Super Study God

Chapter 1182: Under Emperor Zhongshan!

Next to it, Yuan Xiaotian almost squeezed the stick in his hand, trembling all over his body, obviously pressing the fire forcibly.

"Okay!" Su Hang interrupted impatiently and said to Hongjun, "Hurry and lead the way, it's best not to be fooled, otherwise, I will ban your ability and turn you into a mother* to these demon kings Dispose!"

Hong Jun shook his face suddenly when he heard it, feeling that his back door was chilling!

Not daring to say more, Hong Jun quickly took Su Hang and others into the valley, and soon came to a waterfall.

The waterfall plunged down from the top of the mountain, just like a galloping horse, bumping into the creek at the bottom of the mountain, lifting a large splash of water, like a huge curtain of water hanging in the air!

What a wonderful scene!

"Brother, Zhonghuangshan is right behind this waterfall. When I came last time, the people of Zhonghuangshan Nuwa separated the waterfall and exposed a avenue. Enter along that avenue and you can see Zhonghuangshan!" Hong Jun pointed at the waterfall and invited Su to the fairway.

Su Hang looked at the waterfall, and with his keen perception of the power of space, he could feel that the power of the space behind the waterfall was indeed more active than the surroundings, but this did not prove anything.

After all, in this world, there are many places where the power of space is active. Not every one is because of the existence of enchantment, and Su Hang does not feel any enchantment. The kind of space fluctuations are minimal and not easy to detect without careful attention.

It is also possible that there is no boundary behind this waterfall. It may be an independent and different space, just like the Wanque Forest of the Yu nationality. Such a space has only one space node to connect with the outside world, which is very difficult to find.

"There is so much nonsense, hurry up and call the door, let's stand silly here?" Yuan Xiaotian scolded beside him.


Hong Jun glanced at Yuan Xiaotian, wanting to hit the monkey's face, and walked towards the waterfall in a walk.

Standing in front of the waterfall, looking at the thunderous curtain of water, Hong Jun glanced back at Yuan Xiaotian and others with a glance, then turned his head again, arched his hand at the waterfall, "Hong Jun under the Chaos Mountain, there is a need See the Patriarch of the Nuwa clan, please open the gate!"

One second, two seconds...

The waterfall pours out, and it's not like a little bit.

This is a bit embarrassing!

A black line flashed on Hongjun's forehead. Why didn't he move? Doesn't make sense? How can you step down?

"Hey, can you do it?"

"Senior, let me just say, this guy is a big liar, there is no truth!"


After a series of boos came from behind, Hong Jun was an embarrassment!

"Brother, maybe the sound of the waterfall is too loud. They didn't hear it. I'll call him again!" This guy always finds a reason to excuse himself.

"Cut!" Hongjun's remarks drew a contempt and disdain from the demons!

They thought they could take this opportunity to go and see the legendary God Mountain in Huangshan Mountain, but they didn't expect a dumb gun to be released by the guy Hong Jun.

"The chaotic mountain repairs Hongjun, please see the head of the Nuwa clan, please open the gate!"

Hong Jun ignored it and shouted again daringly. This time, the sound was raised a lot, the power of the demon poured in, and it rolled out, and the waterfall was cut off for an instant.

One second, two seconds...

Hong Jun looked forward to the waterfall in front of him, however, the time passed slowly, and the waterfall remained still.

This is even more embarrassing!

"Hey, boy, your voice may not be loud enough, please speak louder!"

Niu Chongtian shouted beside him, his tone full of mockery, and all the demon beside him were laughing.

Hongjun's face was covered with black lines, and he looked at Su Hang with embarrassment. "Brother, maybe, maybe Nuwa is not at home, or shall we come again in another day?"


Yuan Xiaotian yelled, "Well, you and stupid boy, dare to tease me to wait and treat us like a fool? Find a fight!"

Having said that, Yuan Xiaotian had the urge to find Hong Jun to do another one. Although he was defeated by Hong Jun before, Yuan Xiaotian was not reconciled. He just wanted to get back the scene and the dignity of the male monkey!

"Brother Yuan doesn't need to be angry. Senior Su will take care of him for this kind of scammer!" Next to it, Hu Meiniang grabbed Yuan Xiaotian. She knew that Yuan Xiaotian was not Hong Jun's opponent. She was desperately afraid of losing money.

"Few of you, provoke separation!" Hong Jun snorted and turned to Su Hangdao, "Brother, I really dare not lie to you, I really went to Zhonghuang Mountain three hundred years ago, the entrance is here, I just don’t know why, brother, you are proficient in time and space talent, you should be able to detect the different space here!"

Su Hang listened, not moving, thinking in his mind whether he should believe Hong Jun. This guy passed by himself many times. Although he is still a young baby, his nature has already been revealed.

The space here is abnormal, and Su Hang has long been aware that if the entrance of Zhonghuang Mountain is really here, Su Hang is a little surprised. Hong Jun’s identity is unusual, but in the future, he will become the person in charge of the Heavenly Dao.

If the Nu Wa's legendary ability, she should be able to play a few celestial abilities, and she will naturally pay attention to it, but how can she not give Hong Jun a face?


At this moment, there was a deafening sound ahead.

Hongjun shrank his neck and looked back, only to see the huge waterfall, as if there was a jet of air, like a pair of invisible big hands, slowly separating the water curtain to the sides.

The power of space pours out, as if the door of another world opened a corner at this moment~ The mist covered the sky, and the road made of white jade did not know where it was going.

The two women floated up and down, one left and one right, one white and one green, just like a fairy, and a long snake tail was dragged under the skirt. The treasure was solemn and beautiful, and it was straight. The demon kings were all demented.

"Zhonghuang Mountain is heavy, who is making a noise here?" The two women fluttered, and the voice had already arrived before the person arrived.

Seeing this scene, Hong Jun couldn't help but rejoice. He was just afraid of losing his ugliness. Now he can find his place. Happiness comes too fast. It's really unpredictable.

At this time, it was not when Yuan Xiaotian and several of them slapped their faces. Hong Jun quickly stepped forward and bowed his hands in a gentle way. Notify on behalf."

The two women looked at Hongjun. The woman in white was surprised and bowed back to the courtesy. "It turned out to be Master Ziyun. The younger generation is polite."

Hong Jun floated, and this gift was obviously very useful to him. Can the face of the gang of demon kings crack? To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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