Super Study God

Chapter 1265: Not Zhoushan God!

Earlier, Liu Ruxu reminded him that there was a doppelganger in Dadao and he kept paying attention. At this time, a voice suddenly appeared. It can be said that Su Hang's heart tightened and he suddenly jumped into his throat.

However, there are still many people around.

Soon, Su Hang set his eyes on the stone tablet in front of him again, staring at it with surprise, "Are you talking?"


The stone tablet sighed softly, and the voice was very vicissitudes, such as a wise old man who had been baptized by endless years.

Su Hang frowned, thinking to himself, the avenue is invisible, but it can be transformed into everything. Isn't this stele a avatar of that avenue?

Thinking of this, Su Hang was alert, and subconsciously stepped back.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious." At this time, the stele seemed to know what Su Hang was thinking.

Su Hang stabilized his footsteps, but did not relax his alert because of the words of the stele. This is a matter of little life. How can it be so casual, Su Hang is no longer young, and it is impossible to be so easily set.

Not to mention whether the stele was incarnate in Dadao, even if it wasn't, he couldn't think that the other party was really harmless to him because of the other party's words.

People in the rivers and lakes must watch out for everything, and be careful to make the Wannian ship.

It's really a ghost, even the stone can talk.

"Who are you?" Su Hang asked.

It’s really weird to ask this question. I asked you who you are to a stone, but when you think about it again, how do you ask if you don’t ask, do you ask what kind of stone you are?

"I am the mountain **** of Zhoushan. You can call me Zhouqin." The stele said, and the words were vicissitudes, as if it sounded in Suhang's mind.

"Shen Zhoushan God?" Su Hang frowned, "Why prove it?"

Mountain God, this is a very broad concept. Even in today's monastic world, there are also so-called mountain gods, but most of them are some little monsters who occupy mountains as kings, or some lone soul wild immortals, which are not true. Mountain god.

The true mountain gods are the true spirits that some mountains have nurtured by themselves over the years and countless hours of baptism. They gather the spirits of the countless creatures of the entire mountain into one body. It can be said that they are a kind of powerful spirits born in the world. This kind of existence is quite rare in the world.

Each one is uniquely blessed, a mountain that can produce mountain gods and spirits, that can be said to be the creation of the heavens. Nowadays, it has been rarely heard of a real mountain god, even if it is some famous mountains in the earth fairy world, such as the jade Kunlun Liu, I have never heard of a mountain **** spirit body, not even the Tiandu Peak where the God Palace is located.

Can the stone tablet in front of him be the God of Zhoushan? Suhang Airlines dare not guarantee that it may be a distracted soul fairy, or perhaps a doppelganger. Suhang Airlines dare not relax its vigilance.

"No proof is required."

At this time, the stele opened his mouth and said slowly, "I'm waiting for the endless years here, and finally I'm waiting for someone. Since you're here, you have to choose to believe me."

What is the logic?

Su Hang doesn't understand it. Why should I come here, I must believe you? Besides, I did not come here voluntarily.

As Su Hang was about to speak, the stele said again, "I know what you are worrying about. In fact, you don't need to be nervous. Don't say that you are separated from one avenue. You can't enter the space here. Even if he comes in, I'm here. Suppressed, he would never dare to approach Shenshan."

Well? This stele, even with such a big tone, is still a mere avenue avatar. I really consider myself as a personal thing. You know, I had suffered a bit in the hands of a avenue avatar not long ago.

"So powerful?" Su Hang was obviously skeptical. "I'm not so foolish."

"Young people, too cautious." The stele said again, "I am not the God of Zhoushan, the soul and the Zhoushan Mountain are integrated, and I can mobilize the power of this mountain at will. If I don't have some skills, wouldn't it be the weak God of Pangu? Prestige."

With only one mouth, how could he convince Su Hang, Su Hang immediately called up the Xueshen system and scanned the stele.

The result was that Su Hang was a little unexpected. The data showed that this was indeed a stone tablet, or, it was called Zhenshan Tablet.

The information is so simple, and there is no information about the spirit in the stele, which makes the expression on Su Hang's face seem strange.

"Now, is it credible?" The stele said.

Su Hang hesitated for a moment, "I believe you for a while, since you are not the God of Zhoushan, then you can explain to me, why is this going on? Why are you in this plate, why are you in this plate? Is there such a space?"

Su Hang was very puzzled. Since the stele claimed to be a **** of the Zhoushan, a distant and ancient existence, it should be very clear about these doubts in Su Hang’s mind, which just solved Su Hang.

The stele said, "Of course, I can tell you what you want to know, but not now. Now I can only tell you that all this is left by the Pangu Great God."

"Oh, bullshit, I know that too." Su Hang smiled lightly. "Don't say it. I'm still looking for someone. I have no time to talk to you. Play with yourself."

"You don't have to look for it anymore, she is no longer at Panwangzuo." Just as Su Hang was about to shake his hand away, the stele spoke again.

"What did you say?" Su Hang suddenly turned back and looked at the stone tablet.

The opening of the stele was still in that gradual and gentle tone, "The person you are looking for is no longer in Panwangzuo, she had already left a long time ago!"

"Do you know who I am looking for?" Su Hang asked with a frown.

"You are looking for your wife, Princess Beihai Aoxue!" said the stele, suddenly emitting a ray of light, and the light shot into the air, showing a light curtain in the air.

Just like a holographic projection, the figure of a woman in white appeared on the light curtain, looked back suddenly, and smiled at Su Hangping.

That Su Hang seemed to be electrocuted, and the whole person was stunned.

Who is Ao Xue on the screen?


When Su Hang wanted to reach out and touch, Ao Xue's figure suddenly disappeared, bringing Su Hang back to reality.

"Can you believe me now?" At this time, the stele said again.

Su Hang suddenly looked at it, "You said she is no longer in Panwangzuo? Where is she? Where is Cher?"

The stele ignored the impatience of Su Hang, and still said in a hurry, "In those days, the Great God of Pangu left the past, now, in the future, the three doors of time and space, you should have already seen it?"

Su Hang nodded slightly.

Stone stele said, "The three gates of time and space are made by the ancient gods of the ancient world with supreme supernatural powers. Only those who are destined can see them, and only those who have destiny can enter."

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