Super Study God

Chapter 1191: Can't burn you!

That sour, really spicy eyes!

Whoever said that the fairy doesn’t stink, if anyone said that, gluttonous must be anxious with him, this is not only pulling, but also more smelly!

"court death!"

Such a shame and disgrace, it is unbearable to put it on anyone, and the gluttonous demon Venerable is violently thundering. It turned into a beast and instantly became a horrible beast of four or five feet tall.

He is like a unicorn, but he has this huge head with double horns on his head, a huge mouth is protruding extraordinarily, his fangs are serrated, it is chilling, the whole body is enchanted and enchanted, and the momentum is quite extraordinary. Roaring, lower level, spitting blood directly shocked.

Is this gluttonous?

For the first time, Su Hang saw this kind of legendary beast, he couldn't help but glance at it more.

"Fuck me!"

The gluttonous mouth uttered people's words and yelled angrily. His forefoot was like a mountain, and he shot directly towards Suhang.


This is a mouthful of spitting manure, which is really stinking to the limit. Moreover, his angry foot is still locked with momentum. The lower level, I am afraid that I can’t hide even if I want to hide.

However, this ability, used in Suhang, is almost equivalent to nothing. For Suhang, he is not afraid of the momentum crushing, because with the Panhuang Yuxi, he can be completely immune to the momentum.

Space ability, teleportation, the next moment, Su Hang already appeared tens of meters away, gluttonous punch on the ground, the ground was shocked, and a large stone brick was lifted.

Everything was in an instant, and the people around them thought that Su Hang was gluttonously trampled under his feet, but after the reaction, he found that Su Hang was already standing elsewhere.

"Asshole, do you know to hide?" The gluttonous rage, seeing that Suhang had no choice but to turn around, rushed towards the group of demon kings brought by Suhang.

The sudden situation almost scared the group of demon kings. Yuan Xiaotian reacted fast enough to rise up, and the big stick in his hand became infinitely large, directly resembling a glutton.


The gluttony does not shy away, just a beat of the claws.


With a loud noise, Yuan Xiaotian flew out suddenly, but the gluttonous food was not moving, but the ground in front of him was torn out of a crack, one can imagine how violent.

In this attack, Yuan Xiaotian was strong, but in the face of the stronger gluttonous demon lord, there was only a crush.

Even Yuan Xiaotian was so vulnerable, let alone the other demon kings, with a big mouth and a big mouth, he directly sucked a large piece of demon king up and flew to his blood basin.

"Sin obstacles, you dare."

At this time, Su Hang was angry. He kicked it straight, and a huge leg shadow slammed into the gluttonous stomach, kicking the gluttonous body back by dozens of meters.

Wow la la.

The demon kings fell on the ground like raindrops, and their faces were pale and scared. The ghost knew what they had just experienced and thought they would be chewed by the mouth full of dung.

Su Hang looked up and was irritated. If he just wanted to play with this gluttony just now, the act of gluttony just angered him.

"Roar." With a huge stench, gluttonous roars towards Su Hang once again, demonstrating majesty, that huge mouth, as if to swallow up most of the sky.

"Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you." Su Hang sneered.

"The fire is coming."

A cluster of flames appeared in the hands of Su Hang. This time, it was not as dazzling as before.

However, just such a cluster of small flames gave people a feeling of extreme fear. As soon as the small flames appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted and the nearby temperature suddenly increased a lot.

As if, Su Hang didn't hold a flame, but pinched a sun.


Others feel dangerous and fearful, but gluttony doesn't feel it. Excessive self-confidence and anger after being humiliated make him forget himself, open a stinky mouth and pounce directly at Suhang.

"go with."

Su Hang stood there, did not evade, but flexed his head and flew the flame out.

The gluttonous man did not disappoint, the one who refused to come, the guy who dare to eat even Xiang, who was afraid of others, swallowed the flame into his mouth as soon as he licked his tongue.

"Dare to swallow the true fire of the sun, it will not burn you to death!"

Seeing gluttony swallowing the flame, Su Hang couldn't help but scolded in his heart.

It’s not a general flame, and the sun is really hot, it’s the best in the fire. Ordinary monks don’t even touch it, they don’t even dare to get close, and this man, by virtue of swallowing his talent, is so bold that he swallows directly with his mouth. In order to eat a bite, I don’t even want to die!

Swallowing is limited. Even if you swallow something, it depends on your ability to digest it.


Sure enough, the flames were soon swallowed into the stomach by gluttons, and the gluttons quickly froze, with a loud roar in the mouth!


A layer of flame, from the inside out, is like burning out of gluttonous bones.

The fire of the stars can ignite the prairie, almost instantaneously, the gluttonous huge body is entangled in the blazing flames.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Gluttonous roars burst into flames and jumped into the water veins under Zhonghuang Mountain.

How domineering is the real fire of the sun, and the temperature in the sun, even if the master of the Heavenly Realm has to weigh it, let alone the concentrated real fire of the sun?

The gluttony is like a red hot iron. After falling into the water, it immediately lifts up the overwhelming water vapor. The water in the water vein boils instantly and the water level drops rapidly!

The flame did not extinguish because of real fire of the sun will burn, even if it is water, it will not be able to withstand it.


At this time, Lihuo has collapsed, and the uncle who has admired him since childhood has actually lost, and he has lost so badly. !

"Do not!"

At this moment, I regretted it from the fire, and really regretted it. Until now, he realized what a terrible existence he caused.

If he could be reselected again, he would definitely kneel in front of Su Hang and admit his lowliness.

"Sister, save the uncle quickly." Li shouted anxiously, and at this moment, he could only hope for the tall woman.

This woman is the Nuwa contemporary Nuwa, that is, the Patriarch of the Nuwa family, the owner of Zhonghuang Mountain, Lihuo came this time with his uncle gluttonous demon, but I did not expect his arrogance and arrogance Such a disaster. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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