Super Study God

Chapter 1317: Thinking carefully!

"He expected that we would go to him? So he made preparations early?" Liu Ruxu was a little suspicious at first.

"It's not impossible, who is he, what he can do, I can speculate!" Su Hang paused and said.

At this time, Hongyun said, "I remember!"

"What?" Everyone looked at Hongyun.

Hongyun looked at Liu Ruxu, "Do you remember, when we took away the deity from Dadu that day, we also took a child?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Ruxu's face sank and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had thought of something!

At this time, Su Hang seemed to think of something, "You shouldn't doubt, Xiaoxuan?"

Both of them looked at Su Hang, nodded solemnly, Liu Rusu said, "Yes, master, the avenue was born that day, the slave-servant arrived at the first time, but it was still a step late, and both were turned into ruins. Hongyun also came, we only found two living mouths from Fangdu, one of us was identified as the deity of the avenue, and was sent to Zixiao Palace after the seal, and the other was a survivor, who was also going to send to Zixiao Palace. I met the owner, so I stayed in Suxi."

"We were eager to go to Zixiao Palace at that time, didn't care, and now we want to come, how can there be a live mouth in that situation?" Hongyun said.

At this time, no one can understand the mood of Su Hang. Lin Xiaoxuan, will he really be him? The mother also accepted him as a son!

After careful thought, Suhang felt that all his hair was standing up!

"Whether it is or not, just go back and see!"

Su Hang stood up at the table and couldn't delay any more. He had to go back immediately. One was looking for the murderer, but he didn't want the murderer to be with him all the time. This feeling was terrifying.

Whether it was Lin Xiaoxuan or not, Su Hang did not dare to make a final decision, but Yin Yuer did not say that the man had left this world. Go back and see who is missing, and you can immediately tell.


At this moment, everyone dare not neglect, and immediately hurriedly left with Su Hang!


Earth, Suxi!

The mountain village is as quiet as ever, but in the mountain village, the atmosphere of the old Su family is a bit sad.

The mother sat in the living room and cried in a low voice, looking at the situation as if she were ten years old.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Seeing his mother's appearance, Su Hang had a bad hunch and felt distressed, like someone was pulling his heart.

When Su Hang returned, the mother cried even more sad when she saw her. She was planted in Su Hang's arms, "Xiao Hang, why are you coming back, your brother, he..."

The mother cried so weeping, Su Hang couldn’t help but hug her shoulders, and beside them, Hongliu stood respectfully, and Su Jin, this was the first time he had returned to Suxi and saw his relatives Is the woman in front of her grandmother?

He wanted to go up and call grandma, but he didn't dare, fearing suddenly, and scaring people.

Finally, when the mother was crying enough, Su Hang said, "Mom, what's going on!"

Mom and tears, "Your brother, he's gone..."

"No? Are you saying Xiaoxuan?" Su Hang's heart was up and down at the moment.

The mother cried with tears and said, "I blame my mother for not being good. That day a woman came from the village and said that she was Xiaoxuan's aunt. Xiaoxuan was intimate with her, but I didn't think much about it. And the woman are gone..."

"I didn't see Xiaoxuan coming back at night. I realized something was wrong. Bacheng was abducted, and he quickly called people, and the mountains were looking everywhere..."

Speaking of which, my mother couldn't help crying again!

"Mom, don't cry, and then? Didn't you find it afterwards?" Su Hang asked.

"I found it. I found it the next afternoon!" Mom's voice was so low that she couldn't cry!

"Found it?" Su Hang froze for a moment, but the answer surprised him.

The mother nodded, "found under the Houshan Cliff in Houshan..."

Speaking of this, my mother couldn't talk anymore, and she started crying again, "That scene is too pitiful, there is blood everywhere, only a few pieces of torn clothes, scattered everywhere... …"

"Mom, you mean, Xiaoxuan he..." Su Hang looked at his mother in surprise.

The mother endured the sadness and said, "Xue Lao they found several criminal investigators, saying that they fell off the cliff and were given by the beasts in the mountain..."

Su Hang patted his mother's back, "Mom, don't be sad!"

"Can I not be sad? Xiao Xuan is still so young. He just lost his family and now..."

It can be seen that the mother is very fond of this son, but Su Hang can only sigh in her heart.

"How about them?" Su Hang asked.

When I first came back, I didn't see a few people in the villa.

"Going into the mountains!" said the mother. "Your father is so angry that he has been in the mountains these days. He said he was going to kill the beasts in the mountains and take revenge on Xiaoxuan. Your sister also followed!"

Su Hang looked back at Liu Ruxu and several of them were very dignified on their faces. At this moment, this whole thing seems to be very clear!



Houshan, the ancestral graveyard of the Su family, in these few days, a new grave was added in the corner of the graveyard.

There was new soil buckled on the grave, and there were a few beaches of paper money just burned in front of the grave head.

According to the laws of Suxi’s farmhouses, foreign adoptive babies and babies who died halfway cannot be buried in the ancestral tomb. The old man said that it would be bad luck, which would damage the feng shui of the ancestral tomb.

However, everyone in the family feels that Lin Xiaoxuan is a pitiful child. My mother cried for a night. My dad and the third uncle had been on such a tomb for the night, and renamed Lin Xiaoxuan Su and was buried the next day Sujiazu grave.

Of course, Lin Xiaoxuan's body has been eaten by the beasts in the mountains, so this is just a clothing mound, where some relics of Lin Xiaoxuan are buried, which is a place for relatives in the world to pin their grief.

The family stood in front of the tomb, they were all sorrowful, and Su Hang was sorrowful, but it was not Lin Xiaoxuan who died, but why was he?

I never thought that it would be Lin Xiaoxuan, which was really hurtful. You know, like his family, he regarded Lin Xiaoxuan as a loved one.

At this moment, in the presence of family members, Su Hang did not want to puncture this fact. If he said it, everyone would not believe it, and even if it did, it would only add sadness.

Sometimes, the unknown is also a kind of happiness.

Everyone burned paper in front of the grave. Su Hang took a deep breath and turned back to the side.

"Father, it seems that Aunt Yu is right, out of ten or nine, it's him!" Several people approached Su Hang, and Su Jin lowered his voice to Su Hang. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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