strength is so good. In front of her, it seems that any woman will feel ashamed~ Su Xi is a little girl, she feels the same way, but not as strong.

This inexplicable big sister is really good, but if Su Xi is allowed to choose, it must be on the side of Su Rong and them without hesitation.

I just came to find Sister Lola, but Sister Lola was not there. Su Xi happened to meet Xue Jingtian and followed Xue Jingtian to watch the chess. She didn't expect Sister Lola to come back in a blink of an eye, but also brought others.

At first glance, she noticed the little boy behind the woman in red who seemed to dodge and seemed to be scared. The more she looked, the more she knew the boy, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

It was not until the little boy called her sister that Su Xi stood up. Obviously the little boy knew her too, but her little head was still unable to remember.

Others also looked at Su Xi with surprise.

He walked straight to the little boy, squatted down, and looked at the little boy carefully. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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