Super Study God

Chapter 1180: Who gives you confidence?

After listening to Hongjun’s explanation, Su Hang and others were speechless, and this guy was really good enough. This method was all conceivable. Special code not only dare to think, but also dare to fight, just Su Hang them a few, otherwise they will keep their eyes open, and they really want to be bluffed by him!

"Unexpectedly, your brother is as bright as a torch, seeing through the trick of the younger brother, let the younger brother deeply realize that under your bright light, your younger brother is really not as good as the glow of fireflies..."

"But okay, the younger brother now worships his elder brother as his elder brother. He will definitely look at the elder brother in the future, and will definitely not tarnish the reputation of your elder brother..."

"Okay, don't beep!" Su Hang reached out and interrupted Hongjun. If there is a reason why Haotian's flatterer could become Hongjun's door, there must be a reason.

"You foolish people's ability, it seems to have been trained since childhood!" Su Hang said to Hong Jun some inexplicable words.

Hongjun laughed, "You don't want to fooling your brother, you can't fooling your elder brother. You swear here, if you dare to fooling your elder brother, you will be struck by thunder, and you won't be robbed!"

"Dare to send such a poisonous oath, I will not die you sooner or later!" Su Hang gave him a white glance and snapped his fingers, the huge space contracted quickly, and the entire hall quickly returned to its original state.

Su Hang went to the table and sat down, looking at the young man who smiled to himself in front of him, "So, what is the so-called chaotic Ziyun Master is also fake? What kind of students and sisters are you? People changed?"


Hong Jun laughed, walked to Su Hang and sat down, picked up a cup of tea on the table and filled Su Hang with a cup of tea. "When I went back to my elder brother, that's what it was. , Brother I really have a master!"


Su Hang frowned!

Hongjun quickly said, "Dare not deceive the elder brother, I really mean, when I was a worm, it was chaos in the world, and Yu Nei had not yet clarified. I can't remember how long ago, anyway, so long, now these No race is born yet!"

"One day, when I was searching for food in the mountains, I met a person meditating on the top of the mountain and wanted to swallow him. I didn't expect that person to catch me..."

"However, instead of killing me, he helped me open my mind and teach me a lot of practice methods. Afterwards, I concentrated on cultivation, and only then did I have today. When the man left, although he did not say that I would take an entry, but I think he must have admitted me as an apprentice!"

"After all, I'm so good," Hong Jun said, smallpox.

"Hang!" Next to it, Hu Meiniang whispered, "Who gives you confidence?"

Hong Jun turned a deaf ear and only shy his face, looking at Su Hang, "Brother, I am sincerely convinced now, you should, should not..."

"Will nothing? Will not kill you?" Su Hang seemed to know Hong Jun's concerns.


Hong Jun smiled. This is true. Su Hang's strength is far higher than him. If he wants to kill him, he has little power to fight back.

After all, just now, he didn't make a move with Su Hang!

"It depends on my mood!" Su Hang looked cold.

Hong Jun's face stiffened, and then said, "Younger brother has been collecting a lot of treasures in this chaotic mountain for many years, I don't know if the elder brother is interested..."

What kind of person do you think you are? Want to bribe me? You are the future of heaven and earth, where is your ethics?

Su Hang interrupted Hong Jun's words and looked at him up and down, "You just said, that the master who made you really have someone?"

For this guy who runs the train full of mouth, Su Hang did not believe him from the heart, but there are some things he must be cautious.

The senior person who can be related to Hongjun, as far as Su Hang knows, there are only two people, one is Dadao, and Dadao chose Hongjun as an endorsement. .

The other is Pangu. In the future, Hongjun will also participate in the war against the Dao, and according to legend, the relationship between Hongjun and the Pangu clan has always been ambiguous. As a spokesperson for the Dao, he will actually participate in the Dao. War, this is really a bit weird to say, but when I want to come to Suhang, the reason why Hongjun does this is probably also related to the Pangu clan!

I just heard Hongjun say that an expert adored him. The first thing Su Hang thought of was the avenue. From the beginning, the avenue had already selected Hongjun.

Of course, it may be caused by Pangu, but the former is more likely. After all, what is the existence of Pangu now, Suhang is still not sure, perhaps Pangu is an ancient **** of the last generation, maybe It is just a branch of the human race of this era. Like Hongjun, it has not yet developed.

If it is said that Hongjun is really the incarnation of Dao Avenue, Su Hang feels a little bit confused. If Dao is already staring at Hongjun, then this kind of alien is now exposed to Dao’s eyes. ?

"What the younger brother said, the sentences are true, and they dare not have any hypocrisy!" Hong Jun said quickly.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "What does he look like, do you remember?"

When Hongjun heard this, he shook his head. "It's already too far away, I can't remember!"

Su Hang was silent.

"Senior, don't believe this guy's words. I think this guy is just like Qi Xuanzi. His mouth is full of lies. Nothing is true!"

Yuan Xiaotian was very upset. This guy actually said that he and his predecessor Su had become brothers and sisters. They really didn’t treat themselves as outsiders. If they knew this would happen, they shouldn’t help him make this bet. Made a wedding dress!

Mader and Senior Su are called brothers and sisters, does that mean that we have become juniors instead?

Uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable.

Su Hang ignored Yuan Xiaotian, and only looked at the Hongjun in front of him, and made him look like this. It was really difficult to connect him with the future Hongjun who controls the lives of all the people.

"Have you heard of Pangu's?" Su Hang asked.

"Pangu's?" Hong Jun heard it, thought for a moment, and quickly shook his head. "It seems, probably, it seems, I haven't heard of it."

Su Hang seems to have expected this answer, and then asked, "How much do you know about this world?"

"this world?"

Hong Jun froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Since I was awake, my younger brother has been on this chaotic mountain. The predecessor warned that when he left, he was dangerous outside the mountain, so he rarely came out of the mountain and didn't know much about the outside world."

I don’t know Pangu, nor the outside world. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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