Super Study God

Chapter 1195: There are ears in the wall!

"The old ancestor said that Pangu has already been born, but where exactly can't I tell you?" The old woman said humanely.

"Why?" Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised.

It can be said that Dadao is the public enemy of all beings in the world, and is also the enemy of the Nuwa family. How could they know their intentions and choose to avoid it.

Why not tell yourself? Su Hang does not understand.

"The wall has ears!" The old lady spoke slowly, giving Su Hang such an explanation!

Su Hang froze for a moment, and then looked around alertly. What did this mean? Could it be that someone in this neighborhood was eavesdropping?

"No need to look, he is not here!" At this time, the old woman said humanely.

Su Hang looked back at her, "Who?"

The old lady was nagging and confused Su Hang. At this time, she said she was afraid of eavesdropping and who would eavesdrop?

"Of course, that one!" The old lady said, saying something.

"You mean..." Su Hang's breath was stagnation. Was he in the old woman's words?

Otherwise, do you need such scruples? Even the Nuwa lady must be scrupulous.

The old woman nodded slightly, as if she believed Su Hang's conjecture.

Su Hang hesitated, "He is also looking for Pangu's? No, because of his power, why should he overhear, want to find Pangu's, is not easy, who can stop him in this universal world?"

Dadao, what can't be done with such a powerful presence? Nu Wa can know the existence of Pangu, how could he not know, and still need to eavesdrop?

"That's what you don't understand!" The old woman shook her head and said, "He is not him now!"

"What do you mean?" Su Hang was stunned for a moment. Why did the old woman like to play dumb puzzles so much? What is it that he is not him now? The avenue is not yet a avenue?

The old woman said humanely, "According to the ancestors, the cultivation practice of that man is extremely special, and the specific circumstances must be understood by you..."

Su Hang looked at him and motioned her to point.

The old woman went on to say, "Every time after the world annihilation, that person needs to rebuild his life. When the skill returns to the peak, he will go to the next level. Now, he has experienced three world annihilations. If there is no accident, then One has already started the third rebuild, and when he returns to the top, he will break through to the realm of the fourth grade of Dadao Realm!"


Su Hang listened to this, he couldn't help but shudder for a moment, he knew that the Dafa practiced by him was special, and even the complete text of that practice was in his own hands, but Su Hang hadn’t studied it carefully, and it was still the head. Once heard this statement.

Avenue, still need to be rebuilt?

At this moment, Su Hang couldn't help but feel a little surprised, no wonder he came to this world, the most worried about being discovered by the main road, but he has always been safe, at first Su Hang thought at first that he was underestimating himself, too lazy to clean up himself , I think I can't do anything, but now I hear the old lady's words, some joints, but it is okay.

He didn't come to tidy up, maybe he didn't bother to tidy up, maybe he was too lazy to tidy up.

Thinking of this, Su Hang couldn't help but feel a little excited, his eyes glowing hotly, "The road is reincarnated, does that mean that as long as I find him, except for him, the world can be peaceful?"

The old woman smiled bitterly, "You think it's too simple. With his own skills, even if you reincarnate and rebuild, you can't take risks. It must be a perfect solution. And, from the beginning, he walked in front of all beings. Even if you find him, I am afraid that he is now beyond your control..."

The old woman said, her voice changed, from an old voice to a clear and beautiful female voice.

Seeing her solemn look, Su Hang couldn't help sitting upright. The old woman was obviously possessed by Nuwa, and her granddaughter Wa was borrowing her body to talk to herself.

"Mother, if you don't try it, how do you know that you can't compete? Do you know where he is? Who has become an incarnation? I'm willing to take a chance!"

Su Hang also knows the danger, but he can’t just give it up and rebuild it. This is a rare opportunity. Don’t take advantage of him when he hasn’t recovered to his peak, should he wait for him to grow up, or even enter again One layer?

At that time, only the counter-killed ones!

Su Hang has reason to believe that the body turned around should not be strong enough, otherwise, he would have come out to run wild and have tolerated this variable to live to this day!

If he can be eliminated now, it will be called perfect, and there will be no road above the sentient beings in the future, and there will be no more war against the Dao, and the world will end in this era.

Nüwa shook her head, "I understand your mood, but don't forget, he has been reincarnated three times, and each time he can successfully return to the top, it's not just luck..."

In a word, if you want to kill him, it's a fool's dream!

Before Su Hangduo said, Nu Wa said again, "His ability is unpredictable, I don't know where he was born, and in what form he will reappear in the world, no matter what, his existence will only Bringing disaster to all beings, from the birth of heaven and earth to the present, countless Holy Spirits want to rebel against his rule, but in the end they can only end in disappointment, with your own strength..."

Su Hang interrupted Nu Wa’s words, “Let’s fight together, let’s tell you the truth, I don’t have no cards...”

Nu Wa said, "You can rest assured that if he perceives your existence, even if you don't go to him, he will take the initiative to find you!"

"Oh?" Su Hang paused.

Nu Wa said, "No one can help you anymore, everything depends on you!"

"Then tell me, where is Pangu?" Su Hang asked.

Nüwa shook her head, "This matter is of great importance. I can't tell you now. If you know that Pangu's whereabouts, the consequences will be unimaginable. You will know it later."

Su Hang would like to ask Now, go down the mountain! "

At this time, Nuwa Niang directly said such a sentence to Su Hang.

Su Hang paused, "Is the lady afraid that I will bring disaster to Nuwa?"

So hurried to rush yourself down the mountain, is it true that it is afraid of finding the avenue, which will bring disaster to the Nuwa family?

Nüwa shook her head, "My soul power is getting weaker and weaker, I can't help you, you and your own things to do, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to Zhonghuangshan, Nüwa's vein, Will do my best to help you!"

This is a promise.

Su Hang raised her eyebrows, "Ma'am, have we seen it before?"

Although he had seen Nu Wa, but that was in the live broadcast of Niu Lang, Nu Wa had never seen him. As soon as she met today, Nu Wa also appeared in person and told him so much that Suhang had to doubt Have you ever seen Nuwa? To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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