Super Study God

Chapter 1290: Keeping the right way, with the world in mind!

It seems that to meet Su Hang here today is really beyond their expectations.

The two wiped the sweat on their foreheads, glanced at each other, and thought about how to be good, but they finally turned into helplessness, although they knew that Su Hang was perfunctory, but they could do it, it seemed that Only waiting, after all, the purpose of this trip has not been achieved.

"Cough cough..."


The sound of coughing and sneezing started again. It seems that because of the tension just now, both of them were coping with coughing and sneezing. After Suhang left at this time, they could finally let go.



At night, deep inside the Dragon Palace.

In the collection hall, Su Hang was wandering in the sea of ​​books. The collection hall of the Dragon Palace was the collection hall of the original Royal Palace. The collection of books can be described as huge. Among them, there are many ancient and ancient books with long traditions, which are definitely the first in the universe. Large library.

Even the collection hall of the Immortal Academy is far from being comparable to here. The inheritance history of the Divine Palace is not only as simple as thousands of years.

Su Hang is idle, and occasionally likes to come and go in this temple. After all, he is also the master selected by the Xueshen system. He does not enter the library. How can he be regarded as a Xueshen?

It wasn’t a martial arts cheat, but a biography of a person who spoke about the emperor named Zhong in the history of the imperial palace. The emperor Zhong was born with a disability and was blind in his eyes. Abandoned and became a beggar on the street, suffering from the cold world, but the ruthless reality did not extinguish the hope in his heart. With his own hands and faith, he changed his destiny step by step, and eventually became a **** emperor with the world in mind.

It can be said that this is the history of the growth of a small person. Such a story can be turned out a lot in the history of the Gods Palace alone, but every time Suhang sees it, he will feel it.

These inspirational stories are not just chicken soup for the soul, they are really inspiring Su Hang.

Keeping the right way, with the world in mind.

This is what the sages left these biographies for future generations. Do you want to convey the meaning to future generations?

Since Su Hang was selected by Chu Tiankuo and became the emperor, he had picked up a lot of courage on his shoulders, destined to stand opposite to some people.

Although the Palace of Gods is no longer known today, it has not died. Today, there are very few people who know the Palace of Gods in the monastery community in the inner world. After all, the Dragon Palace has replaced the Palace of Gods for tens of thousands of years.

My **** emperor has not been out for tens of thousands of years. The older generation has changed and changed. How many people can remember?

Speaking of the fierce Tiandu Peak's meditation at that time, I'm afraid few people knew about it.

However, this does not mean that the prestige of the Shenhuang Palace is no longer there. It can be said that if Su Hang stands up and shakes its arms at this time, it will definitely be a response from all directions. It is only a matter of time before the Shenhuang Palace recovers or even surpasses the past. .

It’s just that Su Hang doesn’t want to do that. In fact, it’s good now. Everyone is independent and free. It’s been so many years. Everyone has been accustomed to it. If at this time, the Palace of the Gods reappears, putting it on the heads of the major forces. I am afraid that the pattern will change again.

Su Hang is not afraid of being overwhelmed, but feels that the Shenhuang Palace dominates all the races and suppresses Unet. The God Emperor is the master of Unet and everyone is in awe. This is different from the second avenue.

"What happened to those two?" Su Hang turned the pages of the book and asked casually.

Next to Haotian, he stood respectfully, "Your Majesty the Dragon sent someone to lead them around. So far, they haven't seen anything out of place. Venerable God, your old man left them. Are they true or false?"

The bookmark turned a page, Su Hangdao, "The rivers and lakes are sinister, and the heart is separated from the belly. Who knows what they say is true or false, after all, these two were not good birds before!"

"I knew that Divine Venerable would have a deep meaning. If these two people are evil or not good, Divine Vendor will leave them alone for a few days, they will definitely be able to move with impatience!" Hao Tian's expression of admiration, "The deity really is great wisdom, and the disciples are dull. Now they can understand!"

Su Hang gave him a white glance, "If you can use Ma Liuxu's skill, if you can use it in cultivation, how can you be secretly calculated this time!"

This guy really doesn't think about how to slap his horses. The key is to make Su Hang's repairs wave after wave, which is really unbearable.

"What God teaches is that his disciples are ashamed!" Hao Tianqian laughed. He was totally conditioned reflex patting Ma Liusu, where can bear it!

"Is your body better?" Su Hang asked.

"Thank you God for your concern. The disciple is much better. The skill has been restored to seven or eight, no problem!" Hao Tian's face was moved, and he didn't know if he pretended to be.

Su Hang just smiled lightly, "Let Jin'er stare at the two more people. If there is any change, report to me in time."

"Without disciples, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is a hundred times more clever than his disciples, and it must have been arranged." Hao Tian said a word, but it was a nonsense.

Su Hang couldn't stand him a little, "Liu Ruxu and Hongyun, have you gone out of the customs?"

"It should haven't been. The situation is critical now. Should disciples go to knock and ask them to come out and sit down?" Hao Tian asked.

Su Hang listened and shook his head, "No hurry, if there is no big deal, don't disturb them."

Hongyun and Liu Rusu ~ ~ used to help Su Hang obtain massive amounts of energy, forcibly compressing stars, it took a lot of money, I don't know if it hurt the roots, it is such a time to retreat.

In fact, I blamed myself. At that time, I was only trying to get more energy, so I had no restraint. I took one after another. Liu Ruxu was okay. After all, he was a slave to Suhang. There was no complaint. Suhang wanted, She went to fetch it, and most of the red cloud was to show her strength in front of Su Hang, so both of them were so strong, and the consumption would be great.

At this point, Su Hang was unexpected. Although Heavenly Dao Realm is powerful, it is powerful, and even better, there is a limit. Is it not as strong as the avenue?

This time Liu Ruxu and Hong Yun were over-consumed, and Su Hang felt sorry. If it was not necessary, they did not want to trouble them anymore.

Seeing Su Hang shaking his head, Haotian did not dare to say more, but when he thought of the existence of two masters of Heavenly Daojing on Tiandu Peak, his heart was still very stable. Besides, there was no such seemingly omnipotent big man Dao God Emperor?

These days, Haotian felt that following Su Hang was even more reassuring than following his master Hongjun. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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