Super Study God

Chapter 1212: back to the Future!

"He might give you many benefits, it doesn't matter, you should all come down. If he asks Pangu, you will push on me, rest assured, you will be fine!" Su Hang comforted Hong Jun.

Hong Jun was silent for a while, and looked up at Su Hang, "Brother, do you really want to go? Can't you go?"

"This can't help me!" Su Hang sighed and patted his shoulder. "I'm leaving, I don't know when I will see you again, I just hope you will recognize me!"

After listening to this, Hongjun's eyes were firm, "I said long ago, I was called Big Brother, and I have been Big Brother forever. Even if I am blind, I will not recognize Big Brother you!"

After listening to Hongjun's words, Su Hang felt a little haha, this guy, when you don't know what virtue you are in the future?

"I won't say anything more than that. Before leaving, I still have some things to deal with!" Su Hang said.

"Brother, what's the matter, I will help you!" Hong Jun asked.

"You can stay on this chaotic mountain honestly. The man has already appeared. I'm afraid it will not be better in the future." Su Hang shook his head. "I have nothing left for you, so I will give you a piece of advice. Right!"

"Brother please teach!" Hong Jun bowed.

Su Hang looked at him, "Your future achievements are extraordinary, but no matter what high position you are in, you must have good intentions and care for your life...Forget it, you will naturally understand by then!"

Hong Jun stood on the spot and thought deeply. At this moment, he felt that every sentence and every word spoken by Su Hang had a profound meaning.

"Remember those words I gave you, let's see you bye!"

After dropping a sentence, Su Hang flew away, leaving Hong Jun standing alone in a silly place.

"Brother, goodbye!"



The rest of the time, but three or two days, Su Hang said he still has something to do, what would it be?

In more than two days, Su Hang has traveled through many tribes of the human race, and has selected dozens of orphans from the five clan, who were named as disciples, taught the magical powers, and given the name Pangu!

Before leaving, Suhang explained some things to them, and when they grew up, they were able to complete their cultivation.

Su Hang said this, to be honest, I'm a little sorry for these children, but he has no way. In order to cover the real Pangu, he can only think of this way.

It's just that after suffering these children, the future road will be difficult to go, as difficult as going to the sky, but how can the human race want to rise up, and how can it reduce bloodshed and sacrifice?

Perhaps this is also an opportunity for them!



In the east of the mainland, a towering mountain range, Suhang named it the capital of the world, which can be regarded as a name for future generations.

"Master, are you leaving?"

A pair of childish eyes looked up at Su Hang with hope.

Although it was only a two-day mentorship, these dozens of children are extremely treasured, and they are full of great respect for Su Hang.

I heard that Su Hang was leaving, a group of children surrounded Su Hang, quite unwilling.

Looking at this pair of eyes, the named disciple is also a disciple, just like his own child, he left like this, thinking about their future days, it is inevitable that his heart is a little blocked.

"Er wait for a good life to practice in this mountain, there will be no monsters to harass Er, etc. When the art is completed, don't forget to ask the teacher, after going down the mountain to conquer the five clan, make the whole world return to the heart, the five clan unify, wait for the lifetime If you can’t do it, let your children and grandchildren do it.

"Tu'er follow the orders of the teacher!"

The children knelt on their knees, and many could not help crying.

This scene was really embarrassing. Su Hang waved his hand. "If anyone dares to bully Er and others in the future, there is a chaotic mountain three thousand miles east here. Er and others can go to the mountain and report the name of a teacher. Ask him to rule for you."

Seeing this crying, Su Hang felt a little sad in his heart, and took a deep breath, saying, "Since you have entered my door, you should respect my strict order, if anyone dares to rely on the magical power taught to the teacher in the future, do The things that hurt the truth and cause harm to the teacher will punish him thousands of times..."


In the end, Su Hang walked cruelly. Before leaving, he set up a large array to hide the Tiandu Mountain, and used magical powers to create countless palace buildings on the mountain.

There is only so much he can do. He will not know whether it will play a role in the rise of mankind, but after all, he has done his best.

Before leaving, Su Hang left them some magical tools, including some of the treasures that he took time to refine, and the mentally retarded chicken was also left on Tiandu Mountain. Su Hang also hoped that this cargo could protect the Tiandu Mountain. Do everything you do, what will happen in the future, really unpredictable!

When the time came, a door of time and space appeared in front of Su Hang. Su Hang looked back, and the children looked at him pitifully, and he was still a little bit reluctant to the world!

Goodbye, goodbye!

Su Hang whispered in his heart. At that time, the attraction of the empty black hole became more and more powerful, and he could not help him anymore.

In this way, you can be simple, otherwise it will be sucked in for a while, if you have an indecent posture, it will be big, and now at least you can retain a little grace in front of these disciples.


The sound behind the ears gradually went away. There was only darkness in front of me. In the dark long space-time tunnel, there was a faint color light flowing, which was full of all kinds of energy in the space-time tunnel.


Su Hang froze for a moment, wondering if the space-time energy can recharge the system?

This idea just started, Su Hang just wanted to drop the system and try it out, a large white light appeared in front.

The export is here!

In the space-time tunnel ~ ~ there is no concept of time, as if it is a moment, as if it is countless years. When Suhang was wrapped in that white light, the first Taikoo journey came to an end.


After countless years, Cangwu Abyss!

"Su Xianchang didn't know where to go, he hadn't seen anyone for several days!"

Haha was playing with Xiao Kun in the forest. A few days ago, Su Hang passed on his Mu ethnic exercises. Haha officially became a demon repairer. It should have been a happy thing, but he was not very happy.

Yesterday I went to the human settlement and saw his grandfather and some relatives. One by one knew that haha ​​became a spiritual practitioner. He must let haha ​​pass on their immortals, especially his grandfather. It was run away.

In retrospect, there is still a little bit of palpitation now, and he dare not go back there, but in this huge forest, he is really boring alone.

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