Super Study God

Chapter 1158: I'm not short of money!

If you can lift this stone, it must have reached the existence of Yaodan Realm. In the eyes of these ordinary people, Yaodan Realm is a master.

As soon as the man let go, the big stone fell suddenly, hitting the ground with a thud, the ground swayed for a while, and everyone around him quickly evaded.

The man smiled, didn't seem to be satisfied with this, and walked straight to the second stone, actually wanting to continue to lift the second stone.

It's no wonder that lifting the first stone is only possible to enter the hotel to consume. If you can lift the second stone, you can cut the consumption by half, and this is also a symbol of strength.


I saw that the man hugged the boulder with both hands and shouted violently, and then the boulder actually moved!

"Oh, great strength!"

"Is it a fairy baby realm?"

"It turned out to be the predecessor of Demon Baby Realm!"


In the crowd of exclamations, the boulder gradually left the ground, and was slowly lifted by the man, and raised above his head.

The man gritted his teeth tightly, and his muscles were tight, as if to explode, his skin turned red, and a mysterious texture appeared on the surface.

Seems like an ostrich! Su Hang looked at the pattern, it should be that the man's life soul appeared, this man's life soul should be a bird that looks like an ostrich, what is the specific, Su Hang is not familiar!

This man just entered the realm of demon baby, otherwise, it would not be so hard!

However, no matter how you say, they raised the second stone, which is enough to shock everyone!

"It turns out to be the predecessor of Demon Infant Realm, please inside!" When the man put the stone down, a man like a little pub walked over and politely welcomed the man into the tavern.

The people around them saw both admiration and envy, and they sighed for a long time. No matter when, the strong will always be respected.


Looking at this posture, the service level here should be high?

"Hello, stop!"

A few of Su Hang were going inside, but they were stopped by an old man in a black robe!

Turning his face and looking at him, the old man pointed to a sign next to it, "Did you not see the words written on the sign?"

Su Hang glanced at it, and the wooden sign was engraved with the rules set by the owner of the tavern. The old man had a very simple meaning. If he wanted to go in, he had to pass the level before him. Good.

"Oh, this man, dare to run around without knowing the rules!"

"Yeah, don't look at this place, everyone can enter the big stone tavern with young master Feng!"

"Look at his delicate skin and tender meat, 80% want to be fooled into it, it's really naive and ridiculous!"

"Look, is he trying to lift the stone? Ridiculously, that's only the master of the enchanted realm!"

"Young man, don't be funny, be careful not to flash your waist!"


"Ah? How is this possible?"

There was a round of sarcasm next to him, however, soon these people's faces were replaced by shock.

I saw Su Hang turned around, his right foot stretched out, and took a slight tick under the stone.


The stone flew straight up like a cannonball, flying three to five feet high, and then it crashed down, but the people below were scared enough that they almost didn't get hit by the stone!

The ground shook violently. Although the ground was solid, it was still smashed into a pit.

"How is it? Can I go in?" Exclaimed next to him, Suhang seemed to have nothing happened, and said to the old man next to him.

The old man was also taken aback, never thought that this young man with an outstanding appearance actually had this ability.

However, the old man apparently had seen some of the world. Although surprised, he was not shocked, and he quickly recovered his face. "Of course, this friend is really amazing. Don't you try the two stones next to it?"

Now, no one who dared to underestimate the young man in front of this strangely dressed, unassuming look, just the man, the realm of demon babies, and it took a lot of effort to lift this stone, and Su Hang only He hooked with his toes and flew so high. Obviously, this young man's strength was much bigger than that of the man who was just now.

"No!" Su Hang smiled indifferently!

The old man said, "The son may wish to try, if we can lift these two stones, our tavern has another..."

"I'm not short of money!" Su Hang only said one thing, and ignored the old man and went straight into the tavern.

The old man's face can't help but shake a few times. The gods are not bad. Do you know how great it is to enjoy the discount of the Dashi Tavern, in Taiyu City?

To be honest, Suhang is really not short of money. Although this world does not use gold and silver currency, and uses shells, but after entering the city, they found a place to sell those vulture bodies, and now the waist pack is bulging!

Unexpectedly, this civilian mixed outer city actually hides such a master. Looking at his just skill, let's say there is also a demon baby realm!

The old man was thinking, at this time, Yuan Xiaotian and several of them also got together, buried their heads, and wanted to follow Su Hang in!

"Several, you..." The old man quickly reached out and stopped!

"We've been all the way!" Yuan Xiaotian said with a glee, this is the first time he has entered a human town as a human in so many years, and it feels very fresh and exciting!

"Small store rules, only those who can lift this stone can enter!" The old man smiled bitterly, he could see that this group of people are not ordinary people, but the rules are unbreakable, no matter who comes, they must obey the rules!


Yuan Xiaotian froze for a moment, "Little old man looks down on me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The old man quickly shook his head, although there are backers, but can not easily offend the guests!

"I go!"

Yuan Xiaotian took a with a stick in his hand, he drew directly on the stone that Su Hang had just moved!


The stone could withstand Yuan Xiaotian’s great power, just like a baseball, go directly into the air, and everyone looked away. I saw that the stone crossed a perfect arc in the air and flew directly in the direction of the inner city, instantly Disappeared in the sky!

Oh my God!

Everyone is stunned, is this still human? That's a rock that Master Yao Realm can barely shake. It was actually taken away by a stick!

Yuan Xiaotian put his stick on his shoulder, glanced at the old man who was completely shocked next to him, giggled, and swaggered into the tavern.

The crowd's exclamation had not been cut off. The Niubi came right after it and walked in front of the old man. There was a pause. The old man was about to speak. The Niubi first interrupted and smiled, "I know, the rules !"

With that said, the bull demon walked in front of the second stone and lifted his leg. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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