Super Study God

Chapter 1307: Restless!

"Please, second sister, they are still children, and they are boys." The children said a little uncomfortably. "Besides, there are a lot of handsome guys here, but there is no one who came to talk to you, you are Not disappointed?".

"Smelly mouth." The woman gave the child a white glance. "You still say, don't blame you all, when others see you, you are my son, if you are not with you, are you worried that there is no handsome guy who talks to me?" "

The child curled his lips, "I am a stinky mouth, you are stinky, the two of us are really a family, brother and sister."

The woman listened, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "If it weren’t for my sister, you kid, I’m afraid I’m still following the stinky guy, this guy, be aware of gratitude, especially a little fart kid like you, it’s not cute at all. ."

"I'm not saying you, but I don't want to know women in general." The child rolled his eyes, patted the mud on his hands, and diverged the topic, "Speaking of the second sister, those two old dudes have gone for so long, If you don’t come back, would you be killed?"

"I said, brother, can you not hurt your mouth so much? Sometimes I want to beat you." The woman glared at the child silently. "The two of them have been with me for a long time, don't worry, won't you Something."

He said, stretched out his arms, and waved at the child, "Go over and apply sunscreen to my sister."


The child shouted and came to the woman. The woman turned to lie on the chair and directed the child to rub her on the body. In that scene, I didn't know how many hungry men to envy.

"Hey, I said, what are you doing to provoke him, wouldn't he have a leg with him?" The child asked while greasing the woman unhappy.

"Little fart boy, do you have a leg with me? What do you do? Mao didn't open his eyes. Do you understand?" The woman lay on the chair, squinting, and enjoyed it very much.

"Is there really something?" The child stopped his hand and looked at the woman in surprise. "I said second sister, aren't you kidding me? Boss has spoken to keep you away from him."

"Boss?" The woman listened and didn't care. "Don't mention him. He can't control me now. You're afraid of him. I'm not afraid of him. If it wasn't for the boss to be a terrier, he would have become your second brother-in-law."

"What? What are you talking about?" As soon as the child heard it, he was startled. "Aren't you kidding me? Tell me what's going on."

The woman turned around and gave the boy a burst of chestnuts, "Little ass, little curiosity."

A big red bag swelled up, and the child rubbed his head, almost crying without pain. He was about to say something. Two people came over the corner of the beach.

Seeing the two men, the smile on the woman's face immediately converged and replaced by a cold.

"the host."

The two approached and stood respectfully beside the woman. The hot day, wrapped in a windbreaker and wearing a face towel, Xu was shabby, afraid to scare tourists.

"Why, he didn't come with you?" The woman asked indifferently, with great dignity between her words.


The two men immediately knelt on the sand. "The master has forgiven his sins. The little ones have done their best, but he refused to follow us and begged the master to punish him."

The woman closed her eyes, did not move, and did not speak for a long time. The two men knelt like this, grabbed the ground with their heads, shivering all over them, and dared not look up.

"Get up." After a long time, the woman closed her eyes and raised her hand. "What did he say?"

Two people said, "Back to the master, he said, he said we are not sincere enough, if, if the master wants to see him, might as well go for a trip in person."

At this time, the child said, "You two are too wasteful, they refuse to leave, don't you know to tie him back?"

The two hurriedly said, "If it is someone else, it's okay. The young people are really afraid of it. I'm afraid that they haven't been tied back, but have been tied."

The two were trembling with fear, fearing that the woman would be angry, and kneeling on the ground did not dare to get up.

"After all these years, I still have such a temper and personality."

At this time, the woman's face was slightly curved, "Little brother, it seems that you are going to go with your sister."

The child listened and hesitated, "Then I have to go first, say hello to him in advance, lest you be like a tiger, and swallow him with no bones left, ouch, let go..."

The child's ears were grabbed by the woman before she finished speaking. "Boy, dare to spoil my sister. Be careful, I will make you never grow up..."




Tiandu Peak, Dragon Palace.

Su Hang was holding a bowl of white rice. The table full of food was a little absent-minded.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Su Jin could not help asking if he felt something was wrong.

Su Hang shook his head and dropped the rice bowl in his hand. Red Cloud and Liu Ruxu also stopped and looked over.

"In the past few days, I don't know what happened. I always felt uneasy and my eyelids kept jumping, as if something bad was about to happen." For a long time, Su Hang said such a word.

At the dinner table, several people looked at each other, Su Jin said, "Is my father too tired recently?"

Liu Ruxu said, "Master, don't be anxious about the practice, do it too quickly, it's easy to be born a demon..."

She knows that Su Hang has recently been annoyed by the fact that she has tried to prove her way and break through the heavenly realm. She thought it was too anxious to have this kind of chaos.

Their realm can be much higher than that of Su Hang, especially Liu Rusu, and they are one body with Su Hang. If something bad happens to happen, she has to foresee it first.

Su Hang hammered his head, "Forget it, you I'll go back and rest."

After talking, Su Hang got up and left the seat. Everyone in the seat watched him away with a bowl, and the atmosphere was quiet for a while.



After coming out of the imperial palace, Su Hang walked to his palace. The night had been pulled down, the breeze was practiced, he walked on the road, took a deep breath, full of flowers and plants, and relaxed and happy.

However, Su Hang's heart could not be settled. This feeling had already existed a few days ago, and there was always a hunch that was not flying, and the sky would collapse again and again.

Unconsciously returning to the dormitory and walking into the courtyard, Su Hang suddenly felt his heart beating faster, inexplicably nervous, and the inexplicable feeling of instability became even more intense.

Standing in front of the closed door, Su Hang didn't even give a hand to push the door. A heart seemed to jump out of his throat. The bad hunch was strongly reached its limit.

As if, as if pushing the door open, that bad thing would happen. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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