Super Study God

Chapter 1155: The fox girl's doubts!

The great ape king's talent is violent, the violent power, unlimited combat power, Juhua is not his talent, and that day's change in shape is so huge, that is actually his deity, his body is actually so huge, in This ancient world is full of demon power, and most of the organisms are very large. Even if they do not need to practice, their bodies can automatically absorb demon power, and they will become larger under the nourishment of the demon power. Next, the body will grow more.

For monsters, they will not take the initiative to control their body shape. In this fiercely competitive Taikoo world, the huge body is very competitive.

Generally speaking, no matter human races or demon races, they can only cultivate talents, while human races grab talents from monsters. In addition to their own talents, it is difficult to practice the talents beside the practice.

For example, the great ape king's talent is combat rage. During combat, he can enter the rage state, and his strength and speed can be greatly improved.

Regardless of whether this talent is strong or weak, the Great Ape King can only work on this kind of talent throughout his life, and it is impossible to touch other talent fields. Battle raging is fighting raging, and there is no possibility to practice old. Tauren's earth talent.

This was their previous belief, but now, Su Hang has broken this belief, and the great ape king actually learned the ability of the sonic class.

Looking at the huge vulture covered with land, the Great Ape King and later the Old Cow Demon King and Fox Demon King all seemed like dreams.

How is this possible? Could it be that the great ape king has its own talent, developed by Su Hang?

Obviously, this is unlikely.

Su Hang told them that this is not talent, this is magical power!

The three demon are even more ignorant, but this makes them understand that this senior Su Hang is really strong, so strong that they dare not use common sense to guess!

"Let's go, isn't it supernatural, what a surprise!"

Seeing the three demon dumbfounded, Su Hang felt bored and patted the brain of the mentally retarded chicken, so that the imperial chicken continued to move forward.

In the past few days, Yuan Xiaotian has been entangled in Su Hang's ability to tell him. Su Hang did not avoid the old cow demon king and fox banshee king. At the beginning of the ancient world, all living beings were ignorant. Even at the end of the ancient times, talent cultivation is still the absolute mainstream.

The appearance of supernatural powers was at the beginning of the next era. At that time, the demon power had turned into elemental force. After a new round of annihilation, most of the talent cultivation methods disappeared. Even if it did not disappear, in a world full of elemental force, talent Cultivation also has no advantage, so magical powers came into being.

Although magical power is not as powerful as talent, it is almost the same.

For the difference between the two, take the Giant Talent as an example. The Giant Talent does not consume much energy, and the magical power of the heaven, earth, and earth is used for the Su Hang. The true element consumed is very huge.

The huge consumption is the drawback of supernatural powers, but if the supernatural powers of superpower users are large enough to withstand such consumption, then supernatural powers and talents are not much different!

However, now, the monks in this world don't even know the existence of supernatural powers. Su Hang passed on the next supernatural power, in fact, he intentionally or unintentionally wants to teach!

Yuan Xiaotian, the great ape king, is going to participate in the battle against the Dao in the future. Although Su Hang confiscated him, he was good at telling him some skills!

As for the other two, Su Hang does not know whether they will have any achievements in the future, but since they are mixed with Yuan Xiaotian, it will not be bad if they want to come!

They can learn, and Su Hang is happy to see that although they are not mentors and apprentices, Su Hang is willing to call them. If they can't learn, they can only blame them for their bad luck.

For Su Xiaotian, Su Hang was quite amazed. He proudly roared this magical power. In fact, it was not a great magical power. He got it from the Yu clan, but Yuan Xiaotian could master it within a few days. At this level, this talent is really strong.

Of course, this is also because Yuan Xiaotian has a profound skill set there, just like in the martial arts story, Zhang Wuji practiced the Nine Yang Divine Skills, and his internal skills are deep to a certain extent, and then practice other exercises, it is completely hand in hand, others will take decades. He only needs to build it overnight.

This is almost the same as the great ape king Yuan Xiaotian.

"Hey, it looks like I can have a full meal tonight!" Looking at the corpse of the vulture, Yuan Xiaotian put away his stick and smiled.

The surprised expression of the old cow and fox girl beside him made him feel very satisfied.

Su Hang heard this, and instantly felt a little appetite. The vulture eats carrion, I am afraid that even the meat is stinky, but also because these guys can have an appetite, if Su Hang is coming, he must not be able to talk.

Yuan Xiaotian and Lao Niu were rushing to collect the corpses of giant vultures scattered all over the place. At this time, the fox girl walked carefully beside Su Hang. "Senior, little fox feels weird!"

"Weird? What weird?" Su Hang froze for a moment, turned to look at the fox girl, seeing her face full of caution!

The fox girl pondered for a while, looking at the corpses of the vultures, and said, "Since we stepped on this grassland, this group of vultures has been following us, and we have never been able to wander. They generally do not attack strangers or actively attack other races. They only eat carrion and have a soft spot for corpses!"

Su Hang listened, frowned gently, and said, "What do you mean?"

Indeed Since they set foot on this plain, they have been spotted by this group of vultures, and more and more, for a few days, did not mean to disperse.

Su Hang did not pay attention to them, only when they were looking for opportunities to attack them, knowing that Yuan Xiaotian had just turned into a roar, and almost wiped them out.

The fox girl said, "Xiaohu wants to say that these vultures will not follow us for no reason. Xiaohu once heard that the vulture family and the black-wu family belong to undead creatures, and they have a talent, named The eyes of death can perceive life and death. Legend has it that if they stare at a certain existence, it means that the life span of that existence is not far away!"

Su Hang heard this, and frowned up, "You mean!"

"They followed all the way, I'm afraid they could see that someone's death is approaching, and waiting for someone to die, they swarmed and ate the corpse!" The fox girl's words were amazing!

Su Hang heard it and froze in his heart. When he was young, he had heard a superstitious saying in his hometown that a crow was staring at a person. Soon will die! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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