Super Study God

Chapter 1167: This is human nature!

It's just that the identity of the Shaoyu clan son makes him maintain a little pride.

At this time, Lin Xuan said his intention, which made Master Shaoyun feel even worse. If he had conflicts with these people, he could foresee that he would not have any good fruit to eat. Will fall here.

"Shaoyun always likes to make friends with powerful people. This big stone tavern is the industry underneath. Everyone enters the door of the big stone tavern, which is the friends underneath..." The young man Shaoyun became polite at first glance. Have a friendship.

This sudden change makes people feel that the style of painting has changed. Is this still the son Shaoyun?

Yuan Xiaotian's three monsters were even more shocked. That's what they did. They thought there was a fight!

Su Hang was able to understand that Yuan Xiaotian and several of them seemed to have caused Tianda’s trouble. However, this trouble was a big blessing for Master Shaoyun and helped him give two powerful competitors to Besides, he actually had to thank Yuan Xiaotian for them.

"Wait a moment!" At this time, Lin Xuan stopped the young man Shaoyun, "What's the point? Didn't you come to catch the criminal? The criminal is in front of you, why? No more?"

Between the words, he laughed a little at the young man Shaoyun.

"My friend is not kidding, who did that flying stone do? I will find out next time that a few of my friends are guests. If there is a lack of hospitality or a place to blame, please ask Haihan!" Shao Yun Gongzi arched his hand , As if they are really good friends.

God knows, at this time, the back of Master Shaoyun has been sweating, and the feeling of fear in his heart is getting worse, especially when facing Lin Xuan, it is even more creepy and frightening.

He could foresee that this group of people was very dangerous. It was the first time he had such a hunch since he was young, and he even regretted coming here.

It is likely to die. This is the only thought in Master Shaoyun’s heart. Where can he dare to offend?


Lin Xuan laughed, quite ironically!

The laughter was so unpleasant in Suhang's ears.

"Well, what son, stone was thrown by us, who killed you, we shouldn't, what do you want, draw down the road!" At this time, Yuan Xiaotian couldn't help but slapped the table, facing Master Shaoyun shouted.

As soon as these words came out, the young man suddenly shook his face and his heart tightened. What happened to this man? I have already exposed it for you, and then I will find someone to help you to blame, but this has not happened. Everyone makes good friends, what's wrong? Don't you all appreciate it?

Yuan Xiaotian and several of them are demon clan. Their thinking is different from that of the human race. Although these three demons are usually overbearing and unruly, but if there is no deep hatred, they rarely rely on bullying, in their opinion. As a leprechaun in a new era, you must first dare to be brave. Since you dare to cause trouble, you are absolutely not afraid of things. You do it yourself, and dare to admit it. This is the dignity of a fairy!

This is embarrassing!

Shao Yun's heart was awkward. In a flash, ten thousand thoughts flashed in his mind, most of which were foreseeing what kind of death he would be!

"My friend laughed, and I said, I will surely find out this matter!" Young Master Shaoyun couldn't help crying or crying. Others encountered this and could not hide from it, but this man was better and took the initiative to come up.

I foresee that the talent is fully activated, and the young man Shaoyun keeps deducing, saying every word and doing no expression, and must be deduced again to ensure that he can be safe when saying this sentence!

"Check what, let you check now!" Niu Chongtian shouted next to him, the posture, as if to say, are you blind? It’s just Lao Tzu, you’re doing me!

Special code, what kind of wonderful flower is this?

There are 10,000 alpaca running in the heart of Master Shaoyun. It really feels like riding a tiger. The murderer is clearly in front of him. He also lets you check the murderer. This is really a dog!

"I have just received a report from the next person, and I already know who the Wai Fei Stone did that day!" For a long time, Master Shaoyun sighed a sentence, "Come here, grab Qianhe!"


The real person of Qianhe is like being struck by thunder. The whole person is ignorant, right? I said it?

At this moment, the few masters brought by Master Shaoyun walked towards the real person of Qianhe. Under the eyes of everyone, Qianren was arrested.

"Second son, I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding, it's not me!" Qianhe didn't dare to resist, but he couldn't stop yelling, "So many people in the tavern can testify for me, second son, I Injustice!"

With that said, Qianhe lively looked anxiously, hoping that someone could stand up and say a fair word to him, however, what he saw was avoidance!

Suddenly, the real heart of Qianhe was cold!

The young man Shaoyun didn't change his face, and said coldly, "Whether it's you or not, I will find out and take it away!"

"Second son, I was wronged!"

"Second son, I was wronged!"

Qianhe lively shouted, at this time, he really wanted to cry, what is the disaster of innocence, he is talking about himself.

So bright and upright, so majestic that he was dragged out of his way, is this the blood mold that has been poured out for several lifetimes?

Everyone was silent, kneeling down on the ground one by one, daring not to raise their heads, fearing that the scourge would draw themselves.

At this time, Mr. Shaoyun's face was covered with a smile turned to the Su Hang and other people, "The real murderer has already been put down, you don’t have to excuse him, this thousand cranes, use fly Shixing stabbed and killed my two brothers tragically, and will be dealt with seriously in the next time!"

What this said makes Su Hang and others really speechless. This is a majestic, upside-down black and white ability, which is really first-class.


Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan laughed, facing Su Hangdao, "Seeing it, this is human nature, human nature is evil, human nature is selfish, and people are born to be imperfect..."

Su Hang didn’t want to hear Lin Xuan talk about this, and waved at Shaoyun, "We are just passing by and want to have a meal here with peace of mind. I have never thought about making trouble, go, go, take your people away, We should go too!"

I really want to have a meal. I didn’t expect the benefits to come. Su Hang was really speechless. At this moment, I thought about it, or leave quickly, so as not to cause trouble.

When Shaoyun heard this, he was naturally delighted. Knowing that since entering the tavern, the fear hunch in his heart has never stopped, and he is thinking about how to exit this land of right and wrong! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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