Super Study God

Chapter 1189: Let you eat enough!

Devouring this talent, Su Hang will, too, not long ago, he just obtained it from the wood clan Zhi Xiu, but at this moment, Su Hang was afraid to take it out to show it, because he knew that in front of gluttony Playing with engulfing ability is undoubtedly axe in the class!

"Humph! Native chicken and dog, let you see the Taoist magical power!"

This kind of hard resistance against the huge suction power, but it can have a bit of demeanor, Su Hang also wants to resist, but when it is resisted, the underpants will be sucked away, Su Hang immediately snorted, A pinch was pinched in both hands, and the right hand pointed in the air!


In an instant, arousing the momentum of the heavens and the earth, a large thunder cloud gathered above the Wa Palace, electro-optical thunder, the sound was terrifying.

The people who were hiding far away all looked up into the air, and their faces were pale, and the thundercloud gave them very strong pressure, as if someone had hung a mountain over their head and would fall at any time. Come the same.

"Sword drop!"

Su Hang snorted, and a towering giant sword wrapped by thunderlight fell from the thundercloud.

The pressure from the side was so shocking that everyone outside the battle circle was discolored. Some of them were low, and they were directly crushed to the ground, their bodies curled up into a ball, and they shivered!

The Great Sword pointed out that the center was the gluttonous man. The gluttonous man obviously felt the pressure and quickly collected the talent ability, trying to use his flesh to resist the giant sword.

"Uh, ah!"

The gluttonous hands even caught the giant sword, burst into a roar, his muscles rose wildly, and the clothes on his body shattered into pieces, his hair danced, and the naked upper body was extremely strong!

The power contained in the giant sword is more than the ten giants of Mount Tai. This guy is really a fierce man, and everyone around him is dumbfounded!

However, Su Hang apparently overestimated him. The gluttonous man could only support it for a moment, and he could no longer support it. He knelt down with one foot, the ground was kneeled and exploded, forming a huge pit, and the tip of the giant sword pierced him. The skin on his shoulders and body was cracked by muscles, and blood was flowing!

This special can also be carried, so fierce!

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned. The giant sword, even just looking at it, made people hurt. Where did this guy come from?


The gluttonous roared again, and the fist smashed furiously against the shoulder's giant sword, making a thunderous noise.

The giant sword was originally condensed by the power of heaven and earth. After a while, it should be dissipated. It was blown by the gluttony several times, and it was immediately covered with cracks. The cracks quickly spread from the tip of the sword. Under it, it completely collapsed and re-dispersed into the power of heaven and earth!


The gluttonous roared back to the sky again, like the infinite rage in the catharsis, showing his strength.

"Is that all?"

Su Hang smiled indifferently, and then pinched a finger, pointed in the air, a thunderbolt in the sky, and immediately another giant sword broke through the sky and fell straight down.

This time, the power seems to be greater, and everyone can't help but start to worry about the gluttonous demon venom. Just after that, it is so hard to work. Isn't it worse?

The gluttony was also green for a while. Obviously, the blow just made him strenuous.


Just as everyone squeezed sweat on the gluttonous glutton, the gluttonous screamed, and the entire upper body of the person suddenly skyrocketed, like a balloon inflated rapidly, expanding rapidly.

The size of the upper part and lower part is very exaggerated. Almost instantly, his upper body became comparable to a skyscraper, but his feet were still standing on the ground.


Everyone's mouths were wide open, and the appearance of gluttons at this time, no one thought he was funny, but only shocked, because, I saw the gluttonous head tilted up, a big mouth, the giant sword falling in the air, it was straight. Inserted into his mouth.

This guy actually took the sword with his mouth, which is more powerful than those juggling and swallowing swords under the flyover!

So a big sword, although it is condensed by supernatural powers, but its sharpness is not weaker than those magic weapon weapons, so swallowing it, even thinking about it, I feel sore throat.

However, this gluttony couldn't help doing this, and it seemed that there was no fart, and the giant sword was completely swallowed into the abdomen in an instant, and the huge body quickly weakened again, and it restored to its original appearance in a moment!


Gluttonously licked his lips and provoked a full hiccup, "You are nothing more!"

A pair of eyes stared at Su Hang tightly, gluttonous blood spouting, if he just wanted to vent his nephew just now, at this moment, he wanted to fight with Su Hang more than one.

In a state like him, you can meet a master who is as good as you are, and this master is willing to accompany himself to a battle. Such an opportunity is rare. What is even more rare is the battle of life and death.

The gluttonous eyes are filled with infinite warfare. If I don’t kill Su Hang today, I am afraid I won’t stop. The tall woman next to her can only sigh in her heart at this moment. In this case, she has been inconvenienced. If that’s the case, I’m afraid it’s more complicated. Let them fight a fight and make a difference. This will naturally happen.

Regardless of who wins or loses, for Nuwa, there is no interest involved.

"Isn't it? I haven't tried hard yet. You are almost lying down. Are you sure you can fight again?" Su Hang asked.

"Hahaha!" The gluttonous whispered and laughed wildly, "Ignorant child, you know what the gift of the deity is? Devour, indefinitely swallow, let you be a great talent, all kinds of moves, the deity can defeat you with only one mouth!"

A gluttonous smile, the world trembles, can be described as madness. Of course, he really has the strength of that madness. After all, the famous beast of the demon list, how can he do it?

The gluttonous instinct is to eat and eat everything, just like the sword-falling technique used by Su Hang just now. If you choose the hard master of the real venerable I am afraid that you will be seriously injured if you don’t die, but this man is One mouth is swallowed directly, it is powerful!

"But it's just a gift. See how my supernatural power crushes your talent. Since you like to eat, I will let you eat enough..."

Su Hang sneered. Like this kind of guy who only uses brute force in addition to his talents, no matter how strong he is, Su Hang is confident that there are 10,000 ways to kill him!

"The wind is coming!"

With a right-handed move, the wind is convoluted, and the cold wind is like a steel knife that scrapes the bones, converging into a tornado, quickly submerging the gluttonous!


There was a painful roar in the wind gust, and then everyone saw that there was a black hole in the horrible wind gust, and the gang wind was quickly sucked into the black hole.

Waiting for the wind to clear up, only to find that the black hole turned out to be gluttonous mouth.

It was swallowed by him again, and even Su Hang had to sigh with this man's ability to devour, what dare to eat! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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