Super Study God

Chapter 1262: The news brought by Hong Jun!

A beam of light reflected from the sarcophagus cover, and in just a moment, it shone on Su Hang.

call out!

The beam of light was quickly recovered, and at the same time, Su Hang's figure also disappeared at the same time, as if it was put into the coffin of the sarcophagus.

The halo circulated on the coffin cover, the streamer quickly converged, and the light like a mirror quickly faded away, restoring the appearance of ordinary slate.

The beam of light on the top gradually moved back to its original position. The lid of the coffin flew up and pressed against the sarcophagus, and the whole space was quiet, as if nothing had happened.


Everything happened so fast that neither woman could react.

"the host!"

Liu Ruxu whispered, intentionally wanting to shoot, but it was too late, immediately patted on the sarcophagus, and wanted to open the sarcophagus.


Surprisingly, the sarcophagus collapsed in an instant, and was photographed by Liu Ruxu as a powder, while Su Hang was gone.

Under the empty high platform, a magic circle appeared at the foot. Under the bright light above the head, the magic circle quickly flashed the light. Only for a moment, Liu Ruxu and the red cloud also disappeared from the place!

"this is……"

The scene in front of me suddenly changed. When the second daughter Liu Ruxu opened her eyes again, she found a huge and magnificent building in front of her.

"Panwangzuo? We, were sent out?"

The second daughter looked at the building in front of her, it was quite familiar, wasn’t it Panwangzuo? They were actually teleported back to the moon, outside Panwangzuo!

"the host!"

Liu Ruxu quickly searched out the gods and searched for Su Hang's whereabouts, but found nothing.

"Stop calling, I'm afraid he is still inside!" At this time, Hongyun spoke.

They were sent out, but I am afraid that Su Hang did not. At this time, they should still be in Panwangzuo.

When the two women walked to the door, they couldn't help but sink in their hearts. The gate of Panwangzuo was completely closed. Without Suhang's Panhuang jade seal, they could not enter again.

"Damn, aren't we going to run in vain?" At this time, Hongyun said, a bit uncomfortable between words.

I heard that this Pangu great **** was an ancient **** who respected the gods. He couldn't do it well. He finally got in, but was kicked out empty-handed. He made a lot of effort but didn't get any benefits. Who can justify him?

At this time, Liu Ruxu was distraught in his heart. Su Hang was trapped in Panwangzuo. I don't know if it would be dangerous. She was connected to Su Hang's life. If Su Hang was in trouble, she would definitely be better off.

At this time, the two of them suddenly felt someone next to them, the second woman looked back, a young Ziyi Taoist.


The second girl looked at this man, Rao was a master of Heavenly Dao Realm, and it was easy to distinguish before he recognized him!

Hong Jun smiled indifferently, "Everyone also has different appearances. If the poor people want to change their style, wouldn't the two of them recognize it?"

After the second woman heard this, a black line flashed across her forehead.

"Daozu is deep!" Liu Rusu said.


Hongyun responded abruptly, but she didn't pay much respect to Hongjun.

Sao is indeed Sao! I’m old and I’m still learning how to play young people, so I’m so sad that I don’t think everyone can recognize each other.

Hong Jun doesn't mind, but occasionally changing his image is actually quite good.

"Did you go in?" Hong Jun walked with confidence and asked the two girls.

Liu Ruxu nodded, "Master, he was taken away by a beam of light, but we were sent out of Daozu, can you have a way to enter?"

The safety of Su Hang did make Liu Ruxu uncomfortable. At this time Hongjun came. She believed that with Hongjun's ability and qualifications, there should be a way to go in.

Between this world and the world, the person who knows Panwangzuo best should be Hongjun. After all, Hongjun is a figure of the same age as Pangu.

However, this does not seem to be the case. Hong Jun looked at the tall building in front of him and shook his head. "If I could go in, would I still be able to wait until now, I would have gone in!"

"Even if you can't enter, is it true?" Hongyun looked at Hong Jun beside him, looking a little unbelievable. After all, this guy is Hong Jun, the great ancestor of Hong Jun, and where else can't go?

Hong Jun's face was rather helpless, "Don't you deceive you!"

He said, looking forward, "This Panwang Mound was prepared for him. Causality is involved here. The gate of the tomb does not open, not even the avenue. Let alone you and me?"

"Oh?" Both the women looked at Hong Jun, and couldn't even enter the avenue. That was really amazing.

Hong Jun sighed, as if remembering some distant memories.

"So what should we do now?" Liu Rusu asked.

Hong Jun shook his head, "Wait, he will be fine!"

Hongyun leaned over, "What's in it?"

A pair of eyes flickered, filled with curiosity!

Hong Jun smiled bitterly, "If I said, I don't know anything, would you believe it?"

Hongyun shook his head, expressing unbelief.

Hong Jun smiled even harder, "To be honest, I really don't know anything, what he left in this mound, don't say I don't know, I'm afraid Dadao can't know, this is a secret that has been sealed for 6,500 years !"

"Oh?" Hongyun still didn't believe it, because she could feel that this Hongjun was much taller and deeper than her, "He? You mean, what Pangu God?"

Hong Jun nodded slightly, and looked at the plate of Wangzuo, "I am very curious about what he has left!"

"Dao Zu came here, and I don't know what happened?" At this time, Liu Rusu asked.

Hearing Hongjun said that Su Hang should not be in danger of life, Liu Ruxu believed him temporarily. She was rather curious about Hongjun's intention.

Hong Jun listened, shook his head, and the expression on his face seemed a little serious. "It was only after his heart was touched that he deduced something. He dared to come immediately, but he seemed to be late too!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Liu Rusu Looked at Hongjun's expression, the problem seemed a little serious, and Liu Rusu felt a little bad.

At this time, Hong Jun said, "I counted that there was a doppelganger on the avenue and followed you into Panwangzuo!"


As soon as Hongjun said this, both women stared at their eyes as if they heard something incredible.

"Is it true?" Liu Rusu immediately asked, if it is true, then the problem is serious.

Hong Jun nodded quietly.

Liu Rusu stayed in place, and the red cloud exploded immediately, "Then you said it's okay?"

Just now this guy clearly said that he didn't have to worry about the safety of Soviet Airways, and now he said that there was a trail of the avenue trailing in. Is this still dangerous?

Hongjun said, "No matter what, we can't get in now, and we can't help you any more. It's better to stay at ease when he is still alive!"

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