Super Study God

Chapter 1187: Demon King gluttonous!


A dragon-tortoise monster came out of the water and saw that the python fell down, and it flew its tail. The long dragon tail was drawn directly to the two-headed python. The two-headed python was drawn like a shell Fly, flying straight to the gate of Wa Palace.


Smashed in front of the Wa Palace, and turned back into human form again, tumbling on the ground a few times, the flame on the body slowly extinguished, and lying on the ground away from the fire, just like having just experienced a life and death disaster, breathing heavily. , Lips trembling non-stop, humming bursts.

Like that, with the disheveled hair, where is there still a little bit of a personable appearance?

"What did you do to him?"

Seeing the miserable appearance of Lihuo, the woman next to him was shocked. How to say that Lihuo was also a guest of Wa Palace, now she was made to look like this in front of her, what is it like? words?

No matter who is right or wrong, as the Nuwa clan, the guest was injured in his own place, naturally there is the obligation to ask the perpetrator a statement, if you want to fight, it is related to the dignity of the Nuwa clan, Hands-on **** is a must.

Su Hang heard it, but smiled, "The girl said the difference, you also saw it. He did it to me, did I fight him back?"

"Seniors are in a deep state, and juniors have poor eyesight, and they can't tell, but Huozi is a guest of my family. I'm willing to believe these words. Do you think his uncle can believe it?" said the woman.

Su Hang heard the words and even laughed, "Why don't you believe that he may have a sudden attack of hemorrhoids, so this is the case?"

The woman's face was black. Although she didn't know what hemorrhoids were, she was definitely not a good thing.

"You guys, can you see that I hurt him?" Su Hang turned around and asked the demon kings, quite like the three kings.

"See it!"

"Senior Divine Prowess, I will admire it!"


The demon kings shouted in unison, one was more excited than the other, but Su Hang listened in his ears and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Special code, what kind of goods are these? Su Hang can't help crying, can't he understand his eyes? Is there any special way to disassemble the platform?

This was so embarrassing, Su Hang turned to look at the woman.

"Fire!" At this time, an angry voice rang into the world, and several lights and shadows flashed.

In front of Wa Palace, a burly middle-aged man walked quickly to Lihu, who fell to the ground, and lifted Lihuo from the ground.

From the fire, it seemed to be collapsed, a face constantly changing between a snake shape and a human shape, it seems that it is difficult to maintain the human shape, and I don’t know what kind of blows have been suffered.

"It hurts, uncle, I'm so hurt!" Seeing the man from the fire, he suddenly seemed to see his mother's child, and he couldn't help crying again, his lips trembling, spitting out a few unheard words.

"Does it hurt? Huoer, where does it hurt?" The middle-aged man clearly felt heartache and quickly asked.

Wherever Li Huo said, extreme shame turned into infinite hatred. Li Huo raised his hand and shudderedly pointed at Su Hang, "Uncle, kill him, kill him!"

These words were almost shouted, and one can imagine how far the hatred towards Su Hang in Lihu's heart at this time reached.

The middle-aged man looked up and suddenly looked at Suhang. A pair of eyes were extremely sharp. He stood up straight and made a domineering test, "Your Excellency is a good way!"

The voice was very thick, and at first sight it was a fierce man. There were two maids of the Wa Palace next to him, and he lifted the fire to the side!

Needless to say, since Lihuo called him Uncle, those people must be Nanshan Yaozun, gluttonous!

Is the Venerable Realm at its peak? Sure enough, it seems that such an existence is not enough to frighten Su Hang.

Su Hang was right, and he arched his hands at the gluttonous, "It's easy to say, easy to talk about!"

Actually it's okay to say? So indifferent, this is a gluttonous deity, the existence of the pinnacle of the big demon king realm. In this world, I am afraid that except for those demon emperors who can’t hide from the realm of the big demon king, dare to be so calm in front of such an existence. .

At the moment, Hong Jun also had some blood in his heart. Is this the big brother he just recognized?

I'm afraid it is. Otherwise, why wouldn't a character like himself be able to take a trick in his hand?

At this time, gluttonous anger has risen in the air of Suhang's attitude towards Su Hang.

However, he boasted that his predecessors were superiors, so naturally he would not lose his demeanor like he was from the fire!

"How did I anger your lord, and he was so venomous?" gluttonous Shen Sheng asked.

Lihuo is the son of the gluttonous brother Chijiao. Both the gluttonous and the red Jiao have the blood of the dragon clan, and they can be regarded as clan brothers. The relationship between the two is very good, and the gluttonous man has no children and heirs to the descendants of the brother Yijiao. Lihuo is the eldest son of Chi Jiao, and he has a very good talent. He has reached the realm of the big demon king at a young age. It can be said that gluttony is extremely fond of him.

This time he came to Zhonghuangshan, and he came to take away the fire specially, just to let him know more, but he didn't want such a thing to happen. If he goes back, how can he explain to his righteous brother Chi Jiao?

So, at this moment, in fact gluttonous people have already sentenced the person in front of him to death.

"Uncle, this guy, unreasonably scolded the child for three generations, and the child can't get up, and he has theory with him, he can't beat me, so he sneaks attack..."

Beside, Li Huo, who had been relieved for a while, yelled and scolded, and complained angrily!

Shameless, as soon as these words were spoken, even the women of the Nuwa family couldn't listen anymore. Such a majestic reversal of right and wrong, out of context, how thick-skinned are you to say such things!

Never seen such a brazen demon!

The demon king has begun to abuse!

"I'm talking about but it's true?" The gluttonous face looked at Su Hang with a black face, as if Su Hang would just kill Su Hang as soon as he admitted.

Su Hang heard it, and smiled indifferently, "I have a relationship with the Shenlong family. I see you also have the blood of the Shenlong family. Only then, my nephew, let me kneel and apologize to him. Now, the same words are for you, Kneel down and apologize, I see on the face of the Shenlong family, today's things can be blamed!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. They were actually in the place of the Nuwa family. To the Nuwa family's guests and the strongest in the realm of Venerable Realm, say this, is it not crazy to determine this world?

Actually let the strong man at the peak of the big demon king realm kneel to you, who do you think you are?

The gluttonous face was even more pig-colored, and his fists were clenched tightly!

"Good, very good!" Gluttonous eyes are cold, "I hope your strength can be as arrogant as your mouth!" To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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