Super Study God

Chapter 1253: Opening up!

"Don't look at me with such unscrupulous eyes, I won't go!" Mituo quickly shook his head and asked him to go down to grab the stone and kill him.

Su Hang immediately gave him a blank glance. Was he just a fake in the eyes of the old monk?

For Mido, the answer is obviously yes, and it is not once or twice to be pitted by this guy.

"God, don't go on!"

Just as Su Hang was thinking about how to get the stone out, Tianzhao stood out.

With a thud, Tianzhao knelt in front of Su Hang again.

"What are you doing?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

Tianzhao first kowtowed to Su Hang, and then looked up at Su Hang, "The disciple has nothing to ask. My brother, killing his mother, was a death sentence, but the disciple wanted God to give him a chance, so It’s best if he can improve himself, if he is still obsessed, just ask God to clean up the portal!"

Su Hang listened and took a deep breath. "Relax, I will let him follow Master Mita, there is a Buddha-like magical power, I'm not afraid of him being stubborn!"

"Thank you God!" Tianzhao quickly kowtowed.

If Susano now hears Su Hang’s words, I really don’t know how he feels. I’m afraid he will scold her directly?

"It's just that your sister was wronged, I owe you Suhang!" Su Hang sighed.

Tianzhao shook his head, "Goddess Mo would like to say that our sisters can be turned into spirits and follow the deity's left and right. It is already our greatest glory. If the Father, Mother and God know, they will certainly be gratified for us."

"Silly woman!" Hongyun rolled his eyes beside him.

Tianzhao knocked at Su Hang again, turned and cast directly into the lake.


The figure fell into the water, slowly sinking into it, and disappeared after a while.

The ripples on the lake surface slowly converged, and the water surface gradually became calm.

"That's it? No?" Mido stared at the lake as if he were going to stare at a bird, but he didn't even see the bird's **** for a long time.

Su Hang is also staring closely at the lake, what to expect in her heart!


Suddenly, a violent red light exploded from the bottom of the lake, and immediately, a stream of water suddenly rose into the sky and suddenly exploded!

In that scene, it was as if a nuclear bomb exploded under the lake. The ground was shaking, and the murderous air from the face made Liu Ruxu and Hong Yun feel terrified. Liu Ruxu quickly wrapped up Su Hang. Back off.

Wow la la, the water was raining, but for a moment, the lake disappeared, leaving only a big pit, and the water in the lake was blown clean in a flash.

"Su Hang, look!" Mituo is not far in front of Su Hang, and raised his finger to the sky.

Su Hang looked up and saw a huge, glittering thing floating in midair.

"It's the axe of the sky axe!" Mido said with a loud voice.

Su Hang ignored him, but just looked at the thing in the sky, even without Mita, he could guess. The look of this thing is obviously an axe without an axe handle!

It really is a pair!

At this moment, Su Hang's heart was also very excited and quickly took out the axe handle.

Without waiting for Su Hang's movements, the axe handle in his hand came out instantly and flew directly towards the thing in the air.

The golden light was dazzling, and the axe handle was instantly inserted into the empty slot of the axe. The two were perfectly combined together.

For a long time, the golden light gradually darkened, so Su Hang took the blindfold and looked up. A magnificent broad-headed giant axe was suspended in the air, swaggering, wanton, and showing his majesty to the four sides.

Soon, the giant axe became smaller and smaller, and he flew towards Su Hang. Su Hang felt sentimental and rose directly into the air, reaching for the axe in his hand.

In just an instant, Su Hang felt connected with this axe, a huge force instantly poured into his body from the axe handle, and echoed with Panhuang Yuxi in Su Hang.

For a time, Su Hang seemed to have a sense of pride in his heart, and he felt a thrill in the world.


With a loud roar, Su Hang turned around, waved the axe in his hand, and cut it down!


The sun and moon were dim and dull. This axe seemed to tear the world and the space seemed to split a hole, rumbling, and the earth was splitting, and a bottomless chasm spread to the distance and disappeared into the sky.

The dust covered the sky, the power of an axe, the horrified weeping ghost, the horrible Ruo Si, Liu Ruxu, who stood on the spot, were also shocked.

Although they have a heavenly realm, between their hands and feet, they have more destructive force than this, but in the moment when the Su Hang just cut out the axe, they even have that kind of axe. There is only the illusion of choosing to avoid.

Watching Su Hangshen Wei Lingling stand up with an axe, that figure, standing on top of the earth, resembles an ancient god, dominating the world!

"Master Shenwei!" Liu Ruxu knelt down immediately.

At this time, only she came to support.

Next to Hongyun and Mi Tuo, they are still ignorant. Kneeling on the spot is neither standing nor standing. At this time, Su Hang's body is really unique, just like changing a person.

But soon, the drastic force of Suhang's body quickly converged, and the whole person slowly fell from the midair, and the hunted quilt subsided.

"Is this the sky axe, really scary."

Su Hang stood axe and watched the deep ravine that spread to the end of the sky like the Great Rift Valley of East Africa under his feet.

The axe just now, this piece of wasteland, I am afraid it has been broken into two pieces?

The key is He doesn't even feel how much strength he has exerted. Even when he swings that axe, he still intentionally converges the power, and the power he exerts is probably less than half.

The power of this axe is really terrifying.

What surprised Su Hang most was that after the axe was cut out, he actually felt his realm suddenly improved a lot.

The power in the sky axe poured into his body and intersected with the Panhuang jade seal. As a matter of a moment, Su Hang felt blessed to the soul, and the state suddenly rose.

At this time, I felt again that I had reached the peak of Venerable Realm.

It was so unexpected that just cutting it with an axe actually raised several realms, and there was no feeling of discomfort that the realm was forcibly elevated.

It's hard to imagine, if you cut a few more axes, wouldn't it be invincible?

Of course, this can only be a good imagination. Su Hang is very clear that it is definitely impossible to achieve. If his realm can be suddenly improved so much, it must be the first time that the axe recognizes the benefits given by the Lord.

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