Super Study God

Chapter 1160: Have the ability, come out 1 battle!

"Oh, these guys don't know where they came from, but this time they are going to kick the iron plate!"

"I heard that the real person Qianhe came to Shaoyu City by Fengzhao this time, and he could enter the elder palace immediately!"

"The Elder Palace, that is all a super existence of the demon realm, is it true that Qianhe Real Man is going to break through the demon realm?"

"Who knows, anyway, these guys look good!"


It was an old man in gray, who had been sitting in the corner and was not conspicuous. At this time, all the people came out as if he had discovered his existence, all excited whispers.

Lest the world is not chaotic!

Obviously, these people have great respect for this old man, showing the soul realm, that is, the return of the monks of Yuanli in the later generations. Among these people, it is indeed very outstanding. At least, you can enjoy the service for free in this tavern. , Can be regarded as a real master.

The old man, dressed in a gray coat, had a bone in his hand that he didn't know what bone to use to grind it into a cane. He caressed his long beard, but it looked like a master.

In front of everyone's eyes, the old man came out of the seat, walked with great momentum, and the music and dance in the field also stood up. Those women knew that there was a conflict, one by one, they were at a loss, and they quickly hid from the stage.

The old man walked up to the stage, looking at Su Hang and others with an angry face, twenty or thirty meters away, "What are you waiting for? How dare you dare to let go at the Dashi Pub, is it the spy of his tribe?"

In a word, it caused a commotion in the field!

spy? Are these two spies? Yes, I heard that in order to fight for the position of the patriarch of the Yu clan, the tribes such as the Shaoyu and Taiyu clan have been in trouble. Could these people be the spies sent by the Taiyu clan?

I'm afraid that's really the case. The old man's words are very important. When you ask a question, it becomes a fact in the ears of others, and you don't need to think about it!

"Old guy, put your mouth clean. How can you ask the predecessor's name? Be careful of your life!" Yuan Xiaotian was a wild old demon, and he went straight back.

"Xiaotian, don't be arrogant!" Su Hang sat next to him, reminding Yuan Xiaotian indifferently, this guy, don't trouble me, can't you stop for a while?

Yuan Xiaotian heard it and honestly buried his head to eat the food, but just after he said it, even if someone else heard it and couldn't bear it, let alone the pretentious old man?

The old man's face was obviously black, and he looked like a senior. Of course, although he was confident, he was not stupid. He pressed the anger in his heart and looked at the Su Hang sitting in the middle. The fool also It can be seen that among these few people, this unassuming young man is the leader!

"Under the return to Yunshan Qianhe, I don't know your lord..." Senior senior, the demeanor must be enough, even if it fights for a while, the other party is repaired well, and the others can't say it, this Qianhe Obviously knowing this way, he first made a far-reaching attack on Su Hang.

Qianhe's real person had already figured it out, and his courtesy had arrived. If the other party didn't give the face, he would have to do a fight.

This time when Feng Zhao came to Shaoyu City, the Shaoyu patriarch had already issued a speech. Before long, he could enter the elder palace and become the Shaoyu elders above 10,000 people under one person. The resources of the palace can enter the demon realm within three years, the status and power of the status, and what is needed.

Today, in the event of this, it is necessary for me to shake my prestige and show my means. Moreover, this is the place where he exists. If he can help him solve the trouble, he can be considered to show him in advance!


The idea is very good, however, Qianhe just raised his head, and saw a shadow flying head-on, without giving him the time to react, and fell directly on his face!

"It hurts, what a pain!"

Qian He's face shook, and he felt something sticking on his face. He stretched out his hand and took a look. The old face immediately went green!

A bone can be recognized by a real person at a glance. It is a black-billed duck's paw bone, and there is still no bone that has been gnawed, and he snapped his face.

Everyone stayed for a while, and then looked at the real person of Qianhe. He was so angry that he held the calcaneus in his hand and looked up to see only Yuan Xiaotian where they were laughing.

That table was gnawing at the duck's palm, only Yuan Xiaotian didn't have it in his hand, but that hand was greasy, not who he threw, who would it be?

"Hahaha, look at him like that, isn't it ugly?" Yuan Xiaotian put one leg on the bench with a big smile and a sneer between words!

"Haha, Brother Yuan, you are too terrible. If I were, I would let him throw away his mouth!" Niu Yao also laughed at the side, but he was reluctant to waste these foods. He had to admit that humans In terms of cooking food, it is much more advanced than their demon clan.

Among the three demon, only the fox girl is a little more elegant, after all, it is a woman, not as rough as the male demon!

Su Hang didn't stop them either. For these two things, he had already given up treatment, and he was well behaved in the first second, and he was treacherous in the following second.

Qianhe didn't know the true god, seeing the mocking unscrupulous laughter, their hearts were burning with anger.

"You guys, wanton!" Qianhe lived angrily, and in the face of so many people, was thrown on the face by a bone. Who can bear this anger?

This is what came out to shake the majestic wind. How can these young chicks shake the majesty?

"Have the ability, come out to fight!" Qianhe lively yelled out loud, if he was crazy, he wanted to do it immediately, but he has not completely lost his is not a place to fight him. You have to find another place to fight.

His eyes were full of anger, as if to shoot flames. Seeing this posture, a dead battle was inevitable. Everyone around was squeezing a sweat. These guys who did not know what to do, dare to humiliate this existence. Bacheng did not want to live. Leaving Shaoyu City!

"a ha ha ha……"

However, in the face of the provocation of Qianhe Real Man, Yuan Xiaotian not only did not mean to fight, but instead seemed to hear the most funny jokes under the world, and laughed together with the cow demon, leaning forward and back, tears laughed!

"Hahaha, Brother Yuan, he said he was going to fight you!" After laughing for a while, Niubi glanced at Qian He with a stupid look, and instead endured a stomachache, facing Yuan Xiaotiandao.

Yuan Xiaotian also refrained from grinning, and waved his hand very generously, "Brother Niu, a garbage character like this, I'll leave it to you!"

The bull demon hadn't answered, and the pub had already exploded, and the crowd was watching.

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