Super Study God

Chapter 1169: Chaos Mountain!

Achieving Heavenly Venerate is not so easy. Now, the only thing that makes Su Hang feel taboo is that it seems that there is only that high road.

Or, there is a heavenly Hongjun, but Su Hang is a little skeptical now, has Hongjun been born at this moment?

This is the beginning of Taikoo, and just after the World Tribulation, Pangu will be born in this life, and Hongjun, who is the master of the Heavenly Dao selected by Dadao, will also be born. Earlier, even the ancient Gu family was still missing, let alone Hong Jun?

That old man, maybe he is still mixing up somewhere!

Now, the only thing that makes Su Hang feel a little uncomfortable is that, from the moment he stepped on this wasteland, the atheistic system in his mind seemed to be out of order and could not be contacted.

This made Su Hang have to worry. You must know that the system of learning God is his lifeblood and his amulet. This amulet is gone, and my heart must be hanging.

The encounter along the way, coupled with the strange and strange words of Lin Xuan, made Su Hang feel a little uneasy in his heart. Is this road really going to happen?

What's really going to endanger your life? What did he say that he would not let me touch?


"What are you thinking about, Senior?" Yuan Xiaotian asked Su Hang silently and curiously.

"Nothing!" Su Hang shook his head. "That Lin Xuan said, where is Zhonghuangshan coming?"

"It seems to be more than 300,000 miles to the east!" Niu Chongtian scratched his head, the memory of his bull head was okay!

"Senior, do you believe his words?" Hu Mei Niang asked next to him, "That man is full of nonsense, maybe he is not sure what to set, waiting for us to drill?"

Hu Mei Niang thought carefully, this way, she feels more uneasy than Su Hang!


Su Hang said indifferently, "What are you afraid of? It's only three hundred thousand miles, not too far away. Let's go and see!"

What can be a big deal if you are scared? Even if you know that there is danger, you have to go too. If you know that there are tigers in the mountains, we also prefer to go to the tiger mountain.

The three demon did not say much, and this time they did not slowly hurry up, directly evacuating the cloud and driving the fog, galloping towards the east!



Taia Mountains.

Here, it is a vast expanse of forest. Looking at the mountains or mountains removed, the size of the mountains is not only one hundred thousand?

The roar of birds and beasts, this is a paradise for monsters and beasts. Humans are almost extinct here, because there are many demon kings in the mountains, and human races in this mountain forest have no way to live.

When a group of people came here, they almost met a few monsters after passing through a few mountain passes. Among them, there were not a few people with outstanding strength.

Su Hang adheres to the principle of friendly relationship between human race and demon race, who can fight, never kill, who can scold, never fight, can say no scolding!

Along the way, he hadn't touched himself, and the size of the demon king who subdued was countless.

The four Venerable Realm masters walked together, among which there was a fighting madman and a violent madman. Such a combination, in today's Taikoo world, already counts as the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.

In this world, the respect for the strong, whether it is a man or a demon, the worship of power has reached a near-perverted point. The most direct proof is that the team behind the buttocks is growing.

It was picked up by Yuan Xiaotian and the others, and he cried and shouted that he would be countless as a younger brother, so Su Hang was so burned, but Yuan Xiaotian and the two were happy.

The momentum was so great that Su Hang himself seemed like a big demon king, but he couldn't leave, but they could only let them follow.

Fortunately, these are home-grown demon kings, who are familiar with these hundreds of millions of mountains, and they are still useful!

However, it is a pity that these people have heard of Zhonghuang Mountain, but no one has ever been to it, let alone heard of it!

"Seniors said that Zhonghuang Mountain is a **** mountain. Only those who are connected can see it. It must be guarded by enchantment, or stored in a different space. We may find it difficult to work together in such a chaotic search!"

Walking on the mountain road, the team at the back kept growing, Hu Meiniang leaned over to Su Hang and said.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, why didn't he know it? On this trip, he didn't have to find Zhonghuang Mountain. It was best to find Nuwa's. It's okay to ask Pangu's news. It doesn't matter if you don't see it. In a month, there are no days left!

"Can you do anything?" Su Hang looked at Hu Meiniang.

Hu Mei-niang shook her head awkwardly. She said that she wanted Su Hang to think of some ways, but listening to Su Hang's question seemed impossible.

"Do you have any solutions?" Yuan Xiaotian listened beside him, and turned directly to ask the group of strangely-shaped monster kings behind him!

These demon kings have also been educated in the past few days. Su Hang passed on some of their magical powers, all of which have faded the appearance of demon beasts and transformed into humanoids, but most of them have paranoia about the instinct of the demon clan. Although they are humanoids, they are all strangely shaped, and people will know that they are monsters at a glance!

These big and small demon kings have gotten a little favor from Suhang. What's more, they are even more reluctant to leave. They have to rely on it all the way!


The demon king shouted loudly, and the movement was so shaking that the mountains were shaking!

Special code!

"Without you guys shouting!" Yuan Xiaotian rolled his eyes, it was a gang of jealousy!



At this time, a goat who had returned to the virtual realm came together and seemed to have something to say.

This guy just joined the little demon king on a hill eighty miles away, when Su Hang and his party led the pair of big and small demon kings, they almost didn’t scare him, almost Without any resistance, they were collected by Yuan Xiaotian's younger brothers.

In this area, this goat essence should be very familiar!

Goat essence pointed to a large mountain in the distance in front of him. "Senior, the mountain in front is called Chaos Mountain. There is an old monster living in the mountain. It's amazing!"

"Well? What an old monster?"

Su Hang looked at the mountain. It was very big and very big. It was half covered by a cloud of mist. It was chaotic and unclear. It looked like it was very close, but it seemed like it was far away.

A rare opportunity to show his face, but can’t drop the chain, the Goat King quickly said, "Go back to my predecessor, there is an old monster in this mountain, I don’t know what the origin is, but the strength is extraordinary. Thirteen years ago, there were eight demon kings nearby who wanted to attack Going down the Chaos Mountain, the result has not yet entered the mountain. As soon as the old monster appeared, it stirred up the eight demon kings into powder, and the little demon felt that the old monster was afraid that there would be at least a big demon king!"

The realm of the big demon king, in which the demon clan can be called the big demon king, it can only be the generations of Yuan Xiaotian and Niu Chongtian, whose strength is comparable to the demon clan powerful in the realm of later generations. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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