Super Study God

Chapter 1222: Suhang's doubts!

Xue Jingtian said, "This is thanks to Miss Lola."

"Miss Lola?" Su Hang froze for a moment, and didn't recover.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind, Laura? Could it be Liu Rusu?

Su Hang now knows that Liu Ruxu changed his name to Laura and came to Suxi to take Long Ze away.

Long Ze, Lola, the name Su Hang has been talking for a long time, at this time Xue Jingtian mentioned Lola, Su Hang can only think of Liu Rusu.

"What does it have to do with her?" When talking about Liu Rusu, Suhang couldn't help but wonder.

At this time, Xue Xuan's foreign company said wildly, "A few days ago, Laura girl has been to the villa and stayed here for a few days. Our skills can make such great progress. Thank you, Laura girl."

"Well?" Su Hang immediately felt a little ignorant when he heard it. "You mean, that Liu, er, Laura, have you been here a few days ago?"

"Yes, have you been here? Why? Is there a problem?" Looking at Su Hang's expression, several old men were a little surprised.

Wang Shifeng said, "It's really powerful to say this girl Luo, and I don't know what realm there is. We directly upgrade our skills to Yuanying Realm, and we don't feel the slightest instability at all."

Listening to the words of several old men, the expression on Su Hang's face became more dignified.

"Xiaohang, you know this Laura girl, right?" Xue Jingtian asked.

At this time, Su Hang had already fallen into deep thought, as if he had not heard the words of these old men.

To be sure, the Rolla they said is definitely Liu Ruxu. Liu Ruxu has been to the earth and has also been to Suxi just a few days ago?

During the recent period, Liu Ruxu has been more together, the only way to stay out of his sight is when he was trapped in the Cangwu Abyss a few days ago.

Could it be that this woman was quietly coming to the earth while she was trapped in the Cangwu Abyss?

What is she doing on earth? Wouldn’t it be just to improve the skills of your family?

Dang Tian Tian Yao Niang, should not be so boring, and, the most important thing is that Su Hang didn't even know about it, and Liu Ruxu didn't tell him.

Although this matter is not a big deal, but Su Hang is now her master, she is obliged to report the destination to Su Hang, however, she concealed it.

Thinking of being trapped in the Cangwu Abyss, Liu Ruxu ran to the earth in such an anomalous way, and inexplicably increased the skill of his family, anomalous, too anomalous.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. What is this woman doing?

Now that the woman is not around, Su Hang has no way of knowing the whole thing, but fortunately they are all there.

"Are you sure you saw her?" Su Hang drew a circle in the air with his hands, and the void appeared, revealing Liu Ruxu's appearance.

At first glance, a few old men nodded and confirmed, "Yes, it's her."

Su Hang received the image and frowned deeper. It is now completely certain that Liu Ruxu had come to Suxi while he was trapped in the Cangwu Abyss.

"Why did she come to Suxi? Just to improve your skills?" Su Hang asked.

Seeing such an expression on Su Hang, several old men seemed to realize that things were a bit big. Xue Jingtian said, "No, she seems to be waiting for something. By the way, there is a woman in the back, a girl in red, With her..."

Woman in red dress?

Su Hang frowned deeply, and a figure appeared in his mind.

"That girl also looks very beautiful, her voice is very nice, what girl Luo seems to call her, what is the red cloud..." Wang Shifeng said.

Sure enough, it was a red cloud. Su Hang froze in her heart. These two women, who are incompatible with each other, how could they go together?

Strange, really strange, unknown, doubt, haunting Su Hang's mind, what are these two women doing with their backs?

To be honest, Su Hang felt a little uneasy at the moment.

"That's right." At this time, Xue Jingtian said, "They also brought back two children, one big and one small. The younger one was a baby. They were taken away by them, and the bigger one was left. They should be in the villa now. ."

"Child?" Su Hang was stunned.

"Why? Are the two women enemies or friends?" Situ Ye asked.

Su Hang took a deep breath. "It's an enemy or a friend. I'm a little confused now."

Su Hang is now a bit confused. There is only one question in his mind. What are the two women doing on their backs?

"You just said, there is a child left in the mountain village? Where is it now?" Su Hang regained his mind and asked quickly.

Several old men nodded, Wang Shifeng said, "It's been a few days since your sister Xiao Xi was playing with him. If he isn't in the backyard, he should be in the room..."

Su Hangteng stood up with a flash, and disappeared in front of everyone. Xue Jingtian and several of them only felt the flower in front of them, and there was no trace of Su Hang. They didn't even notice how Su Hang disappeared.

Several people smiled bitterly at each other. Sure enough, now Su Hang really doesn't know where it has grown.




An old osmanthus tree, with a swing hanging on it, Su Xi sat on the swing, flung over and threw it over, and laughed very happily, in a pink dress, which contrasted with the osmanthus on the tree, this time, small The girl was another year old and was already a little beauty.

It has been snowing for a few days, and there is snow in the front and back of the house in the villa, but there is not much. There is a big snowman on the stone table in the yard. I don’t know who pinched it. .

"Sister Xixi, come down and let me sit down for a while, okay?" A child with a big fart is looking at Su Xi on the swing with a look of anticipation. Hurry up and push it, using enough energy to suckle.

"I'm in a hurry, wait for me to play for a while, hurry up, and try harder."

This little girl, having fun with herself alone, forgets everyone else. If someone sees here, a little pudding like a baby, where she blushed and pushed the swing, I really don’t know what I thought.


Xiaowaer was clever. Hearing Su Xi's command, she pushed it up quickly and hard.

It was just pity that the laurel tree was confirmed to be not tossed. Although Su Xi was slim, he still had 80 or 90 pounds. How could it bear the laurel tree?



Finally, when the swing once again reached the apex, the tree was unbearably tortured and instantly snapped. Su Xi on the swing was caught off guard and fell out at once. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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